Rumah kutukan [Fiksi] || Home of the curse [Fiction]

in #fiction6 years ago (edited)

Sejak pertama kali aku menatap dinding belakang rumah ini. Aku mengerti, ada sesuatu hal yang aneh pada dinding yang mengarah ke lantai gudang milik ayah. Hanya dinding itu yang tidak disemen dari seluruh dinding rumah. Hingga kehitaman bata-bata itu dapat dilihat dengan jelas. Mirip seperti telah terbakar ribuan tahun.

Pada dinding itu aku melihat ada tangan-tangan yang meraba-raba. Tangan dengan kuku panjang dan keriput dipenuhi dengan darah, hampir setiap malam aku melihatnya muncul. Persis seperti tangan didalam filem-filem horror yang pernah kulihat. Mungkin, memanjang mirip seperti orang minta tolong saat tenggelam.

Awal aku pertama melihatnya, aku ketakutan. Aku menceritakan pada ayah.
"Jangan berbuat gila seperti ibumu." Ayah hanya tersenyum terkekeh, sinis. Ia seperti tidak perduli apa yang baru saja kukatakan.

Kini aku sadar. Aku tak seharusnya menceritakannya pada badut itu. Pasti ia akan mengaitkan aku dengan ibu. Meski sebenarnya aku sama sekali tak mirip dengan ibu. Aku lebih mirip ayah, tubuhku yang panjang dan gemuk persis tubuh ayah. Kulit kuning Langsat juga sama seperti warna kulit yang dimiliki ayah. Ini sangat jauh berbeda dengan ibu. Ibu kurus, sepanjang tubuhnya seperti yang tersisa hanya kulit dan tulang.

Sepanjang hidupnya ia tidak pernah bicara. Ia sibuk dengan menghitung garis-garis yang memenuhi sisi kamarnya. Garis-garis itu ia sendiri yang membuatnya dalam satu malam. Aku tidak mengerti mengapa dan untuk apa ibu membuat garis-garis itu. Mungkin ibu mengganggap dirinya berada dalam penjara. Sehingga ia duduk, diam dan menghitung-hitung garis itu sepanjang malam.

Aku tak dapat berharap banyak dengan ibu. Beruntung, aku punya kakek. Kakek senantiasa akan mendengar setiap ceritaku. Tidak sama seperti ayah dan ibu yang mengabaikan begitu saja. Tapi sayangnya, kakek telah meninggal setahun yang lalu. Aku menemukannya dengan mulut terbuka dan mata melalak terjatuh di atas pembaringannya. Semua masih begitu misteri, bahkan polisipun belum menemukan apa yang menyebabkan kakek meninggal. Meski kakek telah meninggal tapi aku masih bisa menemuinya di sudut kamarnya diatas sebuah kursi. Meski berbau sedikit aneh. Tapi aku bahagia masih bisa melihat kakek.

Aku tidak mengerti mengapa tubuh kakek tidak membusuk. Yang aku tahu, setiap orang meninggal tubuhnya akan berbau busuk. Sebab itulah setiap orang mati harus dikebumikan. Tapi ada cairan yang di tuangkan ayah ketubuh kakek sebelum kakek diletakkan diatas pembaringan itu. Awalnya aku muak dan mau muntah dengan aroma yang menyengat. Tetapi perlahan aroma itu lenyap dan hilang. Sehingga aku dapat kembali duduk dan bercerita dengan kakek. Meskipun kali ini kakek tidak menjawabnya.

Aku rindu hari-hari itu. Hari-hari dimana aku dan kakek bercerita dan tertawa lepas. Kakek humoris. Banyak ide-ide cemerlang di batok kepalanya. Tapi tentang ayah ia juga muak. Pernah aku bercerita soal ayah yang selalu memukuliku. Ia bilang "kau mau bajingan itu lenyap dari rumah! Kau tusuk saat ia sedang tidur dan kau gulingkan ke lereng bukit belakang rumah. Sebelum kau Guling kesudut, hatinya kau ambil terlebih dahulu untuk anjing buruk yang sering menggonggong dimalam hari itu. Anjing itu layak mendapatkannya. Karena bajingan itu sudah enam kali menembaknya.

