Hollywood's War Against Goodness

Recently, I saw a fan abbreviate Star Trek Discovery as DSC. I responded in the comment section "STD right? Don't cut the non-fan writers any slack who didn't know we abbreviate Trek shows.". Trek fans classically abbreviate shows according to the name Star Trek: The Next Generation is STNG, The Original Series is TOS, etc... So it is postulated that by naming their show Star Trek Discovery and the obvious abbreviation being STD, the new show runners were clueless that fans did this. And hence, would not run a very good show since they themselves were not real fans.


The current trouble surrounding CBS over STD is the Tardigrade lawsuit. The Tardigrade lawsuit is another example of the arrogance of modern Hollywood thinking fan boys will suck down any green walrus slime they squirt at use through their fetid teats. This lawsuit was filed by a lawyer for Anas Abdin, the creator of a 2014 video game called, you guessed it, Tardigrades. In real life Tardigrades are microscopic creatures that resemble a 6 legged hippo. In the game, they allowed you to travel spacetime. And as writers of STD have proved over and over, their writing skills are weak at best, as they directly stole this plot device to use in STD.


As I have stated before, its also clear Hollywood has a cocaine problem. With all the irrational jackass cokeheads I've had the displeasure of dealing with over the years, the way Hollywood has acted as a whole, reeks of nostril candy. The gauge I use to measure this observation is that I have dealt with many a coked up asshole. And you can see in several sci-fi series that have had up to recently, a huge fan following, the "fuck yeah man", style of writing. What I mean is someone will come up with the most insane and lame idea, and everyone at the writers table is so coked up, all they can say is "Fuck yeah man!".


It is this same "cocaine writing" that has ruined Star Wars, Doctor Who, and comic books. When I saw The Last Jedi, I did it without having first seen The Force Awakens. One of the actors in a short film I was shooting is involved in the local Star Wars community. And he appears at events as Darth Vader. So when The Last Jedi premiered he and his Star Wars buddies were in the theater as a greeting crew to movies goers on the film's opening night. And he encouraged me and another one of my actors to see the film. And other than being a mishmash of poor writing and discontinuity hell bent on promoting a feminist agenda, the film very deliberately made the hero of the original trilogy out to be a depressed, dejected, and difficult asshole. Here's a guy who sacrificed everything he had to save the universe from the evil Empire. And he almost was killed by the Emperor himself until his father, Darth Vader, redeemed himself and saved his son by killing said Emperor. And now he's hermit and drinks green walrus teat slime and ran away from the new villains, the First Order? Seems more like he'd be leading the charge. Leaving out Luke after apparently searching for him in the previous film seems more than an oversight. It seems evil and stupid. But, of course the underlying feminist agenda had to kill off the most important male character in Star Wars history to make room for their Bechdel Test driven bullshit.

None of the new Disney era films properly explain how the First Order formed. It's just all a bit too perfect. And well, they had a boatload of good material from the Star Wars Expanded Universe penned in comic books and novels. And the villains are conspicuously similar to the animated Disney villains of the past. The acting and dialogue is very cartoonish and over-the-top.

Doctor Who, in the last few years, unfortunately has also suffered its war against goodness. Peter Calpaldi is a fantastic actor. But, ever since Russel Davies left the series after the successful and wildly popular David Tenant's 10th Doctor, the show has suffered. This cannot solely be blamed on Steven Moffat who was show runner and chief writer during the 11th and 12th Doctor. It is BBC itself that has become such a mouthpiece for the dark tentacles of the Globalists, that at every turn Doctor Who, as a program, was being used to push agendas that bucked the trend of the classical male hero and masculinity. Although there were some great episodes during the Matt Smith era of Doctor Who, Peter Capaldi only had one and a half seasons of good episodes before the agenda driven BBC forced upon it's fans it's Globalist values over telling good stories.


And this all boils down to the Globalist agenda and their use of Hollywood to foist these ideas onto unsuspecting audiences. However, as fans of such epic sci-fi are not a group you want to scorn, fundamentally Hollywood's war against goodness has failed. Fans are walking away from Star Trek, Star Wars, and Doctor Who in droves. And the numbers are actually so bad for Star Trek: Discovery, CBS is rumored to only give it until it's second season before it cancels it all-together. And as the excitement of Star Wars has died down since the initial release of The Force Awakens directed by J. J. Abrams, each successive Star Wars film has done less money in the box office than it's predecessor. And the stand alone Han Solo film was a certifiable flop. Doctor Who has had a diminished audience since fan girls stopped watching when young and good looking Matt Smith's 11th Doctor transformed into Peter Capaldi's older fatherly 12th Doctor. And now with the female 13th Doctor, the show is in a serious tail-spin as many life-long fans feel the show has broken cannon too severely to matter any more. And each Abrams era Star Trek film has dwindled it's box office receipts upon each new release.


As the sci-fi classics lose old fans, they are also drawing in a scattering of newer fans. But, the geek world is primarily filled with good people who value the lessons that classic sci-fi imparted on it's audience. Star Trek gave us bravery, logic, and a hope that humans would be able to work it out here on Earth and go out into the galaxy. Star Wars gave us a classic example of David and Goliath and why you should never quit. Doctor Who's long running theme was to fight tyranny. And fans today young and old still get these lessons. So, if Hollywood has not seen yet that the new versions of these classics have corrupted the goodness of these lessons, it is only a matter of time before new fans move on. And better still, this fall from goodness in these long running franchises, is opening the way for new creators to tell new stories with new characters that focus on providing fans with the goodness we all want to see in our characters and stories.

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