From a slave to a master, chapter # 56 - Living in the sublime Now moment

in #memoir5 years ago

A Memoir

Living in the ordinary reality, before arriving at the gate to the kingdom of love and crossing it, has taught you to handle your relationships’ problems in a certain and specific way. When you felt lonely, either before a relationship was created or right after a break-up, and you wanted hence to create for yourself a relationship, you had to project into the future. You had to get out from your normal reality, from the present, and to travel in your mind and imagination to the unformed and unclear vacuum of the future. Then, based on your personal thoughts of what would become you created the future. Or so you thought.


Credit: Kendal Murray

For example, when a young teenager girl had met at the beginning of a school year a classmate whom she liked, she thought and preplanned the maneuvers she would do to make him notice her presence. For that aim she used every available means, like the mutual friends they have, the class time-table etc. Or for example, when a young woman dates a man whom she loves for quite some time, she begins thinking about their common future together; how and when their wedding will take place, where will they live, how many children they will have, the nature of their relationship and so on.

Men as well plan by turning to the future. For instance, when a quarrel arises and the couple breaks up for a while, the man, attempting to peace his spouse, may send her flowers while thinking about her reaction once she receives them and planning the following steps: the things she would say and do, what might happen in their next meeting, etc.

The point is that in the dualistic reality, the individuals – You – were imprisoned in memories of the past and in order to create the things to come, the foundation for the morrow, you have projected yourselves into the future. Incidentally, en-mass, the future of humanity is the assimilation of the common visions that people have for the future.

Then, as specifically described in previous posts, there came a phase in your life when you decided that your love life were not satisfying anymore and thus you wanted something else, something grander. You decided to leave behind everything that was recognized and known, to adopt new beliefs and ways of life and to embark on a journey towards the Kingdom of love. Only one thing accompanied you - the fact that you decisively trusted yourselves. And since your logical mind has told you that if you would only allow the journey to take place with no maps, with no guidance and with no tools you might be gravely disappointed and reach a catastrophic disaster, the first days of your journey were tensed, stressed and full of fears.

Nevertheless, you trusted the process and released. Slowly you noticed that your experiences did indeed change, that the events were not as they used to be, new people entered your life; weird challenges appeared, memories from the past, sensations and hidden thoughts ascended and a new world was opened to you. You’ve discovered that the days are likely to bring for you new experiences and therefore you lived each day one by one, underwent each moment distinctively, without worrying how to navigate your way to Realization, without worrying what the change that you went through might bring for you.

You simply have begun to live in the now moment. You learned to remain in the present, in the moment of the now.

Thus, the third principle that you are requested to adopt is to live in the sublime now moment. Life in the present, without planning, without thoughts about the future, without consistent worrying of what will happen, will bring peace and inner serenity to you and will manifold encouraging and reassuring feelings of inner joy.


The world will not understand

There will be many who will not be able to understand what you’re doing and will continue to create their future by thinking about the days of their morrow. Such living will be perfectly appropriate for them since they still would be living on the other side of the gate. For you, though, Realization demands that you harness a different kind of strength, a force that exists only in the now moment, and in order to contain it you must first give up the planning and thoughts. There will be numerous moments in which the temptation to plan the days ahead, the wedding date, the circumstances of your proposal, will be enormous. It will be real enticing to fear the future, you will want to run next scenarios in your heads, but the bottom line says that the road to Realization demands living in the present, in this moment, the moment of the now.

  • Indeed it is not a simple challenge. You’ve got used to lying fully awake on your bed every night and plan the next day, to worry about what might happen, and to inflict your wants on the unfolding of the day to come. Through your heads you used to run pictures and images from the preceding day, the things your children said, people who made you upset, moments when you laughed, those who hurt your feelings at work and how you would pay them back once you see them again.
  • Specifically you became used to worry about your relationships. If you were single you thought what was wrong with you, if you did anything on that day to find love and what would you do tomorrow to achieve the goal. If you were in a relationship then you worried If your spouse still loved you, what was needed to be done to make the relationship last, was your spouse faithful and so on.

And Now however you are requested to retrain your minds to a different way of thinking and it’s not going to be easy. The change will not happen over night.

Living in the now moment is without judgment

Why? because the sublime now moment is complete unto itself and no exterior ingredient but the existence itself would ever be needed to make it whole. It is a serene and silent moment in which you could feel Love washing through your human self. Neither tiring meditation exercises are needed nor Yoga harsh postures. It is much simpler and only asks that you BE. Make your thoughts lull, feel naught, plan nothing, forget the hardships of your days and merely BE in the moment you are now in.

