8 characters that it's time to recharge your body with vitamins and minerals

in #food6 years ago

While we know that it is important to take vitamins and minerals, sometimes our lifestyle and nutrition may be the cause of these nutrients.
But the human body is designed to always indicate in one way or another if there is a shortage.

Hair loss

What is the condition of your hair? If you notice that it is easier to tear, thinner, maybe suffer from hair loss, pay attention to your diet. Your body is likely to experience vitamin B7 deficiency (biotin). Consuming more bananas, raw almonds and potatoes, you can reduce the risk of deficiency of this important vitamin.

Muscle spasms

Muscle perceptions, cramps during sports or while you are resting ... Your body suggests that you may need more calcium, magnesium and potassium. If you are active in sports, it is very important to take these 3 minerals regularly, as with sweating we lose a lot of electrolytes.

Facial rashes

Skin is one of the first organs that tell us that there is a shortage of nutrients in our body. If you have pimples, rashes, you may need vitamin B7.
Our body stores many fat-soluble vitamins such as A, E, K, D, but B vitamins need to be continually recovering.
In addition to nutritional supplements, you can increase the amount of biotin intake by adding mushrooms, potatoes, cheese, cooked eggs, spinach and cauliflower to your daily menu.

Tingling in the limbs

The numbness of the limbs is not to be underestimated. Behind it may be a more serious health problem or need more vitamins B6, B12 and B9 (folic acid).
These vitamins are involved in the process of synthesis of healthy blood cells that are needed to transport oxygen to the organs. Eat more beans, citrus, seafood, poultry.

Acne in the area of ​​the thighs and arms

The appearance of acne in these parts of the body may be caused by a number of factors. One of them is the lack of vitamins A, D and fatty acids.
Try to minimize the amount of trans fats consumed. These fats are contained in almost all packaged foods. Add oily fish, raw nuts, carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, red pepper to your menu.

Yellow eye sclerosis (white part)

If it is not a serious health problem, the slight yellowing of the eye sclera may be due to a lack of vitamin B12 deficiency.
To get this vitamin you want, enrich your menu with milk, beef and chicken liver, tuna, salmon, mutton.

Problems with gums

You should not underestimate the deficiency of vitamins and minerals, as it can also affect the health of the gums.
For example, vitamin D deficiency may be one of the reasons for the occurrence of periodontitis. Enrich your menu with foods containing calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D, such as dairy products, brown rice, tomatoes, beans, fish, citrus and grapes.

Tearing of the corners of the lips

If the corners of your lips are often broken, split, you probably suffer from a deficiency of vitamins B3, B2 and B12, iron and zinc. To reduce this malaise, by purchasing the important nutrients, consume more poultry, fish, eggs, beans and nuts.

It is very important to provide enough vitamin C as it helps to fight infections and improves the iron metabolism.

image -https://www.pexels.com

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