Most Recent Arxiv Papers In Nonlinear Sciences | 2019-01-10

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Adaptation And Self-Organizing Systems

Classification of bifurcation diagrams in coupled phase-oscillator models with asymmetric natural frequency distributions (1901.02175v1)

Ryosuke Yoneda, Yoshiyuki Y. Yamaguchi


Synchronization among rhythmic elements is modeled by coupled phase-oscillators each of which has the so-called natural frequency. The natural frequency distribution determines types of bifurcation diagrams, which contain continuous or discontinuous synchronization transitions from the nonsynchronized state for instance. It has been numerically reported that asymmetry in the natural frequency distributions brings new types of bifurcation diagrams having oscillation or a discontinuous jump of the order parameter which emerge from partially synchronized states. We propose a theoretical classification method of five types of bifurcation diagrams including the new ones paying attention to generality of the theory. The oscillation and the jump from partially synchronized states are discussed respectively by the linear analysis around the nonsynchronized state and by extending the amplitude equation up to the third leading term. The theoretical classification is examined by comparing with numerical results.

Fourier analysis of a delayed Rulkov neuron network (1901.01184v1)

Roberto Lozano, Javier Used, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán


We have analyzed the synchronization of a small-world network of chaotic Rulkov neurons with an electrical coupling that contains a delay. We have developed an algorithm to compute a certain delay whose result is to improve the synchronization of the network when it was slightly synchronized, or to get synchronized when it was desynchronized. Our general approach has been to use tools from signal analysis, such as Fourier and wavelet transforms. With these tools, we have characterized the behavior of the neurons for different parameters in frequency and time-frequency domains. Finally, the robustness of the algorithm has been tested by using non-homogeneous neurons affected with a parametric noise.

Cardinality Leap for Open-Ended Evolution: Theoretical Consideration and Demonstration by "Hash Chemistry" (1806.06628v3)

Hiroki Sayama


Open-ended evolution requires unbounded possibilities that evolving entities can explore. The cardinality of a set of those possibilities thus has a significant implication for the open-endedness of evolution. We propose that facilitating formation of higher-order entities is a generalizable, effective way to cause a "cardinality leap" in the set of possibilities that promotes open-endedness. We demonstrate this idea with a simple, proof-of-concept toy model called "Hash Chemistry" that uses a hash function as a fitness evaluator of evolving entities of any size/order. Simulation results showed that the cumulative number of unique replicating entities that appeared in evolution increased almost linearly along time without an apparent bound, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed cardinality leap. It was also observed that the number of individual entities involved in a single replication event gradually increased over time, indicating evolutionary appearance of higher-order entities. Moreover, these behaviors were not observed in control experiments in which fitness evaluators were replaced by random number generators. This strongly suggests that the dynamics observed in Hash Chemistry were indeed evolutionary behaviors driven by selection and adaptation taking place at multiple scales.

Diverse Stochasticity Leads a Colony of Ants to Optimal Foraging (1805.05598v2)

Masashi Shiraishi, Rito Takeuchi, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Shin I Nishimura, Akinori Awazu, Hiraku Nishimori


A mathematical model of garden ants (Laius japonicus) is introduced herein to investigate the relationship between the distribution of the degree of stochasticity in following pheromone trails and the group foraging efficiency. Numerical simulations of the model indicate that depending on the systematic change of the feeding environment, the optimal distribution of stochasticity shifts from a mixture of almost deterministic and mildly stochastic ants to a contrasted mixture of almost deterministic ants and highly stochastic ants. In addition, the interaction between the stochasticity and the pheromone path regulates the dynamics of the foraging efficiency optimization. Stochasticity could strengthen the collective efficiency when stochasticity to the sensitivity of pheromone for ants is introduced in the model.