Staying in the now moment would cause meaningful and significant physical changes. Using your consciousness you would order a molecular and genetic rearrangement of the cells. A new physical balance would be created by the living in the now moment which in due time would magnetically attract to you only the events and objects that could match the self that you will have become. All the things that you would need and which would be appropriate for your life on those moments would effortlessly arrive at your doorstep, literally. You would not need to seek partners, you would not need to battle for their love and care and certainly you would not need to convince them to remain with you. Everything would simply happen by itself according to your specific reality. Your physical body will align itself to become a magnet which would fast and effectively draw to you resources. Moreover, your body will be free at last from the burdens of the mind and so would be able to heal perfectly any physical scars as well as emotional traumas or other psychological imprints. In time, the aging process itself would be reversed as well.

A new balance

It will be not linear, not a one for one, an eye for an eye kind of mechanism. As said, living in the kingdom of love is non-dualistic and that brings ascension, a crossover, above and beyond contradiction. This crossing bypasses the duality and does not merely get over it. Therefore the duality itself is appropriately not annihilated but ascends to a higher level.

To date, it was fashionable to think that man and woman are two sides of the same whole; that every individual (being it a man or a woman) has a counterpart who completes him to the maximum possible accuracy and when such merging is created TrueLove happens. Next, it was claimed that neither man nor woman are half entities but that they are complete. The man embodies a complete masculine energy and the woman embodies a complete feminine energy. Once a reunion is created TrueLove happens, the two wholes merge into a bigger whole which is greater than the sum of its parts. However, such description, romantic as it may be, deserves further elaboration.


Credit: tccl


Unity of the world begins with You

The purpose of the cognitive process that you currently engage with is to transmute you to become individuals who ultimately would contain both types of energy that are the feminine and the masculine. Evidently you will not grow two reproduction systems or two sets of sexual organs, nor will you grow hair on your face (if you are a woman) or breast (if you are a man). While each person will maintain his or her sexual orientation, their personality with its mental and emotional attributes will assimilate the other gender’s energetic patterns. With time, such transformation will harmonize the relationship between man and wife and the humanity kinship in general.

Since people would energetically identify with their peers, much more understanding, caring and thoughtfulness would be demonstrated. Men would cease to complain that they don’t understand women and females would cease to whine that their spouses don’t know what they want. The new gained balance between two complete essences would transform the duality from a situation in which one plus one equals two to one plus one equals four. The two spouses would not physically merge into one entity, not yet, but would combine their two complete substances into quadruple balanced entity.

The third principle then can be justly considered the most important and most demanding among the three for it would place daily challenges. Your devotion and dedication to the process, to yourself and to your awaiting TrueLove, will most surely produce tangible results and will grant you the most longed for soothing feeling of unity and sharing.

And that was principle number three.


A note

It is pointless to be hasty in the implementation of the principles; the order of their assimilation is equally meaningful. It would be better, though, to work with them all at the same time and to observe the mutual influence that one has upon the other. It would also be very important to remember that change takes time. The fact that you began the process does not mean that the results can be immediately seen on the physical level. When you choose to travel to a distant country and take a plain you understand that the sheer boarding does not herald the arrival and you must go through the process of flying itself. Likewise, the reunion with your TrueLove begins with the knowing that patience is required and on the way one can expect turbulences, fatigue and sometimes surprises.



Thank you again, I really do study, ponder and put into practice your spiritual teachings. I think it is probably nice to offer some feedback now and again.
What you say about the two becoming a balanced four rings with truth for me. I embrace too this idea of developing both the masculine and feminine in each being.
Today, even before reading here I have been pondering how to not push "mind," out of the equation and how to bring mind into harmony with heart and now living. I do like what you have written about this now living requiring no judgment and it does seem to me that our minds can be reassigned tasks, or changed in how life and being is approached. Perhaps, you have a suggestion?

Feedback is always welcome, @kimberlylane.🙏
In your question you are referring to the holy grail. The contemporary trend called mindfulness is built around the understanding that the mind must be quieted, tamed. For the most part those who practise mindfulness see it as a means to release stress. However, setting one's attention on the now moment releases the grip of gravity, allows energy to flow more naturally and ultimately creates changes.
It's difficult! Try yourself to focus your attention, in the now, just for five minutes, without being distracted. It takes much practise and the more one is rational and intelligent the harder it is to stop the mind chatter.
A suggestion? Just to do it. To practise. Find ways that work for you, small exercises that help you remain in the now. Focusing on the breathing is something I use regularly.

Okay, I accept the challenge, stop thinking about it and just do it :)

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