Which sports give all round physical activity and fitness to the body?

in #health5 years ago

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There are lots of physical activities that can help the body keep fit and keep the body in good condition. Most of the sport activities we engage in all play their part in giving the body physical fitness. I will make a few list about some sporting activities and their effects or advantages on the body system.

Playing Football : It involves the use of the legs, arm, body and brain. When you play football, your legs does most of the work which is why football is one of the best exercise to improve your thighs and legs. It also involves the use of the brain because when you face an opponent, your brain tend to send some response to your mind about how you can overcome your opponents and score for your team. Generally, your whole body system is also involved in football because you tend to lift your body sometimes when trying to head the ball or whenever you run at long distance aiming for the ball but most importantly football helps in building the limbs.

PLAYING LAWN TENNIS: When you have the intention of building of building your arms, just go play Lawn tennis. It involves the use of the arm, limbs and brain but the arm is mostly needed in this case because it is used for swinging and striking the ball after holding your bat.

There are also similar sport activities that also falls into this same categories such as badminton, table tennis and volleyball.

* Basket Ball: When you need to stretch your spine and building your arms, limbs and waist, I suggest basket ball is for you. The fact is that you can actually increase your height just by playing basketball because most of it activities is all about making use of the hands and jumping with the limbs. The brain is also involved when you intend to pass over or overcome an opponent obstructing your view. It also improves the spine by the stretch you make when you intend to throw the ball inside the basket ball net. I guess this is why most basketball players are always tall though 😎.

* SWIMMING: I hope you can guess why I made use of block letters to depict swimming unlike other sporting activities this is because it is a very special sporting activity that combines all other sport activities in it. It also involves the use of the whole body system when we talk about the limbs, arm, brain, spine, head, brain, neck, etc. Everything is involved in swimming and the special thing about swimming is that you don't actually develop any sweat unlike other sports activities which makes you sweat because the water serves as a means of coolant which makes swimming more fun while exercising your whole body.

In conclusion, swimming is the best exercise that involves the use of your whole body system which keeps you fit.

Thanks for reading and I hope this helps.

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