Do not eat foods that are not raw - daily Comfortably?07/03/2019

Nutrient quality is destroyed when cooking a lot of food. So eating those foods raw is healthy. However, eating certain foods can lead to various types of health losses. Various types of problems such as acidity, indigestion, stomach bad So it is not right to eat these foods raw.


Raw milk is not pasteurized. The pasteurization process is done by taking less than 15 seconds of milk to 161 degrees Fahrenheit and then quickly cooled. As a result, salmonella, E. of raw milk. All of the harmful bacteria that contain coli, listeria etc. are all killed. So it is not right to eat milk that is not pasteurized.


According to the nutritionists, if you want to get the maximum nutrients from potatoes, then bake it or eat it. Stay away from as much green potatoes as possible. There is a type of toxic substance called Solanine, which may cause headaches, even if it has little stomach.

Sprouts: There is no pair of sprouts as a delicious and nutritious meal. The sprouts are salmonella, E. Bacterial hide and seek of coli, listeria etc. So experts recommend washing the sprouts from the market very well. And it is better to avoid sprouts for younger children, pregnant women, elderly people and those with immunity.

Red kidney bins:

These bean seeds are much more likely to increase nutrients in your daily food list. However, eating raw kidney bin can be a headgear, vomiting and even diarrhea. So red kidney beans should be boiled in water for at least 5 hours and boil them half an hour. Now you have got ready to eat kidney bin.


Many people are interested to taste the taste of Chakbhanga. However, raw honey which is not transpirant contains a type of poisonous substance called gryanotoxin. Although this material is not lethal, its effects can be frozen, restless, blood pressure and nervous problems. So especially children will never feed raw honey.

In addition,

cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage and vegetables are not easily digested. So it is not possible for everyone to digest it. As a result, cooked vegetables such Nutrient

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