The Mangosteen Season At Home Pak Kades

in #esteem6 years ago

Hello steemian friends .. !!
Still in the activity of making a post in steemit. I know that going forward in steemit is very difficult. But this is the trial and patience that I have to put into my mind, hopefully to survive for our own sake.

Halo teman-teman steemian .. !!
Masih dalam aktivitas membuat posting di steemit. Saya tahu bahwa maju dalam steemit sangat sulit. Tapi ini adalah cobaan dan kesabaran yang harus saya taruh dalam pikiran saya, semoga dapat bertahan demi diri kami sendiri.

Still with the same activities share the motivation about nature and also seek motivation about the various lives that are out there.

Masih dengan kegiatan yang sama berbagi motivasi tentang alam dan juga mencari motivasi tentang berbagai kehidupan yang ada di luar sana.

Today I want to post about the mangosteen tree that has been very much fruitful in the house kades pak.

Hari ini saya ingin memposting tentang pohon manggis yang sudah sangat banyak berbuah di rumah kades pak.


This mangosteen has very much to bear fruit and its fruit is almost ripe one by one.





This is the fruit of mangosteen that very much and almost ripe in the house of the village father

Ini adalah buah manggis yang sangat banyak dan hampir matang di rumah bapak desa

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