Fuck major upgrades...

in #linux5 years ago

I started to notice some odd behavior with my system a little bit ago. It was working correctly for the most part, but there were a few things that just didn't seem to be working right. Turns out that there was a major piece of software that I had to upgrade manually. That one piece of software caused me to have to rebuild the majority of my system.

Oh what fun!

At least I got the chance to modify a lot of my system on the way. Now Python 3.6 is the main Python. That's nice. I had been trying to do that occasionally for god only knows how long. One or two packages had kept preventing it. But it's about time. I'll just use workarounds for those. Python 3.7 is actually out. I haven't unmasked it, but it's out. So I might as well update my system. Especially since embre didn't even bother to support Python 3.5 with his Drugwars library. It's about time it takes a larger part on my system, rather than just the version I check after literally every other one. I literally check Python 2.7 compatibility before Python 3.6. That's because for whatever reason a ton of libraries didn't support it even just a few months ago. But, finally, most everyone has upgraded their shit.

So, the entire day, while I was sleeping off and on, my system was upgrading, and then I was waking up after hours of it compiling, just to clear a few issues and start another huge load of upgrades...and then pass out again because I stayed up hours past when I should have compiling upgrades. It was really quite horrible.

And the entire time I was worried about stupid DrugWars. Oh what fun. The anxiety of wondering if you're going to be attacked. By some miracle, I wasn't, and when I finally managed to get my system back into a usable state, I bought some nice upgrades to a few...really small resource buildings. You know, this game kinda really sucks.

We all just spend our time waiting to upgrade shit that takes longer and longer to upgrade the next level and more and more resources, which makes us more and more vulnerable, and requires a larger and larger army to defend. It's just stupid. And boring. It's just endless upgrading and fear of losing units that you spent way too many resources on.

I really hope they come up with some ideas on how to upgrade the game so it's more than just building up time and resource delayed buildings and an army to defend those resources.

It's not really that worth it to build up that much of an army other than for defense, because to attack anyone with a substantial number of resources, you are going to likely lose a lot of troops. In all likelihood, many of the best targets will cause you to lose too many resources for it to be worthwhile. So you have to build up a bigger army to destroy them even more, which takes even more time.

I don't know why I was even thinking about this stupid game. Or worried about my stupid troops. It's pretty much only because it takes time to build them up. Basically I'm worried about the game because the game is so fucking annoying.

I think upgrading my system is actually less boring than upgrading my buildings and army in DrugWars. At least when I upgrade my system I get fancy new versions of applications sometimes and am more secure. With DrugWars, I just get more resources and building versions that require more resources to upgrade and more and more time suck into a game that just isn't fun.

But hey! You can register via my link so I can earn back the money I stupidly spent on the game. It's likely going to become harder and harder to earn back money you put in the game, unless the idiots that made this stupid game can come up with something that doesn't suck to upgrade the game with that people want to spend money on.

Part of the problem with upgrading my system, other than the fact that I use an operating system that is compiled from scratch, was that I trashed my use flags. Use flags are used in Gentoo to determine what features you enable in packages. This is really super handy. You see, many packages have very similar things. They support different things that can be clustered under one feature or they all support one application which can be enabled or not. Or they support the X window system or not. (The graphic user interface of Linux.) You can enable or disable all sorts of these features either through system-wise use flags, or package specific use flags. I've had the same system for years. I've refreshed it a bit a few times over the years, but it's still kinda built up a lot of junk. I had to delete a lot of shit I don't really need...and decided that it might be more of a pain to go through all of those old use flags for different applications and deleting all of the ones that I knew were no longer needed. There would be all sorts of other ones that I didn't know I needed to delete, or could. So I just deleted all of my package specific use flags and kept the global ones. Sort of a massive house cleaning with a bulldozer.

When I started rebuilding all of these packages with their new use flags, at one point I ended up having to remove some packages that I actually needed for a functioning system. This would have been okay...if I managed to reinstall them before I had to restart. But then my system started acting weirded and weirder...and I couldn't manage to rebuild one important package. I thought it had to do with my half destroyed operating system...but no...it was just a really weird bug that eventually I found a webpage on how to fix. Unfortunately for me though, that was only after I decided to restart into a LiveUSB to try to chroot in and get those packages upgraded more easily. It wasn't easier. It was just annoying because I didn't have access to all the conveniences of my system.

Then eventually I had to pass out. It all sucked.

And DrugWars sucks.

Just thought I would throw another one of those in there. That game seriously sucks and has no point. It's just endless upgrading.

Screenshot showing EMILE booting Linux on a Macintosh SE/30
By Laurent Vivier 15:53, 20 June 2007
Used under CC BY-SA 3.0

If you didn't know, this is actually very impressive. Running Linux on such an old Mac system is very difficult. Possibly actually even harder now days, as many of the old systems to run linux on such old macs are hard to find and haven't been updated in years.


drugwars.. bane of our existence :D

You use Gentoo!

I've thought about getting into either Gentoo or Arch one of these days, but I'm still using Linux Mint. It's just so dang easy.

Linux is life.


I tried using Linux Mint. I think I lasted 30 minutes. It's really hard to go back to normal Linux after you work with a distro where you can customize everything pretty easily. Only thing that sucks is upgrades and installing new software. If there was a DAPP for Gentoo to compile apps for you, it would be the best OS ever. But that doesn't exist. So it's a pain in the ass. The closest thing is Chrome OS, which is based on Gentoo, and with a bit of hacking, you can turn back into Gentoo. Or just install a few linux apps. Of course, you're mostly dependent on Google for upgrades, so if they don't get around to patching something fast enough you're SOL.

Inspirational! The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any. We steemians must stand together!

Interesting choice of a nickname for a spammer.

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