Aku hanya tertawa saat kakek menyuruhku melakukan ide gila itu. Tidak mungkin, aku tidak senekat ayah. Meski tubuhku lebih mirip ayah, tapi hatiku mirip ibu, pendiam dan tak berani melawan. Aku tentu tak berani melakukan hal itu pada ayah. Ayah pasti dapat dengan mudah membantingku keluar jendela.

Aku merasa rumahku belakangan ini seperti semakin mengerikan. Tangan-tangan itu semakin sering muncul. Tidak adanya sekali, setiap malam aku melihat tangan-tangan didinding itu muncul. Persis seperti orang-orang meminta tolong, melambaikan tangan dan merintih.

Ini yang membuatku ingin kabur dari rumah.
Tapi ibu. Aku tak bisa melakukannya. Bagaimanapun ibu tak bisa kutinggalkan. Pernah beberapa kali aku mengajaknya untuk kabur dari rumah ini. Tapi tangannya memegang dinding dengan kuat. Hingga aku terpaksa melepasnya. Dan ibu, melanjutkan kembali menghitung garis-garis itu.

Ayah, aku semakin khawatir melihat ayah. Semakin hari ia semakin ngeri dan brutal. Ia sangat banyak berurusan dengan orang. Pernah suatu kali polisi kerumah ku. Ia mempersilakan polisi itu masuk. Hanya kali itu aku melihat ayah tersenyum dihadapan polisi itu. Dan ayah mempersilahkan mereka duduk serta memberikan minuman kaleng dingin. Tetapi saat polisi itu lengah, ayah memukulinya dengan kursi yang biasa digunakan untuk memukulku. Dan setelah itu ayah membuang tubuh polisi itu kekurangan belakang rumah.

Entahlah, ayah semakin hari semakin ngeri Baha'i monster yang siap membunuh siapapun. Tak terkecuali aku. Cukup sulit untuk menebak perangainya. Yang kutahu ia seorang monster yang berbahaya bagi siapapun tak terkecuali aku. Apalagi untuk menebak pekerjaannya itu hal mustahil kulakukan. Yang kutahu ia pergi selama seminggu lalu pulang dengan membawa banyak uang. Aku pernah mengintip melamarnya. Disana ada banyak uang yang berserakan diatas ranjang tidur. Jika ia sesekali baik, ia akan memanggilku Lalu diberikannya untuk beberapa lembar.

Uang itu aku simpan untuk bekal ketika aku suatu saat kabur dari rumah itu. Kupikir itu akan cukup untuk bekal beberapa hari. Tapi uang itu aku gunakan sedikit untuk membeli beberapa kaleng cat dan satu sak semen. Aku berpikir kalau tembok dinding itu dilapisi semen dan cat pasti tangan-tangan mengerikan itu tak akan muncul lagi.

Maka pada saat siang hari, aku mendekati tembok dinding itu. Karena saat siang hari mereka tidak muncul. Tapi kau tahu... Tembok itu tak bisa disemen. Beberapa kali.aku tempelkan adonan semen, selalu saja jatuh kelantai bawah. Aku selalu gagal menempelnya.

Semakin lama rumah ini seperti terkutuk untuk ku tinggali. Niatku semakin besar untuk pergi. Hari ini ketika ayah tak dirumah, aku berniat untuk kabur. Aku pergi kekakamar ibu dan memandikannya. Kupotong seluruh kukunya yang hitam dan menggunakan pakaian yang bersih padanya. Dikamar ku, aku hitung sisa uang yang diberikan ayah. Kukira uang itu cukup untuk membeli dua tiket dan terbang jauh dari kota dan rumah terkutuk ini. Jika sudah diluar kota kukira aku akan aman. Soal pekerjaan aku akan siap bekerja dimanapun. Meski kerja sebagai buruh kasar.

Tapi aku kaget ketika mendengar teriakan ibu di belakang tepat didinding itu. Entah kapan ibu sudah menuju kesana. Padahal selama ini ia tidak pernah keluar dari kamarnya itu meski dipaksa. Ibu berteriak, saat aku kesana aku melihat tangan-tangan berdarah itu menarik ibu kedalam didinding . Aku telah, sampai itu hilang ditelan tembok dan aku hanya sempat melihat ibu berlalu dalam banyangkan hitam.

