Sales of coffee in the world Just Enjoyed Coffee Earnings 10 percent

in #coffee6 years ago


The Government through the Ministry of the economy Coordinating book launches Roadmap (roadmap) Coffee Coffee policy directions titled Indonesia face the challenges of competition, climate change, and the condition of the world's Coffee (Coffee Indonesia short term Strategy , Medium-term and long-term).

The preparation of this book aims to collect comprehensive information about the condition of coffee domestically or globally. In it, peeled about the ins and outs of the world of coffee from the upstream to the downstream to the strategy that needs to be done in order to develop the potential of Indonesia's coffee.

Coordinating Minister of Economics delivered the development potential of the next coffee is huge. Total world coffee production is currently valued at USD 24 billion while total trading price of coffee consumed the world worth USD 240 billion.

How coffee production world? the value is USD 24 billion and how much is consumed the world coffee trade is worth how much? USD 240 billion. But what's interesting is producing countries only managed to turn it into the coffee beans dry it. Because when it's in the coffee roaster does not designate long. But if dried he will be durable and developed countries offer it into the coffee.

However, the unfortunate reality is coffee-producing countries, such as Brazil, Viet Nam, Indonesia and just enjoy the 10 percent of the value of the coffee trade. This is due to the lack of use of technology in the processing of coffee-producing countries by the coffee.

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