Volume BREAKS ABOVE the Zone AVERAGE $$ VOLUME TRADED <<>> ME-TARZAN TOP 40 INDEX CHART <<>> February 9 , 2019steemCreated with Sketch.

🐒 AVERAGE $$ VOLUME TRADED HIGHER over the last 24 hr period as of this writing at 7:00 AM EST.

🐒 AVERAGE $$ VOLUME TRADED of the top 40 Cryptocurrencies on https://coinmarketcap.com/all/views/all/

🐒 I have put together a chart of the top 40 Cryptocurrencies listed on coinmarketcap starting on September 16 , 2018.


All data recorded daily at 7:00 AM EST
Data information from :


BLUE LINE : Average 24hr dollar volume of the top 40 Cryptocurrencies
LEGEND $$ VOLUME : Left side of chart



🐒 Highest Average 24hr dollar volume of the top 40 Cryptocurrencies : $637,430,776 was on December 21 , 2018
🐒 Lowest Average 24hr dollar volume of the top 40 Cryptocurrencies : $198,268,498 was on October 27, 2018
🐒 Today's Average 24hr dollar volume of the top 40 Cryptocurrencies : $586,836,206



🐒 The Average 24hr dollar volume of the top 40 Cryptocurrencies has created a trading zone between $198,268,498 and $572,000,376 and today is trading above that zone at $586,836,206 . The Average 24hr dollar volume of the top 40 Cryptocurrencies has broken above the consolidation zone . In order for the crypto market to have a bull market this Average 24hr dollar volume of the top 40 Cryptocurrencies should trend higher on days the price increases , by trending higher above the zone on days the price increases it would show renewed interest in the Crypto markets ( IMHO ) .

The volume has broken above the zone but still needs to post a new high above the $637,430,776 high made on December 21 , 2018 . Even though the Average 24hr dollar volume of the top 40 Cryptocurrencies has not taken out this high the overnight action of breaking above the zone on price increase is very good for the crypto market going forward . (JMHO)


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Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.26
TRX 0.11
JST 0.032
BTC 63617.36
ETH 3070.79
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.82