in #fiction6 years ago



It was late in the afternoon. The sun is almost perfect to enter his bed. The western horizon turned golden orange, the remaining sunlight radiating into space. The sky is starting to bristle ..

Rina sits at her own stop. Public transport usually crowded this afternoon feels so quiet. Every time he has a vehicle from the right he always looks. He hopes that buses come to Journey home once still take a bus. Repeatedly he turned, repeatedly also disappointed to ambush him.

He looked at the clock in his hand. He took a deep breath.

"It's already half past six," he mumbles

She stamped his feet on the ground many times , sign that anxiety was becoming more pronounced.

She knew the journey was still long. He also knows that the day is getting darker. While he is also aware of going through a bridge near the famous haunted ramps. where there are frequent accidents. It is said that in that place was once the site of the murder of 20 people by the Dutch army. They were shot. on the bridge. His body was dropped into the river from the bridge. That's why their ghosts often ask for "friends". Friends which means there must be a dead victim in that place. The stories made him even less frightened.

Ten minutes after she saw the clock then there was a metallic bus from the distance. She observe to make sure it is the bus that will take her. Her face no longer looked sullen.

Yes it's the bus she's been waiting for.

Rina waves her hand to signal the driver to stop. The driver knew that there are passengers who waved passenger's hand meaning they wanted to go on the bus. So the driver slowed down and stopped to approach Rina sitting.

The bus conductor opened the door and invited Rina to enter. She immediately rushed up. and sitting on the right seat, two rows behind the driver.


It turned out that the bus that he was riding was filled only by five penyuimpang including him. Two passengers sat on a bench by the back door. Two women sat on the middle bench. The other was a young woman of Rina's age. This young woman has long hair loose. Occasionally brushing hair with both hands ..

The other was an elderly grandmother with a potted face. This old face makes Rina feel a little scared. What else if you remember ghost stories in horror movies.

To eliminate the fear she chose to close her eyes to sleep. Anyway the conductor will notify me when she reaches the destination. She does not want to cross the bridge that supposedly haunted he got the "appearance". Something she really did not expect.

Not long after he fell asleep. In her sleep she dreamed of being on a bus. She sat by the window of the bus. Suddenly the bus stopped. Then the toothless and frightened grandmother came up and approached her because the seat next to Rina was empty.

"May I sit next to you dear?" she asked in a husky voice.

Rina was frightened to hear it and could only nod.
"You ... you ..." said the elderly grandmother as she extended her hand toward Rina's face.

Rina saw that the wrinkled hands have long black nails. It seems that this grandmother was about to scratch Rina. Once his fears and no place to escape Rina can only shout.

"Oh, no Granny,"

Rina repeatedly tried to fend off the helping hand of an elderly grandmother. Her breathing was panting until she woke from his sleep. Her breath was still wheezing because she felt the dream he experienced is very scary.
She looked around, probing if there really was a granny nearby

No one is on the bus. Including driver, conductor and grandmother with her peers.
Rina is more frightened when looking out. The bus was on a bridge near the hill he feared.
He ducked for a moment

"Oh, it's a terrible dream, it just stops where it's haunted," he mumbled.

Suddenly he felt the bus go slowly. His fears were getting bigger again.
So slowly the way the bus until the moment feels in the middle of the bridge enter the grandmother who was traveling with Rina.
Her hair was a bit messy. rina increasingly panicked. he wondered whether the ghosts on this bridge are going to look for the victims? Was this grandmother really a ghost or a real human being? Various allegations appear in Rina's mind.

"My granddaughter, come down for a while, help someone else push the bus," said the grandmother.
"The bus broke down," she continued

"Ughhh," the relief.
Apparently not because the bus runs without driver. But because everyone is helping push the bus.
Finally Rina got off the bus to help and soon the bus could be fixed

Bahasa Indonesia

Hari sudah menjelang senja. Matahari hampir sempurna masuk ke peraduannya. Ufuk barat berubah jadi jingga keemasan, sisa sinar mentari yang terpancar ke angkasa. Langit sudah mulai meremang..

Rina duduk di halte sendiri. Angkutan umum yang biasanya ramai petang ini terasa begitu sepi. Setiap ia ada suara kendaraan dari arah kanan selalu ia tengok. Ia berharap yang datang bis ke Perjalanan pulang ke rumah masih satu kali naik bis.Berulang kali ia menoleh, berulang kali juga kecewa menyergapnya.

Ia melihat jam di tangannya. Ia menghela nafas panjang.

"Hm sudah jam setengah enam ," gumamnya

Ia menjejak-jejakkan kakinya ke tanah, tanda gelisah sudah makin terasa.

