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 4 years ago 

Hello, @charlesjay.

Thank you for choosing Project Hope Community.

However, I would need to ask you not to post within PH if your publication is not related to topics such as (listed in our community description):

  • technology.
  • blockchain.
  • artificial intelligence.
  • machine learning.
  • economy.
  • business.
  • marketing, psychology, etc.


Otherwise, you may, unfortunately, end up making our community looking a little messy. Hope I'm making sense.

For that reason, I need to MUTE this publication within our community.

@project.hope team

Hi Juan,

My apologies - the post itself was intended to be focused on psychology and how the belief in a "higher power"/spirituality affected my psyche.

Is that too unrelated?

Thanks in advance, and again apologies for the mixup

I believe this to be true. Belief in a higher power affects our psyche in terms of our views, our opinions. Our opinions towards things.

I belive it for sure.

I think you are right but I believe in multiple Gods.

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