Scale-free Resilience of Real Traffic Jams (1804.11047v3)

Limiao Zhang, Guanwen Zeng, Daqing Li, Hai-Jun Huang, H. Eugene Stanley, Shlomo Havlin


The concept of resilience can be realized in natural and engineering systems, representing the ability of system to adapt and recover from various disturbances. Although resilience is a critical property needed for understanding and managing the risks and collapses of transportation system, an accepted and useful definition of resilience for urban traffic as well as its statistical property under perturbations is still missing. Here we define city traffic resilience based on the spatio-temporal clusters of congestion in real traffic, and find that the resilience follows a scale free distribution in two-dimensional city road networks and one-dimensional highways, with different exponents, but similar exponents in different days and different cities. The traffic resilience is also revealed to have a novel scaling relation between the cluster size of the spatio-temporal jam and its recovery duration, independent of microscopic details. Our findings of universal traffic resilience can provide indication towards better understanding and designing these complex engineering systems under internal and external disturbances.

Chaotic Dynamics

Classification of bifurcation diagrams in coupled phase-oscillator models with asymmetric natural frequency distributions (1901.02175v1)

Ryosuke Yoneda, Yoshiyuki Y. Yamaguchi


Synchronization among rhythmic elements is modeled by coupled phase-oscillators each of which has the so-called natural frequency. The natural frequency distribution determines types of bifurcation diagrams, which contain continuous or discontinuous synchronization transitions from the nonsynchronized state for instance. It has been numerically reported that asymmetry in the natural frequency distributions brings new types of bifurcation diagrams having oscillation or a discontinuous jump of the order parameter which emerge from partially synchronized states. We propose a theoretical classification method of five types of bifurcation diagrams including the new ones paying attention to generality of the theory. The oscillation and the jump from partially synchronized states are discussed respectively by the linear analysis around the nonsynchronized state and by extending the amplitude equation up to the third leading term. The theoretical classification is examined by comparing with numerical results.

Synchronization transitions through metastable state on structured networks (1901.02123v1)

Jinha Park, B. Kahng


Recently, we considered the fully connected competing Kuramoto model with uniform intrinsic frequency distribution . This competing Kuramoto model assigns two opposite-sign coupling constants and to and fractions of nodes, respectively. In our previous paper, we briefly reported a rich phase diagram that includes incoherent (IC), , and traveling wave (TW) phases and abnormal properties of a hybrid phase transition that occurs through an intermediate metastable state. Here, we present the detailed derivation of the self-consistent equations, the phase diagram, and physical properties of the hybrid phase transition from the incoherent to with the critical exponent . Next, we extend our study to the case that oscillators locate on structured random networks. Within the heterogeneous mean-field scheme, phase diagram and transition types are overall similar to those on the completely connected networks. However, numerical simulations on the structured networks produce different results. When the mean degree of the structured networks is small, TW state does not appear and transition types are changed, in contrast to the mean-field solutions on the annealed random networks, which predict TW states under appropriate control parameters.

A Universal Operator Growth Hypothesis (1812.08657v2)

Daniel E. Parker, Xiangyu Cao, Thomas Scaffidi, Ehud Altman


We present a hypothesis for the universal properties of operators evolving under Hamiltonian dynamics in many-body systems. The hypothesis states that successive Lanczos coefficients in the continued fraction expansion of the Green's functions grow linearly with rate in generic systems. The rate --- an experimental observable --- governs the exponential growth of operator complexity in a sense we make precise. This exponential growth even prevails beyond semiclassical or large- limits. Moreover, upper bounds a large class of operator complexity measures, including the out-of-time-order correlator. As a result, we conjecture a sharp bound on Lyapunov exponents , which generalizes the known universal low-temperature bound . We illustrate our results in paradigmatic examples such as non-integrable spin chains, the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model, and classical models. Finally we use the hypothesis in conjunction with the recursion method to develop a technique for computing diffusion constants.

