in #blockchain6 years ago

About Rateonium

Rateonium is a very comprehensive rankings system that can be customized for each group of clients so that consumers can communicate better with each other than afore. It has a simple design with a rudimentary algorithm that lets users provide reviews with more pertinent content. A variety of languages ​​in cumulation with ecumenical partner companies avail ascertain that the Rateonium ecosystem will always be diverse and vibrant.

Rateonium accumulates qualitative and individual consumer data for companies, while the respective consumers are rewarded simultaneously with the Rateonium currency through an automated algorithm. Rateonium offers its users a modern purchasing experience with an app powered by metadata - liberate from manipulation and data abuse. We fortify our Rateonium business clients by implementing modern, long-term quality and customer relationship management processes in the platform.

A blockchain-based, anonymized customer-company review system operated via the Rateonium platform. Rateonium is using blockchain technology to create new horizons for the management of customer-company relationships. The platform connects products and services purchased with a subsequent customer review process.


Customer reviews of products and services are responsible for the long-term success of a company. New leads rely on customer opinions, not on corporate communication.

  • 75% of consumers only make a purchase decision after reading the reviews.
  • 40% of consumers distrust offers with no customer ratings.
  • 20% of consumers believe that most ratings are falsified.
  • 2% of customers write reviews.

Too few customers write qualitative reviews, which means that there is no suitable data on which new leads may base their decision. In addition, there is no globally active verification system to prove the authenticity of customer ratings.

Companies depend on consumers and the documentation of their experiences. Customer reviews offer the following advantages for businesses:

  • Increase in traffic and conversions
  • Fewer returns
  • Product and range optimization
  • Data basis for quality management


Rateonium collects qualitative and individual consumer data for companies, while the respective consumer is rewarded at the same time with the Rateonium currency by means of an automated algorithm.

Rateonium offers its users a modern purchase experience with an app powered by metadata – free from manipulation and data misuse.

We support our Rateonium business clients by implementing modern, long-term quality and customer relationship management processes in the platform.

Product-Based Platform and Blockchain Global Service Ranking

Rate - Trade - Invest
Rateonium offers the first global, anonymous, and interactive system with many benefits for users and partner companies.

Rateonium offers a decentralized, anonymous and transparent platform with a variety of benefits for communities, business partners and investors

Users assess company products and services and share their opinions with the community. In advance, the user receives an equivalent number of RTO tokens.

Partner companies get qualitative reviews of customers. The information gathered allows them the next level of quality management and business expansion.

The Rateonium community offers new marketing channels to the company, which are related to their business performance. The customer rating system allows transparency, acquisition, and customer relationship management.

Users can exchange their RTOs at our partner companies for individual product and service improvements. So, customers get rewarded for sharing their opinions.

The user has the possibility to change the RTO token that he obtained into RTC. Trading RTC currencies will be registered on the largest cryptocurrency currency exchange platform.

The Rateonium card:

The Rateonium card allows maximum protection of stored tokens. All functions that change the token state of the user (e. g.: transactions, the exchange to RTC or the redemption of rewards) must be verified with the individual QR code on the card.

All the customer has to do is open the app, enter his password and scan the QR code. To ensure that ratings are only given at locations where a service is actually perceived, the user must verify the purchase before submitting a review. For this purpose, the Rateonium card is simply scanned at the checkout. In the case of an online purchase, the app can be used as a scanner.

Token info

Token RTC
Platform Ethereum
Type ERC20

PreICO price 1 RTC = 0.000091 ETH
Price in ICO 1 RTC = 0.000182 ETH


Pre Sale: 50%

Token Sale: 40%
Token Sale: 30%
Token Sale: 20%
Token Sale: 10%
Tokens for sale 665,414,296

Investment info

Min. investment** 0.2 ETH**
Accepting ETH
Distributed in ICO 83%

Soft cap 32,000 ETH
Hard cap 84,234 ETH


Q1 - 2016
Rateonium Ltd founded in Macedonia

Q2- 2016
Strategic planning
Elaboration of the system specification sheet

Q3 – 2016
Team Recruitment and talent search
Search for partners and investors

Q4 - 2016
Developments of the Rateonium system
First sales acquisition of European partner companies

Q1 - 2017
Developments of the Rateonium system
Team Recruitment and talent search
Search for partners and investors
Meetings with investors
Sales acquisition of European partner companies
Implementation of the Legal Department

Q2 - 2017
Legal preparation
Further developments of the system specification sheet
Implementation of IT Department and Sales Department
Partner network construction

Q3 - 2017
RTC Token Pre Sale & Token Sale
Cooperation with ICO Rating & Listing Platforms
Implementation and evaluation of project advisors

Q4 – 2017
Opening German branch in Hamburg
Conception of token sale process

Q1 – 2018
Completion of partner network basis
App development and system preparation
Launching branches in Vancouver and London

Q2 - 2018
Expansion of the IT Department and CTO announcement
ICO Website development
Completion of partner network basis
App development and system preparation
RTC Token creation
Implementation of the Marketing Department

10 / 2018
Implementation of App & system
Final system developments
Completion of the community basis

11 / 2018
Publication of Rateonium Cards for ICO participants
Market expansion in Europe
Further expansion of our partner network

12 / 2018
Special exchange open for ICO participants (RTC to RTO)
Rateonium App available in istore and playstore
Preparation for Asian and American market

Q1 - 2019
RTC exchange enabled on the four largest trading platforms
Full launch of the Rateonium system
Sales acquisition of Asian and American partner companies

Q2 - 2019
Market expansion in Asia and America
Further community growth worldwide
Building of branches in San Francisco, New York, Hong Kong and Tokio

Q3 – 2019
Expansion of the Financial Department
Negotiation with leading venture capital investors
Performance of IPO roadshow

Q4 – 2019
Initial Public Offering of Rateonium
Share- & Stakeholder conference in New York


#Rateonium #ICO #Blockchain #cryptocurrency #presale #TokenSale #startup #BountyCampaign #Investment #Exchange #Crowdfunding

More information:

WEBSITE: https://rateonium.com/
WHITEPAPER: https://rateonium.com/whitepaper.pdf
REDDIT : https://www.reddit.com/r/Rateonium/
TWITER: https://twitter.com/@rateonium
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/rateonium

Author By:

Forum Username : andal02
Forum Profile link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1566211
wallet address 0x0e73B7eB5a98731e25fcCf33919cED46a7aE0e50

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.25
TRX 0.11
JST 0.032
BTC 62062.59
ETH 3002.04
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.77