Vornix.blog is closedsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #blog5 years ago (edited)


一直以来我都是通过 @vornix 提供的 Vornix.blog 来使用 steempress。实话实说, @vornix 提供的 Vornix.blog 非常好用。在将近一年的时间里 Vornix.blog 只出过一次问题,而且很快就修复了。

I have always used steempress with Vornix.blog from @vornix.To be honest, the Vornix.blog provided by @vornix is very easy to use.Vornix.blog has only had one problem for almost a year and it was fixed soon.

因为我是早期用户,所以在这一年的时间里 Vornix.blog 都在免费提供服务。

Because I am an early adopter, Vornix.blog is available for free during this year.

昨天我还能正常得通过 Vornix.blog 在 steem 区块链上发布我的帖子,但是今天早晨我的 Vornix.blog 网站突然打不开了。通过询问才知道 @vornix 早在一个月前就发布了公告, Vornix.blog 将在6月1日正式关停。

Yesterday I was able to post my post on the steem blockchain via Vornix.blog, but this morning my Vornix.blog website suddenly couldn't open.I was told by inquiry that @vornix posted the announcement a month ago and Vornix.blog will be officially closed on June 1.

于是我在 https://busy.org 打开了 @vornix 的主页,最后的一个帖子就是关于 Vornix.blog 即将停止服务的消息,最后的一个帖子也是一个月以前发布的。

So I opened @vornix's homepage at https://busy.org, and the last post was about Vornix.blog's upcoming service, and the last post was released a month ago.

非常感谢 @vornix 长期以来提供的服务,虽然因为各种不可抗拒的因素导致 Vornix.blog 不得不关停,但是我们依然希望 @vornix 团队以后能够发展的更好!

I am very grateful to @vornix for the long-term service. Although Vornix.blog has to be shut down due to various irresistible factors, we still hope that the @vornix team will develop better in the future!

因为事先不知道 Vornix.blog 将在这个月开始的时候关停, 所以今天 Vornix.blog 的关停让我觉得很突然。 幸好我有一个备用的博客网站,否则的话都不知道该怎么办才好。

Because I didn't know in advance that Vornix.blog will be shut down at the beginning of this month, the closure of Vornix.blog today makes me feel abrupt.Fortunately, I have an alternate blog site, otherwise I don't know what to do.

虽然 Vornix.blog 已经关闭了,但是steempress还在。所以我只需要在我的备用博客网站上重新安装steempress并且设置好就可以了。

Although Vornix.blog has been closed, steempress is still there.So I just need to reinstall steempress on my alternate blog site and set it up.

我还会继续通过 steempress 进行我的创作!

I will continue to make my creations through steempress!




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