Chocolate Salted Caramel Slice || Kue Karamel 3 Lapis

in #food6 years ago

Hi friends!

As mentioned before, I have a caramel slice recipe to share. I made these a couple of days ago but since I tend to just post once or twice a day, as to not clogged your feed, the recipe kept being pushed back and only now I have the chance to share it here 😊

These slices are pretty easy to make, fail- proof, and they are delish, I kid you not. Was not easy for me to eat just a slice, if I did not remember it's Summer where I need to put on less clothing, I would finish the whole tray 😅


Now @cheetah, I'm tagging you in advance as I pretty much dislike it when you appear in one of my blogs 🤣 But I am including my own recipes that I have shared here before, for some of the slice-layers.

Bottom Layer

  • 1 c each rolled oats and flour
  • 3/4 c each sugar and unsweetened dessicated coconut
  • 125 g golden vegetable shortening
  • 2 tbsp corn syrup
  • 2 tbsp hot boiling water
  • 1 tsp baking soda

How To

  • Mix flour, coconut, oats, and sugar in a bowl, make a well in center
  • Preheat oven to 300 F
  • Place shortening and corn syrup into a pot, melt over medium heat.


  • Once melted and combined, take off from heat and dissolve baking soda in hot boiling water. Pour into melted shortening, stir to combine.
  • Pour mixture into dry mixture and mix to combine
  • Wet your hands and roll 1 heaping tbsp of mixture into balls, you can use ice cream scoop, much easier
  • Place balls on aluminum foil lined baking sheet and bake for 15 mins, until golden brown. Cool on tray


Middle Layer

  • 1/2 c vegan margarine
  • 1/2 c coconut palm sugar
  • 1/2 c corn syrup
  • generous pinch of salt
  • 1 can of coconut condensed milk
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

How To

  • Line a square pan with parchment paper, set aside
  • Melt margarine in a pot over medium heat
  • Stir in sugar, syrup and salt
  • Stir in condensed milk


  • Cook until candy thermometer shows 120 C or 248 F
  • Take off from heat, let bubbles gone then stir in vanilla extract
  • Pour hot caramel into prepared pan and let cool to room temperature
  • Chill in the fridge for several hours/overnight


Top Layer

  • 1/4 c DF chocolate chips
  • 1/2 tbsp coconut oil
  • coarse salt, as needed


  • Crush 15 cookies from top layers, place them in ziplock bag and crush roughly with rolling pin
  • Place cookies into food processor, process into fine crush


  • Mix with melted 3 tbsp of coconut oil
  • Press mixture into rectangular pan that has been lined with parchment paper, chill in the fridge


  • Meanwhile, take out harden soft caramels and heat it on low medium heat to melt, add in a pinch of salt, let simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, take off from heat
  • Take out crust from the fridge and pour melted caramel covering crust
  • Chill for 2 H at least or until caramel layer is harden


  • In a bowl, melt choc chips and coconut oil, in 30 seconds intervals, stir to combine well
  • Pour chocolate on-top of caramel layer and sprinkle with some salt


  • Chill until chocolate is firm
  • Slice and enjoy 😊



  • These slices freeze well!

Find me on Discord, at #teamcanada, #teamaustralia, #thealliance, and lending a hand on #indonesia

this one.jpg

Hai teman,

Jumpa lagi dengan resep dari dapurku.

Ga ribet-ribet amat, tapi lumayan banyak bahannya.