Late Time Quantum Chaos of pure states in the SYK model (1901.02025v1)

Tokiro Numasawa


In this letter, we study the return amplitude, which is the overlap between the initial state and the time evolved state, in the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model. Initial states are taken to be product states in a spin basis. We numerically study the return amplitude by exactly diagonalizing the Hamiltonian. We also derive the analytic expression for the return amplitude in random matrix theory. The SYK results agree with the random matrix expectation. We also study the time evolution under the different Hamiltonian that describes the traversable wormholes in projected black holes in the context of holography. The time evolution now depends on the choice of initial product states. The results are again explained by random matrix theory. In the symplectic ensemble cases, we observed an interesting pattern of the return amplitude where they show the second dip, ramp and plateau like behavior.

Local dimension and recurrent circulation patterns in long-term climate simulations (1803.11255v2)

Sebastian Buschow, Petra Friederichs


With the recent advent of a sound mathematical theory for extreme events in dynamical systems, new ways of analyzing a system's inherent properties have become available: Studying only the probabilities of extremely close Poincar'{e} recurrences, we can infer the underlying attractor's local dimensionality -- a quantity which is closely linked to the predictability of individual configurations, as well as the information gained from observing them. This study examines possible ways of estimating local and global attractor dimensions, identifies potential pitfalls and discusses conceivable applications. The Portable University Model of the Atmosphere (PUMA) serves a test subject of intermediate complexity between simple mathematical toys and truly realistic atmospheric data-sets. It is demonstrated that the introduction of a simple, analytical estimator can streamline the procedure and allows for additional tests of the agreement between theoretical expectation and observed data. We furthermore show how the newly gained knowledge about local dimensions can complement classical techniques like principal component analysis and may assist in separating meaningful patterns from mathematical artifacts.

Cellular Automata And Lattice Gases

Search Space Reduction of Asynchrony Immune Cellular Automata by Center Permutivity (1901.01534v1)

Luca Mariot, Luca Manzoni, Alberto Dennunzio


We continue the study of asynchrony immunity in cellular automata (CA), which can be considered as a weaker version of correlation immunity in the context of vectorial Boolean functions. The property could have applications as a countermeasure for side-channel attacks in CA-based cryptographic primitives, such as S-boxes and pseudorandom number generators. We first give some theoretical results on the necessary conditions that a CA rule must satisfy in order to meet asynchrony immunity, the most important one being center permutivity. Next, we perform an exhaustive search of all asynchrony immune CA rules of neighborhood size up to , leveraging on the discovered theoretical properties to greatly reduce the size of the search space.

Exact large deviation statistics and trajectory phase transition of a deterministic boundary driven cellular automaton (1901.00845v1)

Berislav Buča, Juan P. Garrahan, Tomaž Prosen, Matthieu Vanicat


We study the statistical properties of the long-time dynamics of the rule 54 reversible cellular automaton (CA), driven stochastically at its boundaries. This CA can be considered as a discrete-time and deterministic version of the Fredrickson-Andersen kinetically constrained model (KCM). By means of a matrix product ansatz, we compute the exact large deviation cumulant generating functions for a wide range of time-extensive observables of the dynamics, together with their associated rate functions and conditioned long-time distributions over configurations. We show that for all instances of boundary driving the CA dynamics occurs at the point of phase coexistence between competing active and inactive dynamical phases, similar to what happens in more standard KCMs. We also find the exact finite size scaling behaviour of these trajectory transitions, and provide the explicit "Doob-transformed" dynamics that optimally realises rare dynamical events.

