Promo-steem - Share experience about my journey joined on steemit start August, 1st 2017 to my close friends(Bilingual)

in #esteemapp6 years ago (edited)

Hallo steemians, hope we all always be healthy


On this opportunity, I want to tell about my activity today that spend my time for sharing experience about steemit to my friends and family that not has steemit account yet. Hope this little thing that I do can be useful to progress steem to be better.

Pada kesempatan kali ini saya ingin bercerita tentang kegiatan saya hari ini, yang meluangkan waktu untuk berbagi pengalaman tentang steemit kepada sahabat dan keluarga saya yang belum mempunyai akun steemit, semoga hal kecil yang saya lakukan ini bisa bermanfaat untuk kemajuan steem.

Talking about my experience of joining steemit to my friends and family who do not have a steemit account is a very interesting thing to me because many exciting things I went through during the steemit can I share with them and can laugh with them.

Bercerita tentang pengalaman saya bergabung di steemit kepada sahabat-sahabat dan keluarga saya yang belum mempunyai akun steemit, merupakan hal yang sangat menarik menurut saya karena banyak hal yang seru yang saya lalui selama bergabung di steemit bisa saya bagi kepada mereka dan bisa tertawa bersama mereka.

On the 1st of August 2017 was the day I made my account steemit, at that time I was invited by a friend of mine who at that time we again routinely upload vidio to youtube and suddenly he got information about steemit, after he signed up his steem he account help me to register steemit account too.

Pada tanggal 1 agustus 2017 adalah hari dimana saya membuat akun steemit, pada saat itu saya di ajak oleh seorang sahabat saya yang pada waktu itu kami lagi rutinnya mengupload vidio ke youtube dan tiba-tiba dia mendapatkan informasi tentang steemit, setelah dia mendaftar akun steeminya dia membantu saya untuk mendaftar akun steemit juga.

A lot of interesting things happened at the first moment we started to join in steemit, which was then very few people in our area who want to join us in the steemit platform, because at that time many people in our area who do not believe about the currency digital and I was then joined to the steemit platform with a feeling of being unsure of the truth of steemit.

Banyak sekali hal menarik yang terjadi pada saat-saat pertama kami mulai bergabung di steemit, yang saat itu masih sangat sedikit orang di daerah kami yang mau bergabung dengan kami dalam platform steemit, dikarenakan saat itu banyak orang di daerah kami yang tidak percaya tentang mata uang digital dan saya sendiripun saat itu bergabung ke platform steemit dengan perasaan yang kurang yakin akan kebenaran steemit.

At that time the price of steam and sbd is still very cheap so i am less serious in making potingan and active in steemit, short story suddenly steem and sbd price soar in because then bitcoin price rose very rapidly. That is where it started after we sold the steam and steem of many people in our area who approached us to ask about steemit and how to register steemit, that is where we started to feel very excited to continue to seek knowledge to be better in steemit until now, then I can tell you more about my journey to join in steemit and thank you very much for visiting my blog @darniyuscivil.

Pada saat itu harga steem dan sbd masih sangat murah hingga saya kurang serius dalam membuat potingan dan aktif di steemit, singkat cerita tiba-tiba harga steem dan sbd melambung jauh di karenakan saat itu harga bitcoin naik sangat pesat. Disitulah mula nya setelah kami menjual sbd dan steem banyak orang di daerah kami yang menghampiri kami untuk bertanya tentang steemit dan cara mendaftar steemit, disitulah kami mulai merasa sangat semangat untuk terus mencari ilmu untuk bisa lebih baik lagi di steemit hingga saat ini, semoga pada kesempatan selanjutnya saya bisa menceritakan lebih panjang lagi tentang perjalanan saya bergabung di steemit dan terima kasih banyak telah berkunjung ke blog saya @darniyuscivil.


Thanks to the #promo-steem founders who always support every activity of our #promo-steem @sterkerz @anarcotech @stephenkendal and @steem-ambassador and also to the world's @steem-ambassador team, @bait002 @raymondbruce @milagros @nairadaddy @richforever, especially in Indonesia @suheri @khusairi @herryazmi11 @my451r @dokter-purnama @rismanrachman @ayijufridar @dilimunanzar @bahagia-arbi @razack-pulo @anggreklestari @alaikaabdullah and @mariska.lubis.


And also to all promoter teams around the world. and my own team from #promo-steemrural

This post has been upvoted by @steem-ambassador.
The #promo-steem mission is to support high quality promotional and educational posts which raise the profile and value of STEEM.
For full details of the programme, please visit

It's really nice to be on steemit not for the SBD but for even the fun you have on the platform more so being rewarded for what ordinarily nobody wants to reward.

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