YouTube(Singapore) Top5 Trending Autos & Vehicles

in #g4jilzs695 years ago

No 1: Why Planes Don't Fly Over the Pacific Ocean

Why do airlines avoid the Pacific Ocean? You might think it was a safety issue. The Pacific is the largest and deepest of the world’s oceans. If a plane encounters a problem over a seemingly endless and bottomless pond of water, the pilots are going to have a rough time finding a safe spot to set her down. Guessing that it is a safety precaution


🔥GET MERCH NOW!!🔥━► Today Carter Sharer invites the Dream Team including Lizzy Capri, Ryan Prunty, Stove's Kitchen, and special guest Bailey Payne AKA Bagels to an epic last to leave the cars challenge for a chance to win $10,000 dollars cash money! The rules of the game are simple, similar to the last to leave the

No 3: 美國媒體鄭重發聲:中國贏了!過去的質疑,如今的強盛!

環球諜報堅持新聞立臺,全面貼近受眾,實施融合傳播,以豐富的信息資訊、鮮明的中國視角、廣闊的世界眼光,講好中國故事、傳播好中國聲音,讓世界認識壹個立體多彩的中國,展示中國作為世界和平的建設者、全球發展的貢獻者、國際秩序的維護者良好形象,為推動建設人類命運共同體作出貢獻。 訂閱我的YouTuBe:

No 4: 【十一國慶】黃大仙中年男子:警方開槍合理 示威者:回大陸吧!

1/10/2019 本港各區爆發激烈衝突,警方開槍,示威者中槍事件更惹爭議。其中黃大仙區彷如戰場,剛買完菜歸家的中年男士表示,警方以武力對付「恐怖分子」合理,隨即引來在場示威者抗議,雙方發生口角。中年男士質問示威者是否認同自己是中國人,示威者反叫他:「回大陸吧!」 「反修例風暴」新聞專題 深入分析

No 5: 48 hours in the life of a Malaysian truck driver: From Cameron Highlands to Singapore - and back

59-year-old truck driver Loo Chin Khong works 48-hour shifts, commuting between Pahang and Singapore up to three times a week as he delivers fresh produce from Cameron Highlands to Singapore's Pasir Panjang and back. CNA followed him on one such round trip, to experience first-hand the challenges that truckers like him face every day. Read his stor

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