Ia tahu perjalanan masih agak lama. Ia juga tahu bahwa hari sudah makin gelap. Sementara ia juga sadar akan melewati sebuah jembatan dekat tanjakan yang terkenal angker. di tempat itu sering terjadi kecelakaan. Konon, di tempat itu dulunya tempat pembunuhan 20 orang oleh tentara Belanda. Mereka di tembak. di jembatan. Mayatnya dijatuhkan ke sungai dari atas jembatan . Itu mengapa arwah mereka sering minta "teman". Teman yang artinya harus ada yang mati jadi korban di tempat itu. Cerita-cerita itu membuatnya makin ciut nyalinya.

Sepuluh menit setelah ia melihat jam tangan dari kejauhan tampak ada sebuah bis berwarna metalik. I memperhatikan bis itu untuk meyakinkan itu adalah bis yang akan membawanya.

Ya itu bisa yang sudah ia tunggu-tunggu.

Rina melambaikan tangan memberi tanda kepada sopir untuk berhenti. Sopirpun tahu bahwa saat ada calon penumpang yang melambaikan tangan artiya ia ingin ikut naik bis. Maka sopir memelankan lajunya dan berhenti untuk menghampiri ke arah Rina sedang duduk..
Kondektur bis membukakan pintu dan mempersilakan Rina untuk masuk. Ia segera bergegas naik dan duduk di kursi sebelah kanan, dua baris di belakang sopir.
Ternyata bis yang ia tumpangi hanya diisi oleh lima penuimpang termasuk dia. Dua penumpang duduk di bangku dekat pintu belakang. Dua wanita duduk di bangku tengah. Yang satunya wanita muda seusia Rina.
Wanita muda ini mepunyai rambut panjang terurai. Sesekali disisirnya rambut dengan kedua tangannya..

Yang satunya seorang nenek tua dengan wajah yang sudah peot. Wajah tua ini membuat Rina merasa sedikit takut. Apa lagi kalau ingat cerita hantu di film-film horor.

Untuk menghilangkan rasa takutnya ia memilih berusaha memejamkan mata agar bisa tertidur. toh nanti kondektur akan memberi tahu kalau sudah sampai tujuan.Ia tak ingin saat melintasi jembatan yang konon berhantu ia mendapat 'penampakan". Sesuatu yang benar-benar tak ia harapkan.

Tak berapa lama ia tertidur. Dalam tidurnya ia bermimpi sedang naik bis. Ia duduk di dekat kaca jendela bis. Tiba-tiba bis berhenti. Lalu nenek-nenek yang ompong dan menakutkan naik dan menghampirinya karena kursi sebelah Rina kosong.

"Boleh . saya duduk di sebelahmu nak?" tanyanya dengan suara parau.

Rina ketakutan mendengarnya dan hanya bisa mengangguk.

"Kamu...Kamu..."kata nenek tua sambil mengulurkan tangan ke arah wajah Rina.

Rina melihat tangan keriput itu mempunyai kuku hitam yang panjang. Rasanya nenek ini hendak mencakar Rina. Begitu ketakutannya dan tak ada tempat untuk menghindar Rina hanya bisa berteriak.

"Jangan Nek,"
Rina berulang kali berusaha menangkis uluran tangan nenek tua. Nafasnya tersengal-sengal hingga ia terbangun dari tidurnya. Nafasnya masih tersengal-sengal karena merasa mimpi yang ia alami sangat menakutkan.
Ia melihat sekeliling, menyelidik jangan-jangan memang ada nenek-nenek di dekatnya.

Tak seorang pun ada dalam bis. Termasuk supir, kondektur dan nenek-nenek bersama wanita sebayanya.
Rina makin takut saat melihat keluar.
bis sedang berada di jembatan dekat tanjakan yang ia takutkan.
Ia merunduk sejenak

"Aduh, sudah mimpi seram sekali. Ini bisnya malah berhenti ditempat yang angker,' gumamnya.

Tiba-tiba ia merasa bis melaju pelan. Rasa takutnya kembali makin besar.
Pelan sekali jalannya bis hingga saat berasa di tengah jembatan masuk nenek-nenek yang satu perjalanan dengan Rina.
Rambutnya agak acak-acakan. Rina makin panik. ia berpikir apakah hantu di jembatan ini yang akan mencari korban? Apakah nenek ini memang penjelmaan hantu atau benar-benar manusia? Berbagai dugaan muncul di benak Rina.

"Ughhh," leganya.

Ternyata bukan karena busnya berjalan tanpa sopir. Tapi karena semua orang sedang membantu mendorong bis.
Akhirnya Rina turun dari bis ikut membantu dan tak lama kemudian bis bisa diperbaiki.


I wanted to read and give some feedback, but it is very hard to read, in English at least.
Verbs of the story constantly change tenses, and it is itself quite creepy.

ok. never mind. So I knew that i must learn anymore to make a better once. Your comment is your support for me. have a nice day!
thank you for visiting my blog

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