STEEM: Are You A Limited Thinker???

in #steem6 years ago

One thing about mentally residing somewhere between 2025 and 2030 is that the mind quickly learns to expand. Over the past few years, the pace of certain technologies is completely stunning. I know a couple of technologies that were slated to have prototype systems by the years 2023 and 2025, yet both have systems out now.

Studying technology the way I did over the past decade led me to open my mind up. As I look out over the next 20 years, the possibilities are astonishing. The average person really has no idea what is coming nor how it will change life for every person on this planet. What was "being realistic" just a few years ago now is completely out the window.

Many look at STEEM and take it at face value. It is a cryptocurrency that has no value since it is not widely offered on a ton of exchanges. The fact that the development team is taking so long to bring out the upgrades we all anticipate means it is shot. It is just a social networking site that is stuck in the 1990s.

It is this thinking which will cause one to get run over.

Limiting one's thinking in this era is going to cause plenty of missed opportunities. It is not business as usual anymore. The entire world is going to be online within a decade. That will double the amount of people with access to the world's knowledge base. At the same time, it doubles the amount of creativity and ingenuity we can tap into.

There are some very creative people on this blockchain. We saw that already. The question is are you limited by what you are thinking? Do you have the belief that there are unlimited possibilities with this blockchain?

A month ago, if asked, would you have believed that "get paid for walking" would be part of a blockchain that was designed to reward content creators, would you have answered in the affirmative? Or would you chosen the negative not believing it possible?

Whatever the choice it is not relevant since this blockchain does have an application that rewards people for walking. Coming under the SMT program, we are seeing a shift from content reward to action reward. The later is a much bigger realm.

The reason I bring this all up is because we are at the edge of some incredible things. To maximize the potential here, we need to surround ourselves with those who can see things in a much bigger way. I am not referring so much to token price although that will be part of it. Instead, I am focusing upon the mindset that STEEM is the blockchain of possibilities.

We have the technical power behind us. This blockchain is capable of handling a lot of traffic. The development is focusing upon the back end to ensure that it can take hundreds of millions of users. For this reason, I can wait for a few of the goodies to be delivered.

Do you understand what the tokenized economy is and what that means for this blockchain? The SMT protocol is going to turn STEEM into a token factory. I cannot tell you the number of times a week I see a certain project that sounds interesting only to find out it is in Ethereum. Why is that? Most likely that was chosen because of the ERC20 protocol. When looking at the two blockchains in terms of capability, it is no contest. CryptoKitties on STEEM would not even get this blockchain breathing hard.

That does not mean those projects would necessarily end up on STEEM. However, I feel that, when comparing what is offered between the ERC20 and SMT, it is not even close. ERC20 gets one a token; that is it. SMT provides so much more.

I wrote a post that "content" on the STEEM blockchain could be just about anything. It could be a ride in an autonomous vehicle; it could be a hotel room; as we found out, it could be steps walked. This opens up a host of possibilities on this blockchain.

Over the next few years, there will be thousands of experiments of all kinds. Some will not be successful while others will work out. Not everything is going to the moon. The question is how many are aiming for moonshots? That is the starting point to all success.

It is easy to be a naysayer. No genius is required to point out what is wrong with anything in life. There are always a millions reasons why something big is not going to work out. Yet it only takes one reason why it will to make it a success. This provides the motivation and determination.

This entire industry is in its infancy. We have not scratched the surface. Our community is small but dedicated. We can see this simply by looking at the daily activity on here. Many of the naysayers departed as the price dropped. They actually believe that things are not going well. Funny, from my view, STEEM is on an incredible roll. The development on here is progressing at a tremendous rate. Perhaps Ethereum is outpacing STEEM in that regard. Nevertheless, I console myself to the fact that if any of those projects become successful, they will not be able to operate since the system will be gassed...again.

On STEEM, we can throw what we want at it. I believe the record is about 2.5M transactions in a day and we didn't even reach 1%. Bitshares, which is built on similar architecture, did over 5M and experienced nothing like Ethereum. That is our golden goose. We have such upside.

Given these tools, the only thing standing in the way of success is our mindset. If we continue to bicker, dwell on the negative, complain without solutions, or give up, then we, as a blockchain, stand a chance of drifting off into the abyss.

On the other hand, if we realize that we are sitting atop the Autobahn while Bitcoin and Ethereum are dirt roads with potholes in them, then we can begin to ponder what is possible. In spite of challenges, which there are quite a few on here, the potential for some amazing things exists. Just seeing what some of the developers on here came up with is pretty impressive. I can't wait for the day when there are 5-10 times the number of them.

