The Processes Of Turning Dreams Into Reality [Part 2/3]

in Project HOPElast year

Having a dream is one thing, no doubt, but the greater duty lies in seeing to its actualization. Everyone may have the ability to dream but what makes the difference is putting actions into it to turn it into reality. The only thing that can prove to anyone that your dream is potent is the result you can show for it. A few days back, we saw how one can turn their dreams into reality in the first episode and we shall be continuing in it. One thing to know is that the responsibility to make your dreams to come true lies in your hands and your have to take the responsibility.


Image from Pexels

1. Break the dream into smaller bits (micro dreams)

There are times that going after a particular dream may seem like an uphill task, but when you break it into bits of micro dreams and then take actions on one of them per time, it will become easier to fulfil it. More so, there is a kind of excitement that comes when you fulfil a micro dream, not only does it bring you zeal but it serves as an encouragement and oomph to pursue after the next one. Instead of taking a dream as a whole and not sure of the result, it is better to make it easier and simplified by taking one micro dream at a time. Trying to go after many dreams at the same time might become counterproductive, but taking one at a time may lead to ease of fulfilment of the dream.

If you have a dream to become an orthopaedic surgeon for example, you cannot jump into residency and become a surgeon, you have to go through primary school first, then secondary, and when you are done with that, you will enrol into college of medicine for the general medical degree, after which you will go for your residency and specialty. It is after a step is fulfilled that the next step becomes accessed and that is the pathway to the fulfilment of the ultimate goal. If your dream looks too big, then try taking it bit by bit.

One thing to also give you the zeal to pursue after the next dream is by celebrating the success of the first one no matter how little it may look. Celebrating the little steps that you take is necessary in order to give you the encouragement for other steps. Note this; in the journey to the realisation of your dream, no step is little. What you may look at as a little step may be the step that will hold the key to your breakthrough. When you take that seemingly small step and succeed at it, try to celebrate the small wins. Learn not to commonize your little wins, they are unique and special, and should be celebrated.

2. Focus on your dreams and do not compare other people's dreams to yours.

When one is driving and looking at every car that passes and every signpost, he will lose speed and even be at the risk of crashing. But when he is concentrated on where he is going without being distracted, then he will gain speed and accuracy. In the same way, when you are pursuing after your dream, you need to be focused and do not allow other people's dream to distract you. One of the major distractors is comparison. The moment someone begins to compare another person's dream to their own, then the person is not yet read to get his his own fulfilled.


Image from Pexels

If you allow what you see or what is flying around the social media (where everyone seems to be achieving milestones) to get to your head, you will think you are not doing very well and you may even be disappointed at your dream. One thing you need to know is that many people do not show you the other sides of their hustles but they want you to believe they are doing amazingly well. More so, they may have privileges that you may not be aware of, so comparing yourself to them will only end up in putting yourself under undue pressure.

Your dream is not hinged on someone else's dream, so do not allow anyone to dictate the standards which your dream should follow. Your are uniquely different and you have something unique to offer, not just to be a copy of someone else. Even when your friends or even your peers seemed to be making it or achieving some mind-blowing feats, it should not breed comparison, rather it should serve as a motivation to pursue after your own dream.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


You have said all, and its all true. Having a dream alone will not cut it but following the process you listed will help one attain it. Thanks for sharing

Thanks for the kind words buddy @lebey1

Breaking our big dreams into smaller bits, is a good way to monitor our progress and while we work on reaching our goals bit by bit, in no time we would have accomplished even the big dreams.

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