Aaaah.....the value of a good laugh!

in #humour5 years ago

We all know the amazing benefits of exercise.

 Many of us watch from a reclining position on the couch as others glow with health as they play rugby, walk, dance, golf, swim and do aerobics. "Wonderful" we mutter and roll off that couch and wobble to the fridge for another snack.

Someone paid me a huge compliment once. "You were born excited!" Mellory said. And generally I embrace each new day as it arises and above all I reckon by some internal 'clock' that MOVING MY BODY is a stress reliever and quite honestly, a way of life.

Exercise makes me feel good ...... a feeling experienced by millions and envied by millions more!

Laughter ..that uninhibited belly laugh that wells up from somewhere deep inside is a fabulous phenomenon. 

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The best thing about it is that it often strikes when you are least expecting it and that adds to the pleasure. It's one thing to go to hear a comedian and have some laughs. 

It's another thing entirely when you watch your dog get 'the silly half hours' as my mother in law used to say. 

The laughter just rips from your throat as you watch this fluffy, fuzzy creature whirling about the grass, leaping into the air, snapping at imaginary dragon flies, turning nimble somersaults and chasing his tail. One finishes off totally DELIGHTED and almost as exhausted as the pup!

Why? It's because of the INTERNAL  WORKOUT that you have experienced. Every organ in your body, from your gall bladder, through your spleen to your colon, has been jiggled, moved, stretched and exercised in an  untoward and fantastic manner. You might even have to put your hands on your knees and bend over to take deep breaths to recover! Best of all, you feel FABULOUS.....a priceless experience.

Some years ago when I was going through a stressful and sad time I discovered that I had stopped laughing. (My mother was desperately ill in hospital and I had had to assume responsibility for her household on top of mine, plus a job and children.)

True, there was little to laugh about.  I had been gloomy for weeks. Someone did something spontaneously that made me laugh and the sensation was foreign to me. That made me very thoughtful and I realised that I had aided and abetted that sad situation by ignoring the necessity of being lighthearted in the midst of a trial.


I found that just as one practises playing the piano, I had to practise laughing. I had to say firmly to my psyche that it was okay to laugh in the midst of this misery.

 I read somewhere that even pretending to be amused and just smiling for the sake of it, would help.

 It did. 

I read further and it suggested that if you say "ha ha ha.....ho ho ho" out loud, it would help. I found a private place....very private, and tried it. I "ha haed and ho hoed" until I was crying with laughter. I smile now, just remembering how ridiculous it was and how good I felt.

Some people have a natural joy inside them. 

Best of all, they have the gift of making you feel good about yourself. It's not only the compliment they might pay you about your haircut or choice of necklace, it is the creme de la creme compliment of listening attentively to what you're saying. They also generate a profound conversation from the subject you have raised, making you feel interesting and even valuable.....a rare gift.

My decision way back then was a mid crisis decision that has stuck with me ever since.....


 Listen to people's conversation and when a person makes a droll, amusing observation, enjoy it on purpose. Laugh out loud and see their eyes light up as they enjoy the compliment you have just paid them.

 I watch children playing and they laugh often.....all the time in fact. They find butterflies funny, they giggle and point at a line of ants and laugh, Shake a puppet in front of them and put on a strange voice and they will rock with laughter. 

Refuse to grow up grumpy or sad.  

From childhood, to maturity to old age be lighthearted......laugh easily and thoroughly and feel the benefits of the workout you will experience in the value of a good laugh.

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Oh the glorious relief!

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Oh're not splitting your sides but you did SMILE and your day will be brighter.....

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