PHCTOP 3 Spooky Characters - October Edition - ooowWWoooooWoooo!

in #phctop35 years ago

So it's time once again for the monthly PHC Top3 Contest, with an October theme of "Spooky!" I actually had to dig deep - really deep - on this one because, as much as I love Halloween, I typically do not watch horror movies. To this day I've never seen any of the Friday the 13th's, Nightmare on Elm Street's, or any of the ilk. No Scream. Hellraiser. Nada. Just don't watch them.

With this in mind my selections might be a little odd for the theme, but these are three characters that certainly had it in for me.

  1. This person.


Really, do I need to say more? Just looking at this picture as an adult still sends shivers down my spine. When I say that I didn't watch horror movies, it probably started with having actually watched this one and probably not having slept for three days afterward, and then only fitfully so while curled up under five blankets with a small army of flashlights.

I had a stereo system in my bedroom at this time. One night - not long after watching this movie - the speakers began to hum all on their own accord. I'm surprised I didn't lose control of my bowels. True story. I was freaked.

  1. These freaky robots from the Six Million Dollar Man/Six Million Dollar Woman


Seriously. These robots gave me the heebiejeebies as a child and never failed to cause me to run for cover while wailing in such a way to put a banshee to shame. I think it was because their faces were always being ripped off, and there was something about that round shaped sucker mouth that freaked me out. If I was making a horror movie today, it would include a face like that.

  1. The biggest, baddest voodoo daddy of em all:


Darth Vader in Episode 4: A New Hope, is just an antagonist. There's nothing really evil or scary about him. In the confines of The Empire Strikes Back, however, he's beyond scary. When Han and Leia and group walk into the banquet hall to find him standing there you know nothing good is about to happen. Even as a child, when he invites them in to eat, you know it's very much a "last meal" invitation. This movie showed Darth Vader for the pure force of evil he really was.

And there they are. My top 3 "scare the *** out of me" characters.

(c) All images and photographs, unless otherwise specified, are created and owned by me.
(c) Victor Wiebe

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Yep, still get the shivers just looking at her. I will be awfully surprised if Linda Blair does not top the list for this month. If that movie didn't scare you a little, you might just be a psychopath. 😂 Those robots are definitely a little freaky, as well. AI scares the bejeesus out of me in theory. Robots taking over is all too big of a possibility for it not to get me a little spooked. Brilliant choice on Darth Vader, as well! One I wouldn't have thought of, but can very much appreciate. Especially before I knew what was underneath the mask. Good luck in the polls!

Thanks! I had to do some out of the box thinking on this one, but I distinctly remember hiding when those damned robots showed up. I think I need to find one of those old episodes now so I can laugh at it instead. :)

AWESOME choices and post. You had entirely too much fun with this one.

Hee! Yes, I did! Barney the dinosaur scares me too, but for entirely different reasons.

Thanks for these awesome suggestions for our contest this month! We've given you an upvote and logged your nominations, ready for the dpoll - keep an eye on our blog for the dpoll post!

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Yes @wwwiebe - some great scary characters you've shared here and thanks for putting yourself through metaphorical hell to pull these dark folks out of the bag! That first image as the cover photo really made our Discord submissions channel a scary place to visit!

Good luck for the contest!


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Howdy sir wwwiebe! You love Halloween but you've never seen any of the Halloween movies? Didn't miss much. lol. Great selection you got here though.

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