Rutinitas Hari Ini | Today's Routines

in #esteem6 years ago

Hari ini pagi sekali aku berangkat ke kantor. Tidak seperti biasanya berangkat kekantor setelah makan siang dirumah. Sesampai di kantor seperti biasa setor wajah sebentar lalu duduk di ruang tamu kantor sambil baca koran.


This very early morning I went to the office. Not as usual to go to office after lunch at home. Arriving at the office as usual setor face briefly then sit in the living room office while reading the newspaper.

Lagi asiknya baca koran tiba - tiba bendahara kantor nongol di pintu masuk kantor. Tanpa menunggu lama langsung saya pancing dengan pertanyaan. "pak bendum besok megang, jadi gimana nih'' pancing saya.
"megang bukan besok tapi lusa" ujar bendum seenaknya.


More cool read the newspaper suddenly treasurer office sticking at the entrance of the office. Without a long wait I immediately fish with questions. "pack tomorrow banggum hold, so how ya '' my fishing rod.
"Hold not tomorrow but the day after tomorrow" said the bend as casually.

Kamipun tertawa lepas walau ketawa saya paksakan karena megang ini tidak juga keluar gaji. Bendum tidak jadi masuk ruangannya dan mengajak saya ngopi. Saya pun mengiyakan walau dalam hati saya mengatakan ini adalah sogokan supaya saya tidak lagi membahas gaji. Saya pun berpikir setidaknya ada kopi untuk menurunkan rasa galau karena belum gajian.


We laughed even though I was forced to laugh because it does not hold this salary out of salary. Bendum did not go into his room and invited me to coffee. I said yes though in my heart saying this is a bribe so I no longer discuss the salary. I also think there is at least coffee to lower the sense of upset because not payday.

Kami duduk bertiga di sebuah warung depan kantor, kemudian kami pesan kopi pada pelayan warung. Di saat kami duduk kembali saya bahas masalah gaji. Tetapi bendum malah menyalahkan orang lain. Akhirnya sayapun tidak mau membahasnya lagi karena percuma gaji tetap tidak keluar juga.


We sat the three of us in a shop front, then we ordered coffee to the stall waiter. As we sit back I discuss salary issues. But the bum even blames others. Finally I also did not want to discuss it again because of wasted salary still does not come out as well.

Pak bendahara kemudian memerintah saya untuk memanggil pengurus olahraga aero modeling yang menunggunya di kantor untuk mengajak ngopi bersama kami. Merekapun larut dalam percakapan tentang cabang olahraga permainan drone tersebut.


The treasurer then ordered me to call the aero modeling sportsman who waited for him at the office to take coffee with us. They also dissolve in the conversation about the sport of drone game.

Tidak lama kemudian ada teman wa saya untuk ngajak ngopi di 3 in 1. Pertama saya tidak mau karena barusan sudah ngopi. Namun dia terus memaksa saya ajak ngopi dengan iming - iming kopi dia yang bayar sekaligus gratis sebungkus rokok. Akhirnya aku pun menuju ke 3 in 1, tapi sayang warungnya tutup jadi saya balik arah ke warung lain di sekitar simpang bpkp.

Not long afterwards there is my friend wa invite coffee in 3 in 1. First I do not want because just now have coffee. But he kept forcing me to take coffee with the lure of coffee he paid as well as a free pack of cigarettes. Finally I was heading to 3 in 1, but unfortunately the shop closed so I turned the direction to another shop around the intersection bpkp.

Lama kutunggu dia di sana namun tidak pernah tampak batang hidungnya. Rupanya dia nyasar tidak tau posisi tempat saya menunggunya. Akhirnya saya menyusul dia di daerah simpang surabaya. Setelah kami bertemu kemudian saya ajak ngopi dia di roa coffe peuniti.

I waited for him for a long time but never looked at his nose. Apparently he did not know the position where I am waiting for him. Finally I followed him in surabaya area. After we met then I invited him to coffee at roa peffa peuniti.

Singkat cerita satu jam kami nongkrong di roa coffe dia pamit mau pulang. Saya mengiyakannya, namun yang membuat saya kaget dia menyuruh saya yang bayar kopi. Dengan wajah kesal saya menyanggupinya padahal di kantong satu rupiahpun aku tak punya, maklum belum gajian.

Long story short we were hanging out in roa coffe he said goodbye to go home. I said yes, but to my surprise he told me to pay for the coffee. With annoyed face I affirm when in the pocket one rupiah I did not have, knowing yet payday.

Saat dia mau beranjak dari bangku duduknya dengan kesal saya mengatakan padanya "besok - besok kalau mau ngajak ngopi jangan sok traktir kopi orang kalau enggak ada duit." Dia pun bergegas pergi dengan cengengesan. Kampret... sial betul nasibku hari ini sudah gaji tidak keluar di kerjain kawan lagi.

As he was about to get out of his seat, I angrily told him "tomorrow - tomorrow if you want to invite coffee do not pretend to drink coffee if there is no money." He rushed off with a scratch. Kampret ... unfortunately my fate today has not paid out in friendship again.


gagal lah megangnya pak...

Megang gagal di kerjain kawan lagi

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