Aku hanya bisa menangis kala itu. Kuambil palu yang berukuran besar. Aku hantam tembok dinding itu. Tapi tembok itu cukup kuat menahannya. Tak pecah tapi membuat ku terpental beberapa meter dari lokasi dinding itu. Aku semakin terpuruk. Aku harus mengurungkan niat untuk pergi. Setelah hal ini kuceritakan pada ayah barulah aku pergi dari rumah terkutuk ini.

Tapi tak lama kemudian ayah pulang. Ia tidak seperti biasanya. Tangannya memegang bagian dada yang terlihat bercak darah. Kukira ayah ditembak atau dipukuli warga tapi ia cukup kuat menahannya. Ia segera masuk dan menutup pintu. Disekeliling rumah banyak polisi dan warga yang sudah mengepung.

"Kau ambil ibumu, kita harus pergi dari sini"

"Tidak ayah, ibu telah diambil tangan-tangan itu"

Dia mengambil kursi dan ingin memukuliku tapi ia tak sadar kalau kali ini aku akan mengelaknya. Polisi diluar telah memberi aba-aba kalau ayah di minta untuk menyerah. Tapi ayah tidak peduli akan suara dari mobil patroli itu. Ia mengokang senapannya dan menembaki polisi itu. Sampai rumah di hujani peluru polisi. Aku berlindung dibalik tembok rumah. Beberapa warga lantas mengambil obor dan melemparkannya keatas atap rumah.

Semakin lama api itu semakin membesar. Suara tembakan terhenti beberapa saat. Tapi suara ayah sepertinya telah tertembak. Karena tidak ada lagi suara tembakan balasan dari kamar ayah. Aku semakin takut dan tanpa sadar aku berada di dinding tembok itu. Api semakin membuatku menyeret ku ke dinding itu. Lalu saat itu pula, tangan-tangan mengerikan itu keluar mereka mendekapnya dan menarikku kedalam lorong gelap. []

Pidie, 8 Mei 2018


Since the first time I looked at the back wall of the House. I understand, there is something strange on the wall leading to the floor of the warehouse belongs to the father. Just the wall that is not cemented from all over the walls of the House. Until blackish brick-brick can be seen clearly. Similar has been burning for thousands of years.

On the wall that I see there are hands that groped. A hand with long fingernails and wrinkles are filled with blood, almost every night I see it appear. Just like the hand in the 1970s horror film I've seen. Perhaps, like elongated man for help when submerged.

Earlier I first saw it, I fear. I'm telling dad.
"Don't do crazy like your mother." dad just smiled, chuckled cynically. It's like no matter what you just say.

Now I'm aware of. I'm not supposed to tell it on a clown it. Surely he will associate me with the mother. Despite the fact I was not at all similar to the mother. I'm more like my dad, a long and meaty body exactly father. Yellow skin skin is also the same as the skin color which belonged to my father. This is very much different from the mother. Skinny mom, all his body like the left over only skin and bones.

Throughout his life he never talk. He was occupied with counting lines that meet the sides of the room. The lines that he himself made it in one night. I do not understand why and to what mom makes the lines of that. The mother may presume that they themselves are in prison. So he sat, silent and tallying that line all night.

I cannot expect much with mother. Lucky, I have a grandfather. Grandpa always going to hear any of my story. Not the same as the father and mother are ignoring it. But unfortunately, the grandfather had passed away a year ago. I found it with the mouth open and eyes melalak fall on top of his couch. All mystery is still so, even polisipun haven't found what causes the grandfather died. Although the grandfather had passed away but I can still see him in the corner of his room on a Chair. Even though it smells a bit weird. But I can still see the happy grandfather.

I do not understand why not Grandpa's body to rot. I know, everyone dies his body will smell foul. Hence, each of the dead should be buried. But there is a liquid that in father grandfather plus pour before Grandpa put a fold above it. At first I was fed up and want to puke with pungent aromas. But slowly the aromas that vanished and gone. So I can go back to sit and tell stories with Grandpa. Although this time the grandfather did not answer it.

I do not understand why not Grandpa's body to rot. I know, everyone dies his body will smell foul. Hence, each of the dead should be buried. But there is a liquid that in father grandfather plus pour before Grandpa put a fold above it. At first I was fed up and want to puke with pungent aromas. But slowly the aromas that vanished and gone. So I can go back to sit and tell stories with Grandpa. Although this time the grandfather did not answer it.

