It is time for the digital currency to feel tangible for everyone and ZEST has been able to know it

Hello Steemians! how are you on this wonderful day! hoping you had a wonderful weekend on this special day I stop by the great social network of steemit to talk about a very novel project and with a very sincere and dedicated front which will help our blockchain ecosystem to improve it and thus give it better use of cryptocurrencies! This project has caught my attention for its focus thanks to being Scalable, Effective & Platform Ready is about Zest! come and meet this great project! do not forget that if you have doubts about this you can do it in the comment box and thus be able to help you whenever you can! as you can also be inside the great discord community where the developers are attentive 24 hours a day to help you and answer your possible questions.


Zest Coin

Zest aims to decode cryptocurrencies for the everyday consumer, making the safest form of monetary transactions feel even safer. Rudimentary computer skills and common sense is all it takes to use Zest’s proprietary approach to Dedicated Masternodes. Each Dedicated Masternode Pool is built on the principles of altruism and giving back to the global community, establishing Zest as the world’s first cryptocurrency designed for cyclical good. Whether it’s providing support down the block or across country borders, each fund will give back to global initiatives across five key pillars to create value for both Zest members and the causes they believe in.


Why really Zest?

In what problems does Zest work?

  • Embezzlement & Fraud

  • High Inflation Rates

  • Transparency of Fund Allocation

  • Diluted CoinPrices

  • Unsustainable Rewards

  • Soliciting Public Donations

Learn about the solutions Zest offers
Zest’s Smart Growth Approach was reverse engineered to address the fundamental problems highlighted by strategically lowering the amount of Masternodes allocated to the initial team and creating Dedicated Masternode Pools, which offer applicable benefits to Zest’s platform and its users. During Zest’s pre-mine, we will allocate 30 Masternodes, or 75,000 ZestCoins, to our Dedicated Masternode Pools (six Masternodes for the Rapid Relief Pool, six Masternodes for the Scholars Pool, six Masternodes for theAccelerated Athletics Pool, six Masternodes for the Prosperity Pool, and six Masternodes for Club Zest), which are executed through internal and external initiatives with examples highlighted below.

Masternodes are a tool to be used on the network and have been drastically underutilized by prior projects. One of the fundamental problems concerning Masternode coins are teams designing the use cases using the same methodology of thought surrounding how they can be implemented and used. Masternode coins often lure investors into their platforms by noting characteristics such as “dark-send, instant transactions, and eco-friendly.”; however, our research suggests these have become overused. With Zest, we have reverse engineered the current understanding of how masternodes are traditionally used to construct a self-sustaining platform that harnesses the power of blockchain technology to benefit all global users.

At Zest, we are self-reliant through the use of our Dedicated Masternode Pools, which allow us to generate funds without the need for external donation or sponsorship. Zest’s Dedicated Masternode Pools allow The Zest Foundation to mine its coins, then in turn, trade them for BTC and fiat, which support the external initiatives.


Learn in detail the Allocation Block Reward.

Zest is an intuitive, easy-to-use network that uses a fixed block reward system of 80% to Masternodes, 15% to coinholders and 5% to The Zest Foundation.

  • 80% Masternodes: Any coinholder who owns more than 2,500 ZestCoins can stake them as collateral to run a Masternode. Masternodes act as a bridge between transacting parties, running consistently and autonomously in-wallet as they maintain constant communication with other Masternodes to ensure the network is kept safe and decentralized. A Masternode’s coins act as collateral ensuring their owners are compelled to approve only valid transactions or risk having their coins reclaimed and holdings devalued. This method of protection, combined with staking ensures that Zest’s protocol optimizes security and suppresses network attacks. Masternode owners are the lifeblood of Zest – exclusive members of the community who help inform how Zest grows and what causes it supports. As a collective, The Zest Foundation and Masternode owners work together to determine a) which internal initiatives Zest should pursue through votes cast on the blockchain, and b) which external initiatives across the five Masternode pools the Zest community funds every fiscal year.
  • 15%Staking: A coinholder, or “staker,” in industry terms, collects passive rewards on any amount of ZestCoins in their wallet. By simply visiting any affiliate exchange, users can purchase ZestCoins and store them in their Zest desktop wallet, where the coins “stake” and verify other parties’ transactions to earn more coins for the holder, hands-free.
  • 5% Zest Foundation: The Zest Foundation is the blockchain’s bedrock, designing and executing initiatives that provide meaningful value to its users on a global scale. Furthermore, the foundation provides the guidance necessary to make sure the company continues to deliver on its unique mission statement, whether that is through research and development or helping Zest to reposition within the evolving landscape of cryptocurrency.
How Zest Does Better

Prosperity Pool

Being part of the platform means you have a say. The Dedicated Prosperity Masternode Pool looks to support nonprofits and charitable organizations that aim to further the public good and focus on quality of life for affected peoples and regions around the world. After nominees are shortlisted and voted on, the recipients are revealed and receive the total amount of funds (Masternode coin earnings exchanged into BTC or Fiat) found in the Prosperity Pool, allowing them to continue their good work as Zest continues to grow ours.
  • Environmental Conservation and Protection
  • International NGOs
  • Medical Research Charities
  • Wildlife Conservation Organizations
As business and non-profit partnerships begin to roll-out in 2018, Zest will continue to create and maintain an inclusive community that users can benefit from.