It is time to cast off the mental limitations we have. This entire industry is going to penetrate most aspects of commerce and individual lives. In a decade, everyone who is online will be dealing with blockchain. Most of the economy will be tokenized with that being the common form of finance. Sprinkle in a bit of machine learning for good measure and we might be onto something big.

And it all starts in our minds. Are we stopping the process before it even gets started?

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"The average person really has no idea what is coming nor how it will change life for every person on this planet". As we discussed yesterday AI will be complemented/boosted by blockchain technology and so will many other things. People always tend to see where is the immediate value of a coin, because we live in a disrupted world where all that matters is money and more money. But projects like STEEM have a long term reach.

Coincidence enough, yesterday I saw this video:

Funny, they talk about some things that will happen to technology.

WOW that was inspiring! in India when they finish that 500 million person fiber network, they said more people would have smartphones and internet than electricity in their homes! WOW! 6.1 BILLION internet users!

"WOW" was exactly my reaction, and the most incredible part is the fact that those things are not simple predictions, they are very close to happen.

And I thought internet had too many users already.... :D

I was a believer of the crypto revolution but now I am in doubt after reading so many people saying that it is going to end or will be of zero worth in couple of years. What is keeping you so optimistic about this?

The crypto revolution is in its toddlerhood now! Global adoption of blockchain technology is what is beginning to happen! The things 'slowing' it down is regulation and teething problems! Once you see Technology that we know today like Facebook and Twitter use and implement something like smart tokens you'll know that it's finally there...Cryptocurrencies were never primarily meant to be for investment and that's what everyone looks at! In the end it is the usefulness of a coin for instance, using it as a major currency that is what will change the world!

@jsonknightlee ... you are right when we talk theory but when we see this practicaly there are multiple opinions which are causing FUD.

It's simple. It gives more speed and value. The rest is Stone Age.

Speed ... if we take internet banking as example without boundaries of country transfer, speed is there too but security is the only concern.

What are you talking about? Blockchains being insecure or what? Your text is confusing

Talking about cryptocurrencies here, do you think these are going to survive and lead as financial payment solution by beating banking system? Or this is going to merge in the banking sector or cypto phenomenon is going to die. Blockchain technology is not being discussed here.

You reply is confusing this time, hope you have read it :S

Listen to the mainstream masses for advice? Lol.

Listning and reading about this is making me confuse, from a believer to non-believer now :p

think of the blockchain like the internet. The viability of any given website is largely irrelevant because the internet is a technology that fundamentally alters the nature of our social and economic world. The blockchain is like that. The price of any given coin doesn’t matter that much in the long term because the blockchain is a fundamental technological shift that will alter the world.

@lucious thanks for replying, the way you have explained it is more easy to understand.

Millennials are not going to be at all resistant to crypto.

Resistant to crypto? Meaning they will be all in right? Us Millenials and Gen Y Gen Z types are ALL in crypto, we KNOW fiat is a sca,m its not about us liking crypto, its just about us being SMARTER and MORE EDUCATED access to MORE INFOAMTIOn

fuckl all the baby boomer 9/11 iraq war bailout causing fucks who talk shit about MY generation when the BABY BOOMERS were the ABSOLUTE WORST spoiled BRATS

Steem issa blockchain for the YOUNG DEVELOPING WORLD

Issa Blockchain Gang

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I have a way to encourage Witnesses to make a difference. I have a collective of like minded people that will vote the witness that can make change happen. I would like for you to join. All I ask is for you to use a witness vote on the witness that gets STEEM or SBD listed on a major exchange. This is only 1 baby step of many to come.

We also need to have a real exchange created and operated by Steemit Inc. I wrote an article about all the benefits. Here are the highlights.

  1. Steemit Inc can profit massively from running an exchange. This would support operations even when the price of STEEM is down.
  2. They can make STEEM a common trading pair with everything else. This doesn't exist and would make STEEM a powerful currency like Bitcoin and Ethereum.
  3. Excess revenue can fund our reward pool, witness reward pool, or both. This would support all Steemit users and foster growth.
  4. A Steemit Exchange will bring in huge numbers of new Steemit users. This would provide Steemit dominance with all the other competition emerging and grow value.

Excellent article. I continue to hope that your words will become prophetic. Good luck to you and Love.

Отличная статья. Я продолжаю надеяться, что ваши слова станут пророческими. Удачи Вам и Любви.

Most people have this notion of "I'll believe only if I see" but by then it will almost be too late and end up just being a consumer with a lot of regrets as to how that revolution slipped through your fingers.

I read on the road,"It's better late than never reaching your destination." :p

You make a good case.

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