Famous People's Birthday - 08/10/2018

in #birthday6 years ago

Famous People's Birthday


Juan Ma­nu­el San­tos

Colombian politician and since 2010 president of Colombia

Juan Manuel Santos has his birthday today. he was born on August 10, 1951 and is now 67 years old.

Su­z­an­ne Col­lins

American author ("The Hunger Games")

Suzanne Collins is celebrating his birthday today. She was born on August 10, 1962 and is now 56 years old.

Dia­ne Venora

US-ame­ri­ka­ni­sche Schau­spie­le­rin

Diane Venora has her birthday today. She was born on August 10, 1952 and is now 66 years old.

Jörg Tha­de­usz

German journalist, moderator and writer

Jörg Thadeusz has his birthday today. He was born on the 10th of August 1968 and is now 50 years old.

Ky­lie Jen­ner

American reality TV participant and model

Kylie Jenner has a birthday today. She was born on August 10, 1997 and is now 21 years old.

Ian An­der­son

British musician (frontman of the band "Jethro Tull")

Ian Anderson has his birthday today. He was born on August 10, 1947 and is now 71 years old.


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