Spacetime Symmetries, Invariant Sets, and Additive Subdynamics of Cellular Automata (1812.11597v1)

Adam Rupe, James P. Crutchfield


Cellular automata are fully-discrete, spatially-extended dynamical systems that evolve by simultaneously applying a local update function. Despite their simplicity, the induced global dynamic produces a stunning array of richly-structured, complex behaviors. These behaviors present a challenge to traditional closed-form analytic methods. In certain cases, specifically when the local update is additive, powerful techniques may be brought to bear, including characteristic polynomials, the ergodic theorem with Fourier analysis, and endomorphisms of compact Abelian groups. For general dynamics, though, where such analytics generically do not apply, behavior-driven analysis shows great promise in directly monitoring the emergence of structure and complexity in cellular automata. Here we detail a surprising connection between generalized symmetries in the spacetime fields of configuration orbits as revealed by the behavior-driven local causal states, invariant sets of spatial configurations, and additive subdynamics which allow for closed-form analytic methods.

Lenia - Biology of Artificial Life (1812.05433v2)

Bert Wang-Chak Chan


We report a new model of artificial life called Lenia (from Latin lenis "smooth"), a two-dimensional cellular automaton with continuous space-time-state and generalized local rule. Computer simulations show that Lenia supports a great diversity of complex autonomous patterns or "lifeforms" bearing resemblance to real-world microscopic organisms. More than 400 species in 18 families have been identified, many discovered via interactive evolutionary computation. They differ from other cellular automata patterns in being geometric, metameric, fuzzy, resilient, adaptive, and rule-generic. We present basic observations of the model regarding the properties of space-time and basic settings. We provide a board survey of the lifeforms, categorize them into a hierarchical taxonomy, and map their distribution in the parameter hyperspace. We describe their morphological structures and behavioral dynamics, propose possible mechanisms of their self-propulsion, self-organization and plasticity. Finally, we discuss how the study of Lenia would be related to biology, artificial life, and artificial intelligence.

Antifragility of Random Boolean Networks (1812.06760v1)

Omar K. Pineda, Hyobin Kim, Carlos Gershenson


Antifragility is a property that enhances the capability of a system in response to external perturbations. Although the concept has been applied in many areas, a practical measure of antifragility has not been developed yet. Here we propose a simply calculable measure of antifragility, based on the change of "satisfaction" before and after adding perturbations, and apply it to random Boolean networks (RBNs). Using the measure, we found that ordered RBNs are the most antifragile. Also, we demonstrate that seven biological systems are antifragile. Our measure and results can be used in various applications of Boolean networks (BNs) including creating antifragile engineering systems, identifying the genetic mechanism of antifragile biological systems, and developing new treatment strategies for various diseases.

Pattern Formation And Solitons

Edge and bulk dissipative solitons in modulated PT-symmetric waveguide arrays (1901.02430v1)

Yaroslav V. Kartashov, Victor A. Vysloukh


We address dissipative soliton formation in modulated PT-symmetric continuous waveguide arrays composed from waveguides with amplifying and absorbing sections, whose density gradually increases (due to decreasing waveguide separation) either towards the center of the array or towards its edges. In such a structure the level of gain/loss at which PT-symmetry gets broken depends on the direction of increase of the waveguide density. Breakup of the PT-symmetry occurs when eigenvalues of modes localized in the region, where waveguide density is largest, collide and move into complex plane. In this regime of broken symmetry the inclusion of focusing Kerr-type nonlinearity of the material and weak two-photon absorption allows to arrest the growth of amplitude of amplified modes and may lead to the appearance of stable attractors either in the center or at the edge of the waveguide array, depending on the type of array modulation. Such solitons can be stable, they acquire specific triangular shapes and notably broaden with increase of gain-loss level. Our results illustrate how spatial array modulation that breaks PT-symmetry locally can be used to control specific location of dissipative solitons forming in the array.

