Why is too much water bad for farm land?

in #blog6 years ago (edited)


Erosion is one of the most powerful ways in which the Earth's surface is being altered. Moving ice and flowing water wear away the surface and cut out valleys. Along the coast, tides and wave action wears away exposed cliffs, and currents carry away sand mud to be deposited elsewhere. Floodwater rapidly washer away fertile soil which can cause the loss of becomes eroded because there is little vegetation to slow the run-off of rainwater.

Fact file


Low-level land becomes flooded very easily. It often takes months for the land to recover from flooding.

resources: Tell me why (Chancellor Press)
image 1: https://thumbs-prod.si-cdn.com/kBmRX9L86LQOwOuoWDGEHSs2Lu8=/800x600/filters:no_upscale()/https://public-media.smithsonianmag.com/filer/56/3e/563e8f59-88b9-4fe6-a7cb-bc01d0047b08/42-60978110.jpg
image 2: https://www.americangeosciences.org/sites/default/files/styles/ci__650_x_430_/public/CI-Flood-Collier-j7dz78-600-400px.jpg?itok=5MqsDxw9


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