I am going to make my boldest prediction ever.!! I predict, that by the time everyone in the U.K. are tucking into their Christmas Dinner, the words: #Brexit #Blockchain and #FrictionlessTrade will have been debated.!!

#Brexit, #Blockchain and #FrictionlessTrade over Christmas Dinner..!!

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My boldest prediction ever.!!

I am going to make my boldest prediction ever.!!

I predict, that by the time everyone in the U.K. are tucking into their Christmas Dinner, the words: #Brexit #Blockchain and #FrictionlessTrade will have been debated.!!


Something that I have been banging on about since the night of the Referendum

Despite the fact that some people said I was totally mental to suggest that on the night of the U.K. Referendum that the majority would vote to leave the E.U. and that #Blockchain would play a vital role in the #Brexit negotiations, not once I have ever backed down from what I have been saying.


Because I knew I was right.

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Thanks for reading.



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