in #art6 years ago

oil on canvas
80 x 140 cm

While watching my pictures of wolves, people often ask me why I paint them. I'll always be caught because I do not have the answer on that question. I would never choose the motive for painting according to a plan, in a rational manner and especially not strategically. My choice is always completely intuitive.
A wolf is a symbol of mishandling in society, an eternal culprit hated by people because we recognize our own atrocities when we see him. We can not take this reflection in the mirror because we like to have a false image about ourselves.
I do not like banalizing and that is why I need to defend this creature. I want to show multi-layeredness in his expression. He who, without his own will, cause such fear in us is maybe even more scared when he finds himself in the vicinity of the cruelest kind on the planet.
On the other hand, in literature, there is often a case of authorial identification with this animal because the thinking person is self-critical. That is the way to be closer to the truth. Only the mediocrity of thinks everything the most beautiful about itself, therefore morally and intellectually, or stagnates, or falls back.

ulje na platnu
80 x 140 cm
Dok posmatraju moje slike na kojima su vukovi kao glavna tema, ljudi me često pitaju zašto ih slikam. Uvek budem zatečen jer ni sam nemam odgovor. Ne bih nikad birao motive za slike prema nekom planu, na racionalan način a pogotovo ne strategijski. Moj izbor je uvek potpuno intuitivan.
Česta pitanja koja mi bivaju upućena navela su me da razmislim o toj temi. Vuk je simbol neprilagođenosti u društvu, večiti krivac omražen od strane ljudi jer prepoznajemo sopstveno zverstvo kada vidimo njega. Ne možemo da podnesemo taj odraz u ogledalu jer volimo da o sebi imamo lažnu sliku.
Ne volim banalizovanje bilo čega i zato imam potrebu da odbranim ovo stvorenje. Želim da prikažem višeslojnost u njegovom izrazu. On koji, ne svojom voljom prouzrokuje toliki strah kod nas, da od vajkada plašimo decu pominjući ga, je možda još više uplašen kada se nađe u blizini najsurovije vrste na planeti.
Sa druge strane u književnosti je čest slučaj autorske identifikacije sa ovom životinjom jer je misleći čovek samokritičan i takav mora biti da bi bio bliže istini. Samo mediokritet o sebi misli sve najlepše, zato moralno i intelektualno ili stagnira, ili nazaduje.


009.JPG![VISITOR oil on canvas 80 x 140cm 2016.jpg](


Bio jednom jedan vuk
I bio je zbilja dobar
Miran kao mrtvi muk
Pitom kao neki sobar

Za to niko nije znao
Mislili su da je zao

Rsumovic je to takodje divno obelezio/rekao/pokazao... Ovo mi je jedna od najdrazih pesama iz detinjstva.

Hvala ti što si me podsetila na tu pesmu, davno beše kad sam je zadnji put čuo. Sad je drugačije percipiram.

Nema na cemu.
U mom slucaju je ideja iza pesme, kao i prica, uvek ostala negde blizu, uz mene.

whoa, is this your work?

Yes it is. :)

Very lovely, I love the wolf and how you drew the background. That vibrant yellow is so dreamy <3.


Thank you, I am glad you like my work. :)

This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.

Wolves are returning to parts of Europe where they have previously wiped out, either by their own expansion or, reintroduction as part of Rewilding Europe project.

In Germany there are now an estimated 140 - 160 wolves. Although there are still hunters and farmers who want to kill them, road traffic is the greatest cause of fatalities.

I am yet to see a live wolf.

There is also interesting story about wolves in Yellowstone...

Yes, I read that. Their predating on buffalo caused the buffalo to change their habits, which then affected the river courses.

Simpatičan vučko :)

Stepski vuk :)

He looks very anxious.

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