Szilvasgomboc (Hungarian Fruit Dumplings) //Bola-Bola Buah Plum

in #food6 years ago (edited)

Plum, apricot, nectar, peach season is here, so it's time for some fruit dumplings, right? 😉

My husband's late grandmother taught me how to make szilvasgomboc, which is Hungarian fruit dumpling, filled with plum. This is soooo good. Then I learned other people would have other fillings like apricot, peach and even strawberries. Intriguing, but since my husband grew up with the plum filled, I never got really curious enough to make the dumplings with other fruits.


The other day we got a bag of plum and a bag of apricots, and the apricots weren't sweet to just served as is. So I decided to use a couple as gomboc fillings.


  • 6 small - medium size potatoes, skinned, boiled, drained, mashed
  • 6 tbsp aquafaba (bean water equals to 2 eggs)
  • 2 c flour
  • salt to taste



  • apricots and plums
  • brown sugar/coconut palm sugar, as needed



  • 3 c bread crumbs
  • 2-3 tbsp vegetable oil/olive oil



  • enough water for boiling
  • enough icing sugar for serving


  • Mix mashed potatoes with flour, salt and aquafaba
  • Roll flat of floured surface and slice into portions


  • Wash fruits, pat to dry then halved. Discard stones.
  • Mix fruits with coconut palm sugar and place on dough
  • Grab sides together and pinch to seal, shaping dough into a ball



  • Bring water to boil
  • Meanwhile, heat oil and fry breadcrumbs to browning, set aside
  • Drop fruit dumplings into boiling water. Once they are floating, take them out with slotted spoon and roll dumplings in breadcrumbs



  • Sprinkle dumplings with icing sugar just before serving


You can store it in the fridge and heat it in microwave to soften it again.


Next is to try with strawberries 😉

NOTE: I think white sugar would be perfect for apricot rather than brown/coconut palm sugar. But for plums, stick with brown/coconut palm sugar.

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Di Hongaria ada salah satu makanan manis yang sangat terkenal, terbuat dari kentang dan diberi nama szilvasgomboc, yaitu bola-bola buah plum.

Enaaaak deh

Tengahnya dikasih gula merah, terus bola-bolanya di gulingkan di remahan roti kering, dan waktu menyantap kudu di beri gula halus/tepung


Nih resepnya kalau mau ikutan coba. Isinya lazimnya sih buah plum, tapi punyaku berikut ini selain buah plum kukasih juga buah aprikot 😊


  • 6 kentang ukuran sedang, kuliti, rebus, tiriskan, lumatkan
  • 2 gelas terigu
  • sejumput garam
  • 6 sdm air kacang kalengan (aquafaba), atau 2 butir telur


  • buah plum ataupun aprikot, cuci bersih, keringkan, belah dan buang bijinya
  • gula merah sisir/gula palem (palm suiker) secukupnya


  • 3 gelas tepung roti (remahan roti kering)
  • 3 sdm minyak goreng
  • gula halus buat taburan
  • air untuk merebus, secukupnya


  • Campur kentang tumbuk, terigu, garam dan telur
  • Gilas rata, potong menjadi beberapa bagian
  • Campur buah potong dengan gula merah, taruh di potonga adonan
  • Bulatkan
  • Rebus air hingga mendidih
  • Sementara itu, panaskan minyak dan goreng tepung roti hingga kecoklatan, sisihkan
  • Cemplungkan bola-bola kentang ke air mendidih, masak hingga mengapung
  • Tiriskan dan gulingkan ke tepung roti
  • Sajikan dengan taburan gula halus


Besok-besok mau bikin pakai buah stroberi aaaah 😁

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Nice decorated food.I think this really tasty and nutrious food..

Kalau diganti buah lain sesuai selera bisa ya kak @thekitchenfairy

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It is looking so yummy I am thing about making this recipe soon.

Yay, szilvásgombóc!!!! Imádom!!! Yummy!!! :) I'm reblogging this!

Kelihatannya sangat lezat mbak @thekitchenfairy👍...
Jadi kepingin ini...
Andaikan dekat pasti akan saya datangi😂

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WANT! p.S if you want to get the dumpling real smooth you put it in a panty hose to form it ... Give me those dumplings MEOW!

ondel-ondel kentang jadinya ya mbak

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