📢 Everything is OK - A Right 'royal' birth - Part 1

in #anarchy6 years ago

Our usual mix of fun and frivolity at this non-event.

3 years ago
"there's alot of people here who dont agree with your views" SO?!

Daren Burkill
3 years ago
well done, note how the women refers to them as "real people" I guess she shops with her maj in Asda each week and is invited on all there lavish holidays,

Saxon Rascal
2 years ago
"Come tomorrow it will be a lot less crowded, and you can watch other babies being born."


Anona Moose
4 years ago
Hear the crowd go "boo". Cry a little inside because of how stupid those people are.


4 years ago
Agree with everyone else or be arrested for having an opinion that may cause you to be attacked by those who don't like

Sage Fields
3 years ago
One of my favourite videos. Danny Shine has the sheer courage to vocalise an opinion to a crowd who he knows will be hostile to him. He demonstrates an ability to tolerate criticism and hatred directed against him while remaining calm and speaking his inner truth. I have to manage my own anger at this video because of the amount of sheep present so I cannot imagine how Mr Shine controls himself.

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