Namuuuunn, kalau sudah jadi, uenak tenan, dijamin 👍😉👍😉

Yuk ditengok langkah2 ya

Lapisan Dasar

  • 1 gelas terigu
  • 1 gelas havermut
  • 3/4 gelas gula pasir
  • 3/4 gelas kelapa parut kering
  • 125 g mentega
  • 2 sdm sirup jagung/madu/golden syrup
  • 2 sdm air panas
  • 1 sdt soda kue

Cara Membuat

  • Lelehkan mentega dan golden syrup di atas kompor. Angkat
    -Larutkan soda kue kedalam air panas
  • Campurkan soda kue kedalam lelehan mentega, aduk rata
  • Campurkan terigu, kelapa, havermut dan gula di dalam mangkuk besar, tuang lelehan mentega
  • Bulatkan sebesar kelereng dan letakkan di loyang yang sudah disapu dengan mentega
  • Panggang dalam oven yang sudah dipanaskan terlebih dahulu 150 C selama 15 menit
  • Dinginkan di atas loyang

Lapisan Tengah

  • 1/2 gelas margarin
  • 1/2 gelas sirup jagung
    -1/2 gelas palm suiker (gula semut)
  • sejumput garam
  • 1 kaleng SKM (195 ml)
  • 1/2 sdt perasa vanili

Cara Membuat

  • Cairkan margarin diatas kompor api sedang
  • Masukkan bahan lainnya (kecuali vanili) dan masak hingga termometer (khusus buat permen) menunjukkan 120 C
  • Matikan api, angkat panci dari kompor, aduk hingga buih panas menghilang
  • Masukkan vanili
  • Tuang karamel panas ke cetakan yang sudah dialasi dengan kertas kue/kertas minyak
    & Biarkan hingga dingin di suhu ruangan, baru masukkan ke dalam kulkas hingga mengeras

Lapisan Atas

  • 1/4 gelas cokelat butiran
  • 1/2 sdm minyak kelapa padat
  • garam berbutir besar

Kue Lapis Karamel

  • Ambil 15 buah kue kering dari lapisan dasar, haluskan
  • Lelehkan 3 sdm minyak kelapa padat dan campurkan ke dalam kue kering halus
  • Padatkan campuran ini dalam loyang kue, dan masukkan ke kulkas 10-15 menit
  • Sementara itu ambil lapisan kedua, masukkan kedalam panci, lelehkan dengan api sedang, aduk sesekali. Beri sejumput garam, dan masak 10 menit, angkat dari kompor
  • Keluarkan lapisan dasar dari kulkas, lalu tuang lapisan tengah diatasnya
  • Masukkan kulkas dan dinginkan hingga mengeras setidaknya 2 jam
  • Lelehkan lapisan atas, tuang ke lapisan tengah dan taburi garam berbutir besar, masukkan kembali ke kulkas hingga lapisan atas mengeras
  • Potong2 dan sajikan


Selamat menikmati

Aktif membantu di channel #indonesia di MSP PAL Discord


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This looks delicious and a nice variation on recipes I have seen. Chocolate caramel slice is a favorite treat in Australia. Looks like you have a connection to Australia.

I have made many a Chocolate Caramel Slice over the years @thekitchenfairy but never with rolled oats included in the base. I like to sound of this and I will have to try this recipe when my grandchildren come to visit me. many thanks for sharing this with us. Great images to set the taste buds dancing too. (:

Trudee!! This is using ANZAC biscuits, hence rolled oats 😁

It’s a great idea.......and a little more healthy @thekitchenfairy 😋

Alamat nggak bisa berhenti kalau sudah icip2 cemilan ini.. hehehe

Bener mas, Aku yo rak iso berhenti. Tancaaaaap 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Oh my goodness! That looks so delicious 😍 And perfect bite size so I can have one in every bite :D

Finally i posted it 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I woke up at 4 ish and thought, I better get on it for Nicole 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Looks really nice thanks for sharing. One thing I would advise is to use non diary margarine because it is really bad as it has a lot of saturated fat and cholestoral which clogs up are arteries👍🏼

It's vegan margarine, which means it's dairy free. Depending on the brand, you can find margarines that are low in saturated fat, and a few that contains zero saturated fat 😊

Ah awsome just thought I would give you a heads up if you were unaware👏🏼🙌🏼

Oh God, that looks very inviting 😉

Thanks @thekitchenfairy. That looks so delicious. Will have to show wife :)

Oh yum! I'll have to try this. My boyfriend is vegan and I eat mostly vegan, so this will be great for us. Thank you!

Delivery please! lol

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