Some thoughts about the psychodynamic theory of personality. /part 2/

in #godflesh5 years ago

From them comes a sense of pride, shame and guilt. Freud believes that human behavior is entirely motivated by motives or instincts, which in turn are a neurological expression of physiological needs. Instincts - a driving force of behavior Freud believed that human behavior was activated by a single energy, according to the law of energy storage. Freud has summarized that a source of mental energy is a non-French state of excitation. Freud affirms that the mental expression of bodily needs expressed in desire is called instincts.

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Instincts are still innate ability or readiness to react in a uniform and stereotyped way to a particular group of irritants. It is composed of behavioral reactions that are much more complex than behavioral reflexes. They can be found and hidden, masked. Regarding the essence of life and death, Freud recognized the existence of two main groups of instincts: life and death. At first he considered them the instincts of life. Their motivational energy called libido (from the Latin word I wish). Freud later began to believe that these instincts did not reveal the whole truth. Besides these there are instincts of death / unconscious desire of every person to die /.

Freud took them to the principle of nirvana / nirvana was a Buddhist idea, often translated as paradise, but in fact meaningful "blowing"; connected with non-existence, nothingness, freedom, emptiness. Everyday proof of this is our desire for calmness, escape from excitement; our addiction to alcohol and drugs; our propensity to "immerse" in books or films; our craving to rest and sleep. Sometimes this principle takes a more literal form: a desire for suicide. Freud also finds his activity in aggression, cruelty, murder, and destructive power at all. When I am unable to resolve the conflict between It and the Over-I, a feeling of anxiety appears. Protective mechanisms come to the rescue / I unconsciously block impulses or turn them into a more acceptable form. Denial involves blocking external events from consciousness. Repression is an inability to recall a dangerous situation, person or event.

Asceticism is a rejection of needs. Insulation (sometimes referred to as intellectualisation) includes deprivation of emotion due to a threatening impulse. Shifting is a reorientation of the impulse to a substitute. Projection is the tendency to see unacceptable desires in others. The altruistic refusal is a form of projection: one tries to realize his needs indirectly through others. Reforming (the opposite) is the transformation of the unacceptable impulse into its opposite. Spooming involves magical gestures or rituals that are designed to remove our unpleasant thoughts or feelings. Identification is the acceptance of alien qualities for oneself, because that is how to overcome some emotional difficulty. Regression is a backward movement in psychological time.

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