People Are Just Too Busy To Notice A Simple Act Of Happiness

in #steemiteducation6 years ago

Recently, my daughter has started the cutest thing. When we go out places she waves at everyone. She loves riding in a stroller at stores and on walks. As she rides we pass people and my Little Rabbit waves at each one. It's so sweet and it seems to make her really happy. What makes her even more happy is when someone waves back. Sadly, this is rare.

I noticed recently that people in public really don't notice what's going on around them. At the store for example, people rush around buying their items but are focused on their shopping so much that they don't look around. I went to Walmart on Monday and my daughter was in wonderful form. She sat in the cart and waved and waved and wave at the people passing by....No one noticed. To make sure she got waves I would wave and say "hi" to her and tickle her and she'd giggle. No one noticed those laughs.

Little Rabbit At The Store Being Cute


I know people are busy at the store but as I stared at people's faces there were no smiles. People looked at the shelves for their items but they didn't look at the people around them. It was like everyone was in their own little world. I'm a very perceptive person and I always pay attention to other people when I'm out in public. I tend to notice people's faces and mannerisms and all I saw were people with blinders on.

It was very similar recently when we took our daughter to a local Apple Festival. Little Rabbit was really excited with all the people, tents, music, and other children around. She waved her little hand off in her stroller. The only people to wave back were a few elderly women. I adore the look of joy a person gets when they notice Little Rabbit waving at them. They smile really big and wave back. Little Rabbit will smile and turn her head to the side as if she is being shy but will still keep waving. Sometimes the person will talk to me and Little Rabbit and it's always a really happy moment.

A tiny child waving can bring a simple moment of happiness to a stranger. But our culture has changed in ways that make people blind and unfriendly. I feel like it wasn't always like this. Years ago when I'd go to the store I'd run into person after person I knew. Strangers were friendlier. A trip to the store was social and fun. It was okay to wave at a kid who was waving. Today society is very different. People keep to themselves. We no longer know our neighbors and communities are full of strangers rather than towns of people who know one another.

Fear of strangers and pedophiles is very strong. People don't want to wave at a kid out of fear their parent will take offense. And there is fear parents don't want you interacting with their kid out of fear you are a bad person. When Little Rabbit is with me I know she is safe so I don't worry when someone notices how sweet she is being and comments or waves at her. I honestly wish there were more people who would remove their blinders and notice the innocence and beauty that still exists in the world in the form of a child waving.

Elderly women still have what I'm talking about. Elderly women most often still remember a time when people were friendly and unafraid. They don't fear striking up a conversation with another person at the store and find joy in simple interactions.

Recently, at we took Little Rabbit to the Dukes of Hazzard Festival and she waved at a random elderly women. The woman smiled and waved and said "hey there!" Little Rabbit was so thrilled and reached her hand out like she was saying come here. The woman came over and shook Little Rabbits hand and we talked for a while. We had a nice conversation and learned this woman traveled all over to Dukes of Hazzard Festivals because she loved the show so much. She was such a fascinating person and we met her all because she paying attention and waved back.

I wish more people would stop being afraid of strangers and realize there is a lot of joy in taking off your blinders to enjoy people around you. There are far more good people out there than bad. You don't have to isolate yourself even in public. It's okay to see a kid being sweet and innocent and smile at the fact that kind of beauty exists in the world. Maybe if more people did notice their surroundings the world would be a happier place.

Little Rabbit Waving. I Hope You'll Wave Back.

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👋👋👋 I am waving back! I feel the same as you do. People aren't as friendly and outgoing as they used to be. Everyone is too busy to notice kids and the beauty of their smiles and innocence. I wish we could go back to those simpler times...

I wish we could go back to the 70s and 80s. Things started changing in the 90s I think. When the internet then cell phones people started to disconnect with one another. The news changed to be 24 hour coverage featuring murderers and terrorists. People have grown scared. I wish we could go back to a simpler time too.

Even here in Minnesota, it has gotten that way. Then you add the zombies into the mix. You know the ones; walking slowly and poking at their phones, oblivious as life passes them by...

I did see some people goggling over a kid in a high chair today.

Aww that is so sad and she is soo cute in the video!!20181012_192419.jpg

Our life has come a bit in a sad world, where simple, beautiful situations are unnoticeable. People run somewhere looking at the phone or think only about themselves.

I am waving back.

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