Time for a break I think. I'm figuring mainly arms, legs and ribs.

in #humor5 years ago (edited)

To all those heaving a huge sigh of relief, I'm sorry to say that OVER THE SILVER SKY TO THE WORLD OF NEVER, will be returning after a short hiatus. Your ordeal is not over by a long way. This is only a lull before the insanity continues. Until then here is some other insanity I came up with after I'd stolen the concept off someone else.

(The copyright to this image is the property of Strategic Coach.)

My problem is that I can't help thinking. It's a curse. I wish I was like all those people who just don't think. They simply go through life accepting any shit they are spoon fed. I can't. I'll be sitting there doing things when thoughts come into my head. Intrusive thoughts that block out the voices telling me to kill again. I will get round to it eventually, but for now I'm thinking. I suffer from the curse of logic and the inability to accept bullshit as fact. For example the other day I heard an environ-mental-ist spouting shit. The more shit he spouted the more the audience cheered. They applauded his bullshit because they have the ability not to think.

You see what this fuckwit said was true to a certain extent. Millions of years ago the average temperature in Greenland rose between 8 and 10 degrees centigrade. Then, and I kid you not, he linked that to modern climate change and posited a fucking idiotic proposition. Let's leave out the fact that man made carbon emissions were extremely low, millions of years ago. Partly due to the lack of mankind. Why did the temperature in Greenland rise 8 to 10 degrees back then? Who was producing the carbon and why did no one do anything about it? Those fucking dinosaurs just sat there and let it happen.

From this point on he got surreal, so divorced from reality I had to rewind and replay the whole stupid environ-MENTAL rant. This temperature rise rendered Greenland uninhabitable. His words not mine. I'm thinking, how? It was uninhabited. It's inhabited now. Not a lot of people live there of course. Only 56,000. Now the average annual temperature in Greenland is around -2 degrees. If it was 8 degrees how would that render it uninhabitable? It wouldn't of course. It would be more habitable.

The man with a plan, a fucking ludicrous one, then stated correctly that so far all the world has done is tinker around at the edges. Little tiny improvements that have very little effect. Cue his solution. Stop the production of all fossil fuels immediately. No more air travel. Stop measuring things by GDP, he said. There are more things in life than GDP. How is that a measure of happiness? The hideously wealthy being well known for being permanently miserable of course. The sheeple in the audience cheered and applauded. Because they don't think. They listen to bullshit and accept it.

I'll be honest. His presentation was littered with facts. The lie was his conclusion. The problem was the inability of the audience to think. Instead they cheered and applauded. Because they are fucking morons. Turkey's voting for Christmas. Given their inability to think they aren't going to last long in the world this lying cock was proposing, while sat there in a very expensive suit manufactured in the undeveloped world.

You've just stopped all carbon production. No more using oil, gas or coal. You can't fly anywhere. You can't go on a cruise either. Ships will have to be powered by sails. The world economy has collapsed. There is major famine across the developed world. They can't import food fast enough to feed everyone. Their currencies are worthless bits of paper at best. At worst they are numbers in a banks computer. You can burn paper to keep warm. Renewable's are nowhere near enough to provide the power needed for the economy. Everybody is equally poor. Starbucks will be selling cold water. They won't have coffee or much milk either. Sugar will be a thing of the past. Sailing ships were okay once, the population has tripled since then.

The sheeple were applauding their own early deaths from stupidity, starvation and exposure. They didn't understand that in order to save the world they'd have to bear the cost. No more driving. No more holidays. No more extended life spans due to modern medicine. Everyone would die younger. There would be a few people who were rich of course. 90% of the population would be living in shit. The other ten percent would be wealthy or employed by the wealthy to prevent poor people stealing their shit. It would never work. Because eventually even the sheeple would work out that saving the world would cost them far more than they are willing to pay.

There would be wars all over the world as well. People fighting for survival. Trying to gain access to resources. Greenland would become uninhabitable. It would be too cold to live there without electricity or anything to burn except moss and snow. The world would slip back at least a couple of hundred years. Nothing we take for granted would be available. Billions would die.

You see that's the problem with thinking. You hear the bullshit experts, politicians and celebrities spout and know they are fucking morons, with no idea what they are on about. People are all in favor of their governments spending more, but against themselves paying higher taxes. The asshole spouting this shit said GDP didn't matter. The shit weasels in the audience cheered. Unaware that this is how they measure their own happiness. If they make less money they are not happy about it. They will be even unhappier when they discover the money they do earn has no value. In the long run that doesn't matter, there will be fuck all to buy apart from turnips. Ones that are half the size of current turnips and go rotten quicker. There's no fertilizers and no refrigeration. There's no transport infrastructure. Oh but what about electric vehicles. The ones that are plugged into fossil fuel using power stations and too fucking small to carry 40 tons of goods. They'd be lucky to manage 2.

That's only one of the fucking stupid ideas that are being cheered by people who don't think. The problem is they do vote and make decisions which affect us all.

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