Accelerated Athletic Pool

Being global doesn’t mean you can’t contribute locally. The Dedicated Accelerated Athletic Masternode pool aims to provide access, opportunity, and support to groups and individuals interested in sport as both a recreational and professional endeavour. Whether it’s helping local youth organizations afford equipment or a team trying to fund their practice times, Zest aims to elevate athletes of all natures to the next level.
  • Purchasing a year’s worth of supplements for an elite athlete
  • Funding practice times for a youth soccer organization
  • Building sport facilities in an impoverished area
  • Sponsoring a junior hockey team in their inaugural quest for the championship
  • Sponsoring youth sport tournaments by providing nutritional food for all players
  • Subsidizing sport clinics in the summer and after-school initiatives for low-income athletes
Like the Prosperity Pool, Masternode owners and the general public can recommend athletic organizations or individual athletes they want to see the Dedicated Athletics Masternode Pool support. The chosen individual(s) or organization(s) are then allocated an appropriate amount of Masternode coin earnings exchanged into BTC or Fiat. This amount will vary depending on the required need, and Masternode owners will vote on Zest’s blockchain to decide on the total sum given.

Scholars Pool

A fund to find the next generation of thinkers. The Dedicated Scholars Masternode Pool awards scholarships equal to one year’s worth of tuition for exemplary individuals looking to pursue post-secondary school education. Whether in nanotech, botany, or needlework, any individual with passion and purpose can apply. The Zest Foundation will blind screen each applicant both in the review and voting process to rule out any inherent prejudice or unconscious bias, ensuring the process is as transparent and equitable as the practice Zest preaches. Furthermore, an application will be made available on the Zest website for all looking to submit.

Zest will also be holding various post-secondary engagement activities throughout the year. The goal of these engagement activities will be to help alleviate the costs associated with postsecondary education.

  • Pizza subscription for a semester
  • Monthly care packages sent to students
  • Spring Break vacation paid for
  • Groceries for the semester
  • Rent assistance for the semester
  • Books purchased for the semester
  • Dream room renovation
Any remaining balance of funds is held over to the following year to grow the Scholars Pool for the next batch of applicants.

Rapid Relief Pool

Funds on-hand means help comes sooner. The Dedicated Rapid Relief Masternode Pool aims to help vulnerable citizens in emergency situations by allocating funds to global and local organizations capable of providing just-in-time support services. In the event of natural and man-made disasters, Zest uses reserved funds to enable help in any form required, whether that’s evacuation support, temporary housing, food and water, or beyond. Zest aims to make a meaningful difference when people need it most.
  • Geological Disasters (Earthquakes, Sinkholes, Volcanic Eruption)
  • Hydrological Disasters (Floods, Tsunamis)
  • Meteorological Disasters (Blizzards, Droughts, Heat Waves)
  • Catastrophic Technological Disasters (Nuclear Reactor Meltdowns)
Any unused funds will be retained in the Rapid Relief Pool to help facilitate timely and impactful responses for future disasters.

Club Zest

A fund dedicated to sponsoring our Masternode Owners. Do you own a Zest Masternode and require funding to propel yourself in front of the big stage? Club Zest is an interactive way for Masternode owners to be sponsored by our platform. Whether it’s participating in a marathon or entering a gaming contest, Zest wants to sponsor our Masternode owners and gear them up for their dreams. For example, own a Zest Masternode and have a friend trying to bring their game to the next level? Nominate them and tell us what they want to accomplish. Furthermore, the goal of this fund is to offer an avenue for our Masternode owners to develop and achieve their goals through sponsorship and support by the Zest platform. Applications are vetted by the Zest Foundation, and applicable individuals will be contacted to further the interview process.
  • Marathon / Triathlon fees
  • Extreme Sports
  • Skills Camp Fees
  • Local Community Projects
Any unused funds will be retained in the Club Zest fund to help facilitate future sponsorships in the following quarter.
Learn about the transfer of funds
Zest will provide full transparency on the funds being allocated from the Dedicated Masternode Pools to the charities and non-profits located around the globe. ZestCoins from the Dedicated Masternode Pools will be converted into the proposals’ specified amount of Bitcoins. The proposals’ Bitcoin values are then sent in Bitcoins to charitable and non-profit organizations that accept Bitcoin as donations to enable their efforts. Furthermore, through the utilization of the Zest website, the sent transaction hash will be made public to verify that the funds have been properly allocated to the correct organization.

In cases where the charitable and non-profit organizations do not accept Bitcoin, Zest will utilize Coinbase to help facilitate the exchange of Bitcoin into the organization’s native fiat currency. Additionally, Zest will then provide public records during our annual general meeting of these transactions to verify these fiat funds have reached the intended organization


Let's talk about the currency

Fix your eyes on Block Rewards




Meet the team


Zest Roadmap


Block Explorer


Let's talk a little about the discord and zest

I have paused here and stopped to talk about Zest's discord and why? As everyone knows, the discord has become something unchallengeable for people who are with cryptocurrency projects and it is where there is more traffic of people and communities! that is why there are many social networks and essential platforms where they talk about the projects but take discord as the main one since in addition to having all the information of the project is where we gain the confidence of the people to believe in Zest! since we will always have contact with the developers and moderators where always on a daily or weekly basis updates of the project increase! and it gives clear example that something is legitimate since we will always have them in contact and they are a real and sincere project! In addition to all these wonders as I have said in the we can find in an orderly way on their respective channels all the information and latest updates as well as the possibility of talking to the whole community about the Zest project! hoping that soon they add their own bot and rewards for the users that we love Zest!


Well techno friends of steemit! this was my publication of today that for sure many will call your attention because it is something very excellent that has to call the attention more than one here! but if you want to know more about this, do not hesitate to contact me or leave it in the comments box!


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