Stabilization of localized structures by inhomogeneous injection in frequency comb generators (1901.02308v1)

Felix Tabbert, Tobias Frohoff-Hülsmann, Krassimir Panajotov, Mustapha Tlidi, Svetlana V. Gurevich


We consider the formation of temporal localized structures or Kerr comb generation in a microresonator with inhomogeneities. We show that the introduction of even a small inhomogeneity in the injected beam widens the stability region of localized solutions. The homoclinic snaking bifurcation associated with the formation of localized structures and clusters of them with decaying oscillatory tails is constructed. Furthermore, the inhomogeneity allows not only to control the position of localized solutions, but strongly affects the stability domain creating a region that is free from the snaking multistability and therefore especially suitable for Kerr comb generation. We identify a regime of larger detuning, where localized structures do not exhibit a snaking behavior. In this regime, the effect of inhomogeneities on localized solutions is far more complex: they can act either attracting or repelling. We identify the pitchfork bifurcation responsible for this transition. Finally, we use a potential well approach to determine the force exerted by the inhomogeneity and summarize with a full analysis of the parameter regime where localized structures and therefore Kerr comb generation exist and analyze how this regime changes in the presence of an inhomogeneity.

Tailoring -symmetric soliton switch (1809.02313v2)

A. Govindarajan, Amarendra K. Sarma, M. Lakshmanan


We theoretically demonstrate soliton steering in -symmetric coupled nonlinear dimers. We show that if the length of the -symmetric system is set to contrary to the conventional one which operates satisfactorily well only at the half-beat coupling length, the dimer remarkably yields an ideal soliton switch exhibiting almost 99.99% energy efficiency with an ultra-low critical power.

Lightlike shell solitons of extremal space-time film (1506.09137v8)

Alexander A. Chernitskii


New exact solution class of Born -- Infeld type nonlinear scalar field model is obtained. The variational principle of this model has a specific form which is characteristic for extremal four-dimensional hypersurface or hyper-film in five-dimensional space-time. Obtained solutions are singular solitons propagating with speed of light and having energy, momentum, and angular momentum which can be calculated for explicit conditions. Such solitons will be called the lightlike ones. The soliton singularity has a form of moving two-dimensional surface or shell. The lightlike soliton can have a set of tubelike singular shells with the appropriate cavities. A twisted lightlike soliton is considered. It is notable that its energy is proportional to its angular momentum in high-frequency approximation. A case with one tubelike cavity is considered. In this case the soliton shell is diffeomorphic to a cylindrical surface with threads by multifilar helix. The shell transverse size of the appropriate finite energy soliton can be converging to zero at infinity. The ideal gas of such lightlike solitons with minimal twist parameter is considered in a finite volume. Explicit conditions provide that the angular momentum of each soliton in the volume equals Planck constant. The equilibrium energy spectral density for the solitons is obtained. It has the form of Planck distribution in some approximation. A beam of the twisted lightlike solitons is considered. The representation of arbitrary polarization for the beam with the twisted lightlike solitons is discussed. It is shown that the effect of mechanical angular momentum transfer to absorbent by the circularly polarized beam can be provided. This effect is well known for photon beam. Thus the soliton solution which have determinate likeness with photon is obtained in particular.

Geometrically incompatible confinement of solids (1809.06919v2)

Benny Davidovitch, Yiwei Sun, Gregory M. Grason


The complex morphologies exhibited by spatially confined thin objects have long challenged human efforts to understand and manipulate them, from the representation of patterns in draped fabric in Renaissance art to current day efforts to engineer flexible sensors that conform to the human body. We introduce a theoretical principle, broadly generalizing Euler's {\emph{elastica}} -- a core concept of continuum mechanics that invokes the energetic preference of bending over straining a thin solid object and has been widely applied to classical and modern studies of beams and rods. We define a class of {\emph{geometrically incompatible confinement}} problems, whereby the topography imposed on a thin solid body is incompatible with its intrinsic ("target") metric and, as a consequence of Gauss' {\emph{Theorema Egregium}}, induces strain. Focusing on a prototypical example of a sheet attached to a spherical substrate, numerical simulations and analytical study demonstrate that the mechanics is governed by a principle, which we call the "Gauss-Euler {\emph{elastica}}". This emergent rule states that - despite the unavoidable strain in such an incompatible confinement - the ratio between the energies stored in straining and bending the solid may be arbitrarily small. The Gauss-Euler {\emph{elastica}} underlies a theoretical framework that greatly simplifies the daunting task of solving the highly nonlinear equations that describe thin solids at mechanical equilibrium. This development thus opens new possibilities for attacking a broad class of phenomena governed by the coupling of geometry and mechanics.

Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

A focusing and defocusing semi-discrete complex short pulse equation and its varioius soliton solutions (1901.02388v1)

Bao-Feng Feng, Liming Ling, Zuonong Zhu


In this paper, we are concerned with a a semi-discrete complex short pulse (CSP) equation of both focusing and defocusing types, which can be viewed as an analogue to the Ablowitz-Ladik (AL) lattice in the ultra-short pulse regime. By using a generalized Darboux transformation method, various solutions to this newly integrable semi-discrete equation are studied with both zero and nonzero boundary conditions. To be specific, for the focusing CSP equation, the multi-bright solution (zero boundary condition), multi-breather and high-order rogue wave solutions (nonzero boudanry conditions) are derived, while for the defocusing CSP equation with nonzero boundary condition, the multi-dark soliton solution is constructed. We further show that, in the continuous limit, all the solutions obtained converge to the ones for its original CSP equation (see Physica D, 327 13-29 and Phys. Rev. E 93 052227)

Stäckel transform of Lax equations (1901.02368v1)

Maciej Blaszak, Krzysztof Marciniak


We construct Lax pairs for a wide class of St"ackel systems by applying the multi-parameter St"ackel transform to Lax pairs of a suitably chosen systems from the seed class. For a given St"ackel system, the obtained set of non-equivalent Lax pairs is parametrized by an arbitrary function.

Nondegenerate solitons in Manakov system (1810.01331v2)

S. Stalin, R. Ramakrishnan, M. Senthilvelan, M. Lakshmanan


It is known that Manakov equation which describes wave propagation in two mode optical fibers, photorefractive materials, etc. can admit solitons which allow energy redistribution between the modes on collision that also leads to logical computing. In this paper, we point out that Manakov system can admit more general type of nondegenerate fundamental solitons corresponding to different wave numbers, which undergo collisions without any energy redistribution. The previously known class of solitons which allows energy redistribution among the modes turns out to be a special case corresponding to solitary waves with identical wave numbers in both the modes and travelling with the same velocity. We trace out the reason behind such a possibility and analyze the physical consequences.

Intertwining operator for Calogero-Moser-Sutherland system (1901.02082v1)

Misha Feigin, Martin Vrabec


We consider generalised Calogero-Moser-Sutherland quantum Hamiltonian associated with a configuration of vectors on the plane which is a union of and root systems. The Hamiltonian depends on one parameter. We find an intertwining operator between and the Calogero-Moser-Sutherland Hamiltonian for the root system . This gives a quantum integral for of order 6 in an explicit form thus establishing integrability of .

Invariants in separated variables: Yang-Baxter, entwining and transfer maps (1901.01609v1)

Pavlos Kassotakis


We present the explicit form of a family of Liouville integrable maps in 3 variables, the so-called {\it triad family of maps} and we propose a multi-field generalisation of the later. We show that by imposing separability of variables to the invariants of this family of maps, the and Yang-Baxter maps in general position of singularities emerge. Two different methods to obtain entwining Yang-Baxter maps are also presented. The outcomes of the first method are entwining maps associated with the and Yang-Baxter maps, whereas by the second method we obtain non-periodic entwining maps associated with the whole and list of quadrirational Yang-Baxter maps. Finally, we show how the transfer maps associated with the list of Yang-Baxter maps can be considered as the -iteration of some maps of simpler form. We refer to these maps as {\it extended transfer maps} and in turn they lead to point alternating recurrences which can be considered as alternating versions of some hierarchies of discrete Painlev'e equations.

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