I miss those days. The days when me and my grandfather tell stories and laugh it off. Grandpa humorist. Many brilliant ideas in her head shell. But about the father he also fed up. Ever I tell you matter of father who is always memukuliku. He said "you want asshole it vanished from home! You're a prick when he was sleeping and you roll into the hillside behind the House. Before you Scroll kesudut, his heart you take beforehand to a dog barking at night often bad that day. That dog deserved it. Because the asshole was already shot him six times.

I just laugh when grandpa told me to do that crazy idea. No way, I'm not senekat's father. Even though my body is more like a father, but my heart is similar to the mother, subdued and did not dare fight. I'm certainly not dare to do that on my father. Father membantingku surely can easily go out the window.

I felt my house lately as the more terrible. The hands were increasingly frequent. The absence of all, every night I saw didinding hands appear. Just like people asking for help, waving hands and moaning.

It made me want to run from the House.
But the mother. I was unable to do so. However I could not mother. Once I asked him several times to escape from this House. But her hands holding the walls with strong. Until I'm forced to take it off. And mother, resumed counting lines of it.

Dad, I'm increasingly worried seeing dad. The more the day he increasingly brutal and cringe. He was very much in dealing with people. Never one time police in ku. He allowed police to enter. Only that time I saw smiling fathers before the police. And dad lets them sit and drink cans cool. But when the police off guard, the father beat him with a Chair that was used to hit me. And after that the father throw a body that police lack back home.

I dunno, Dad increasingly today increasingly horrified Baha'i monster who is ready to kill anyone. I was no exception. Quite difficult to guess the unruly behavior. The kutahu he's a monster who is dangerous for anyone I was no exception. Let alone to guess his job that's impossible I did. The kutahu went for a week and then go home with a lot of money. I've been spying on her. There is a lot of money scattered above the bunk bed. If he is good, he would occasionally call me and then he gave to several sheets.

The money I save for the provision when I ran away from the House. I figured it would be enough to stock a few days. But the money I use a bit to buy a few cans of paint and one sack of cement. I think if the walls were coated with cement and paint are definitely terrible hands it will not appear again.

Then at the time of the day, I approached the wall of the wall. Because of the time during the day they don't show up. But you know ... The wall cannot be cemented. Few times. I attach the cement dough, always just fall down kelantai. I always fail to menempelnya.

The longer this House like a damned to my home. My intentions the more to go. These days when Daddy is not at home, I intend to escape. I went kekakamar mother and washing. Kupotong the whole of his nails black and using the clean clothes on him. In bed, I count the rest of the money that was given. I thought the money is enough to buy two tickets and fly away from the city and the House of the damned. If it is outside of the city I thought I would be safe. Reserved job I will be ready to work anywhere. Although the work as labourers.

But I was shocked when I heard the cries of the mother behind the right didinding it. Either when the mother was already headed there. But during this time he never came out of her room that even though it was forced. Mother screamed, as I was there I saw a bloody hands that's attractive mother into didinding. I have, until it was swallowed up by the wall and missing I only got to see the mother passed in banyangkan black.

I can only cry at that time. I took a large hammer. Match report: I wall wall. But the wall was strong enough to hold it. Not broke but made me bounce off a few meters from the location of the wall. I'm worse. I had to undo your intention to leave. After this kuceritakan on dad then I went from this cursed House.

But shortly afterwards dad come home. It's not like usual. His hand holding the chest are visible patches of blood. I thought dad was shot or beaten citizens but he was strong enough to hold it. He soon entered and closed the door. Around the House a lot of police officers and citizens who have been besieged.

"You take your mother, we have to go from here" "no father, mother has been taken out of the hands of it's"

She took a seat and want to memukuliku but he was not aware if this time I will mengelaknya. Police outside the aba has given cue when dad asked to surrender. But the father did not care about the voice of the patrol car that. He cocked his rifle and shooting at police. To a house in hujani police bullets. I took shelter behind the walls of the House. Some residents then took the torch and threw it over the roof of the House.

The longer the fire getting engorged. Shot noise has stopped several times. But the voice of the father seems to have been shot. Because there were no more gunshots a reply from Dad's room. I am getting scared and unknowingly I was on that wall. The fire made me drag me to the wall. Then when it was all, horrible hands hugged me and pulled me into a dark hallway. []

Pidie, May 8, 2018

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