The U.S. Fed & Republic Is Owned by Evelyn D. Rothschild!

in #busy5 years ago

How The U.S. Republic & Constitution Was Captured, Taken-over & Demolished by the EVELYN DE ROTHSCHILD BANKING CARTEL WHICH OWNS THE FED

It has been captured by the NAZI QUEEN – BRITISH EMPIRE & BRITISH PRIVY COUNCIL – by The British Bar – American BAR, The Pilgrims Society, the Senior Executive Services, Roosevelt, Bush, Obama, Hillary, Mueller, by criminals in Congress, the Jewish Lobby, by corporate interests & more.

The U.S. has long been under state capture by The British Empire, by The Privy Council, the Queen. America had only a very short period of independence and was not able to keep it. Things got really bad during and after the Civil War, when the original 13 th amendment was soon illegally removed from the Constitution, the illegitimate criminal 14 th amendment was added, a fake Constitution was created. After the Civil War, common law courts were shut-down and Maritime British Empire courts took over, disguising Admiralty law under U.C.C. Thus, U.S. Federal courts are under state capture by the banking cartel. The legitimate Congress was shut – down also by the British Empire banking cartel, the Rothschilds who control it, the Jesuits and their secret societies which formed the CIA later on. The legitimate seats of Congress were filled by shills of the banking cartel. Via a series acts of treason and conspiracy with the British empire, the bankers and member of the elite societies such as THE PRIGRIM´S SOCIETY betrayed the American republic in an act of treason and shut-down the Republic. They then opened up a private corporation and via banker debt created a separate city state called Washington DC. This city state and its Federal courts illegally took over the Republic and states, subjecting them to this foreign power on U.S. soil called Washington D.C. Thus, the U.S. is no longer a Republic, but under state capture.

The original Constitution of 1797, The Constitution of the united States was substituted for a fake constitution – the Constitution of 1871 – the fake banker constitution, the organic Constitution of The United States. After this time is when the original 13 th amendment was illegally removed &when the U.S. became under state capture by this British empire banking cartel.

● Thus, The U.S. Electoral College today can no longer convene under the original Constitution of 1787 and the U.S. is under state capture, under a state of inter-regnum & an illegitimate government being run by The Rothschilds. The U.S. Treasury is under state capture, the Congress, the Presidency, the Supreme Court, the IRS, all Federal Agencies. They are thus all not the legitimate government under the original Constitution of 1787. Thus, the electoral college cannot hold legitimate elections under this state of the illegitimate British Empire running the U.S. government. Thus, all elections are illegitimate and no President can be dually elected while the U.S. is under state capture by The British Empire, by the Nazi Khazarian mafia banking cartel.

► The U.S. has thus been subverted by traitors to the Republic who infiltrated the country via The Pilgrims Society and via this created under Carter The Senior Executive Services. It became the Obama private army and via the DOJ SES 500 lawyers control the purse strings to the entire Federal Government. They thus serve to obstruct the job of any President and subject the U.S. to the British empire. This is the job of the SES. This SES, together with SERCO, with the British formed Zionist state of Israel, has taken America captive. Thus, the entire government of the U.S. is functioning secretively under a constant illegitimate state of martial law and British military rule, while the population believes it is free.

► The next major acts of treason came with the banker treason in the formation of the U.S. Federal Reserve in 1913, handing the printing of U.S. money to private bankers, forbidden in the original Constitution. This is how EVELYN DE ROTHSCHILD took over & owns the U.S. Federal Reserve. Thus, the U.S. since has become a slave to this British Empire – Zionist Khazarian mafia banking cartel. This banking cartel chooses the U.S. Presidents and via voting fraud places members into Congress. Congress is also forced to take an oath to the Zionist fake Jewish state of Israel in order to be accepted into Congress. Congress has thus become a Nazi Zionist Chabad Khazarian mafia. Thus all members of Congress are illegitimate squatters.

► Roosevelt the traitor also enslaved America with the un-constitutional Emergency Banking Act of 1933, which led to World War I and all the woes that followed. This was a disaster for America and one of the final fatal blows to the already dying Republic. Since then, a series of treasonous actions by this banking cartel have resulted in total take over by The Khazarian Mafia – British Empire and the Neo Nazis. Thus, via The Intelligence agencies, the Five Eyes, via the BAR association and via Lawfare created by the Lawyers and attorneys, they have subverted America. Mueller is a prime example of this.


Thus, most of the current problems of America are because of the private Federal Reserve. It is thus guilty of, together with The British Empire and the Zionist State of Israel:

Fomenting all world wars & wars the U.S. Inc. has been involved in.

② All market crashes, which brings profit to the Federal Reserve banking cartel.

The debt slavery of America to Evelyn De Rothschild – The British Empire, the Vatican which owns and runs the global banking cartel.

④ The Federal Reserve is thus enslaving America to Britain.

This same Neo Nazi Khazarian mafia banking cartel is responsible for the take-over of the U.S. Congress, the fake Constitution, the take 0ver of Federal Courts, the current state of martial law and British military rule and the subversion of the Republic.

Theft of all the gold at Fort Knox.

Massive theft of wealth of the money of rich people across the planet, such as the massive theft from an Indonesian royal. For this reason, we need to arrest the “Fed”, the private bankers forming the U.S. Federal Reserve, seize the wealth of the Rothschilds – Warburgs, Rockerfellers, Soros and other co-conspirators and remove the British Empire from America. We need to restore our original Constitution and the original common law courts as existed prior to the U.S. Civil War. The task it not easy but it must begin!

⑧ The Federal Reserve banks are behind false flags, weather manipulation, stock market manipulation, control over global gold reserves and their price. They use these to attempt to seize American guns, to lead the U.S. to war with Syria, Iran and other wars in the interest of The British Empire and of the Khazarian mafia – fake state of Israel, a terror empire of evil. Thus, the U.S. - Israel & The British Empire have become an Evil Axis of Evil Empire under the rule of the dark Khazarian mafia – British Empire.

⑨ The Federal Reserve- British Empire are involved in mind control, population reduction, warfare attacks on citizens via Darpa, via 5G, via GMOs, via the poisoning of the food and the water. They are involved in experiments on Americans, subjecting many to destructive disease.

⑩ They are guilty of the formation of The Patriot Act – now The so called Freedom Act, which has also enslaved America, classifying all Americans as terrorists. Elements involved in the formation of The Patriot Act – Bush, Kavanaugh, Barr.

⑪ Via the Talpiot Israel programs, they have taken=over and spy on U.S. telecommunications. They are now trying via Carbyne to take over U.S. emergency call centers, so that their false falgs can be better coordinated from within. Carbyne, an Israeli start-up firm directly connected to Trump and his associates, has ties to China.


►Mueller and Hillary also are key to subverting the Republic. They hold the digital keys to the Internet and thus can read all Internet traffic, no matter how secure it is.


Please see these videos (some facts need to be corrected later):

The Trump Khazarian mafia:

Please see the many Mother Liberty posts also.

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