Differences in Character, Moral and Ethics

in #education5 years ago


Differences in Character, Moral and Ethics

The development of culture and technology is increasingly rapid, resulting in increasingly easy for people to obtain information through various sources with various means / methods. Now information can be easily obtained through media both online and in print. There are many positive influences on the change in the era of modernization, but it cannot be denied that these changes can also create a negative side. One of them is the increasing acculturation of Western and Eastern cultures which in a certain situation is considered inappropriate.

These changes cannot be denied as the trigger for the depletion of noble attitudes that have been owned by the community since long ago, one of which is manners. This attitude of character is very important because it can provide balance and harmony in living in a society, because character plays an important role as the identity and culture of a nation.

The definition of character according to the Big Dictionary of Indonesian Language in 1989 is a behavior, temperament, and character and character. Epistemological character consists of two words, namely mind and character. Budi in Sanskrit means awareness, understanding, mind, and intelligence. While the characteristics are appearance, behavior, and actualization. So that character can be interpreted as a person's awareness in acting and behaving.

Characteristics is a positive attitude that includes the act of manners. Student behavior is an attitude and action that is obtained based on the habits carried out from childhood. Character traits are an attitude that will be formed in everyone's mind and automatically applied in daily life. Traits can be associated with morals, ethics, noble character, manners, and manners.

The definition of moral is a code of conduct or action that comes from the awareness of individuals or oneself in communicating and interacting with society. This moral is not only an impact on individuals, but it is also very possible to have an impact on others. Good or bad moral, depends on conscience and character possessed by each individual. Because everyone has an understanding and application of different manners, the morals of each person also vary. An assessment of one's good or bad morals will have a direct impact on a group / organization, and society. For example, when someone is said to be immoral, he will do bad things that can harm the community such as harassment, murder, theft, disrespect for older people, and so forth. Back again who will judge an action as moral or not is another person or community. So that moral is an action and interaction carried out by someone where the action will be assessed whether it is acceptable or not with the norms and culture that apply in society.

Although very similar, this moral is different from ethics. Understanding ethics is a habit that is accepted in a situation, a group, organization, or certain society. Ethics also assesses the badness of a person's mind which then results in an action. The source of this assessment is based on the norms that apply in the community. Ethics is the basis of moral formation in a community or society. Some examples of ethics in society for example are ethics in visiting, ethics queuing, and ethics when eating. In visiting or visiting other people's homes, neighbors for example, of course there is an ethic of visiting that must be done. For example, do not visit late at night, and do not visit too long so that it disturbs or makes the homeowner uncomfortable. Ethics in terms of queuing is not grabbing the queue but queuing up in order. For ethics, for example eating is not talking when eating, not lifting legs, not eating while standing, closing spoons and forks on a plate when finished eating, and so forth. These ethics are not universally applicable in all places and regions. Ethics in each place will be different depending on the prevailing norms and luhury character that is owned by each individual.

The relationship between manners, morals, and ethics is an action that underlies a person's behavior, where the behavior will get good and bad judgments from the community. Character traits are a noble value possessed by a person because habits that are applied long ago and rooted become something that is done everyday. Someone who has character, will have morals which can then be realized into good ethics.

Character Function

Characteristics have several functions, including the one or a foundation of behavior in society. Budi pekertimang must be taught early on to children. This is done because it can encourage behavioral habits of the child in order to have good morals and ethics. Character traits of children can be taught through exemplary, simple lifestyle, spontaneous activities such as a causal action carried out at that time also for example warnings about mistakes made in the form of reprimand, sanctions or mutual forgiveness. Besides that, manners can be taught through routine activities. This character education has the following functions:

Media development, which is as a stage to be able to behave better in the family and society.

Distribution, that is as a means of utilizing certain skills so that they are increasingly channeled optimally and can be useful for others.

Improvement, namely as an evaluation phase of action. In order for an error to occur accidentally, it can easily correct the error.

Prevention, which is a step that serves to prevent all actions and behaviors that are considered bad or bad in the community.

Cleanser, which is a sense of psychological responsibility. Like avoiding feeling arrogant, vindictive, angry, jealous, and more have a sense of tolerance, respect, courtesy, and so forth.

Filters, which are as a filter media for culture that are in accordance with manners and norms that apply in society.

Examples of Character

Characteristics have several concrete examples that can be demonstrated through actions taken daily by an individual in the community. Some examples of character that usually occur in the community include the following:

  1. Talk with Polite

Someone who has character must apply polite attitudes and behavior to young people and moreover to others who are older. For example, when speaking someone will speak with courtesy and polite and gentle speech. Speech and speech are spoken also using intonation that is not high and does not involve excessive emotions. Examples of this attitude are very many and varied, for example a student to a teacher, a colleague with another colleague, a child to a mother, and so on.

  1. Humility

A humble attitude is manifested in actions and behaviors that are reflected through real actions between individuals and other people, both a group and society. This humility is also related to being polite and not bragging. One example of low self-esteem is when a student becomes a school champion and does not brag about his intelligence in that matter, then someone can be said to have good manners.

Character trait is a habit that has been acquired since childhood. Character traits taught in the family will teach about norms and morals that can be accepted and valued well in society. Examples are teachings for sharing with one another and not scrambling and willing to budge (share toys with brother / sister), forgive each other, and so on. According to Javanese character, things that are usually done for example are behaving in a smooth and polite manner, using fine language (chromo) to people who are older or more respected, understand and teach Javanese wisdom and proverbs, for example something that is considered "ora ilok "(Javanese: not good) then it must be obeyed. For example, if you eat while standing, you eat near the door, and other things. The Javanese rules actually provide local wisdom that teaches about morals and good manners.

Examples of Ethics

Ethics that apply to a group of people are certainly different from the ethics that apply in other community groups, as well as organizational ethics. Ethics is certainly related to good and bad judgment, or right and wrong about a word or deed in a community group. This is also true in an organization. Someone in an organization or group must give opinions and opinions honestly and openly to their group. For example, in an internal meeting of the organization to discuss an extension plan in a particular village. Then an ethical person will express his opinion honestly without anything being covered about both the possibilities that will occur when the event takes place. Of course the delivery of this opinion is not in a tone of speech as patronizing or arrogant, does not use high intonation, and is delivered in a polite manner so as to respect other members of the organization. By doing this, it will also automatically carry out the ethics of speaking good as well. While the example of social ethics is ethics which requires to act and behave well in a group or society. Social ethics that can make other people comfortable in friends for example is being polite, able to control emotions, not offend others, be responsible, and so on.

Moral Violations

Someone who violates the norm is considered not to have good morals. Some examples of things that are considered moral violations, for example, are piracy, stalking, and fraudulent money. This piracy can be diverse, such as piracy, movie piracy, copyright piracy, and so forth. Moral violations in terms of stalking, for example, are acts of stalking or following carefully someone with a specific purpose and purpose. For example, stalking a group of students or students for the purpose of things that are not good. Then one of the moral violations that can be considered very serious is the act of counterfeiting money. This resulted in not only social sanctions but demands criminal penalties and actions with legal channels.

Role of Character, Moral and Ethics in Work

Character, moral, and ethics have several important roles and functions in the field of work. In the world of work, someone who has these three attitudes will benefit from it, which is performance improvement that can be used in community service. The characteristics of someone who has business ethics include having a good and responsible work ethic, being able to serve well, and having superior character in work.


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