The Story of Extraordinary Lessons *

in #esteem6 years ago


An arrogant, rich man walking in the market crowd

A middle-aged woman
the seller of samin oil, with a jug above his head while carrying a bucket in his right hand ... crossed in front of him

The man asked

  • _ "O woman ... what merchandise do you bring?" ..._ *

The asked answered

  • _ "Oil samin tuan" .._ *

_ "Let me see you" _ the man said in a flat tone.

With a hard-earned middle-aged woman put a bucket that she brought then tried to lower the pitcher and ......

"TES ...tes ... "trembling the woman's hand made a jar shake & a little spilled samin oil, dripping on the man's shirt ...

Instantly his anger exploded. without mercy he rebuked the poor woman selling samin oil:

  • _ "I do not accept ... you have to pay for my clothes you are kotori this!" _ *

  • _ "Sorry sir ... I did not intend ... forgive me .." _ *
    Pitying the woman knees pleading ..

  • _ "Delicious ... can not ... let's pay this shirt" _ * & * heightened the voice of the man's anger ...

helpless ... in the voice of the poor woman dared to ask:

  • _ "How much is the price of this master's clothes?" ..._ *

  • _ "This shirt costs 1000 dinars .. let's pay!" ..._ *

Shocked the lady .. she begged: * _ "Where is that much money lad ... I'm a poor woman?" ..._ *

The emotion and arrogance of the man peaked: * "Aaah ... I do not want to know it .. the clothes you are kotori you have to pay." _ *

This sad sight caused the cessation of a young man's step.
He then stood by the poor woman and said

  • _ "This money 1000 dinar ... let my noble lord's clothes I pay" _ *
    He took the money bag out of his pocket and handed it to the jumawa man who then received and counted 1000 dinars with sparkling eyes ...

the woman was grateful to the young man of his helper god ..

Feeling the money he wanted had gotten the arrogant man to go away ...

  • _ "Eeh later first ..?" barked the young man .._ *
    _ "What's wrong?" _ Replied ketus ...

Quietly the young man said

  • _ "I already paid your clothes .. here ... give it to me ... it's my clothes" _ *

The wide eyes of the arrogant man said

  • _ "lha so i have to walk in this market naked ..?" _ *

Ketus young man replied
*"That is none of my business! bring here I've paid 1000 dinars ... it's my shirt now.! " *

People who had been swarming and furious with the behavior of the arrogant man rame2 shouted * _ "Let's open his clothes ..!" & "hand over his clothes ... it's not yours anymore.!"

feeling cornered in the voice of the pompous head bowed his head said to the young man * _ "This ... take back your money ... I'm not so selling my shirt." _ *

The young man said

  • _ "Who says I want to sell that outfit .?_*
  • _I do not want to sell it! _ *
    *Here...! hand over my shirt.! " *

Pale face of the arrogant man ... he begged * _ "Please ... resell this dress to me" ..._ *

After pleading many times finally the young men said

  • _ "Okay ... but because the clothes are mine ... I will not sell them except for the price of 2000 dinars" ..._ *

bitter felt spit swallowed by the arrogant men to hear this talk ... With a face that still ducked he then dug his pocket 2000 dinar ... handed it over to the young man ... and as soon as he passed away was accompanied by the noise of cheers orang2 in the market ...

the young men then handed over 2000 dinars to the woman selling the samin oil that had been sitting still close to her ... * _ "Mother ... this is a gift from me for you" .... *

My brother ... always remember ...

  • Who is humble, GOD will exalt him ... *

  • Who is arrogant ... GOD will humble him ... *

  • Di this world ... and also in the hereafter .... *

  • Nafa'ani wa iyyakum ... *

  • _ "May Allah remove our pride" _ *

آمين ... آمين يارب العالمين

In one hadith Qudsi Allah says: _

  • Kagagungan is my clothes . *

  • _ Vanity is my shawl ._ *

  • Barang who removes it fromku *

  • Maka I will punch it . *

  • _ (Hadith Qudsi History Abu Daud Ibn Majah) _ *

May be useful
Wassalamualaikum wr. wb

hopefully can be a valuable lesson for us the Sahaba who soleh and solehah ...

  • Share if it is useful !!! *

Please ta'awun to spread this propagation info. Rasulullah shallallahu'alaihi wa sallam said,

من دل على خير فله مثل أجر فاعله

"Whoever shows to the good, then he gets the reward as the person who did." [HR. Muslim]

🔘 برك الله فيكم ...

May we be kept out of pride, always reminded to do good to fellow Aamiin YRA

  • Barakallahu fiikum *

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