Bitcoin is Good to consider as Store value rather than Money. Why? 👇

1- Bitcoin is not stable enough to become mainstream money.
2- Limited and Highly Volatile to become a viable means of payment for global transactions or a mainstream asset class.
3- Scalability, Size, and Speed as issues that are yet to be fixed by the cryptocurrency.
4- Manipulated cost👇
To process Visa’s c.$30 billion of daily transactions using the old core protocol, the block size would need to be 18.8MB instead of 1MB, or the prbitcoin-2640692_960_720.pngice would have to be around $187,611

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.26
TRX 0.11
JST 0.033
BTC 64266.94
ETH 3077.24
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.87