Agoes Gaming - Learn to Understand Hero Bristleback Game Dota 2 |Belajar Memahami Hero Bristleback Game Dota 2 (Vol.7)

in #indonesia6 years ago


How about Steemian, come back with me @agoesdeuge who will discuss her hero's neighbor in game dota 2, in my previous post I wrote about learning to understand hero Brewmaster, which can be a tanker and offlane for 1 team, now I will discuss the next hero his ability is very painful that is BRISTLEBACK, a thorny hero in the body and has a poison to slow the movement of the enemy when exposed to skill 1 BRISTLEBACK.

Bristleback is a hero strength known for its ability to receive a lot of damage. Not only that, when the attacking enemy gets damaged, it also generates counterattack to his enemy, making the effort to kill this hero becomes more complicated than usual, Since it is quite a tanker even since the beginning of the game, the hero is often used as an offlaner, however if his team composition matches, it can also be played as a carry or mid.

The advantages of the Bristleback hero:

  • Very powerful being a tanker and hard to kill
  • Have a large output damage
  • Can catch the enemy well

Disadvantages of the Bristleback hero:

  • Got whichever is limited at the beginning of the game
  • Strength and agility growth are small

Bristleback has 4 skills and can survive 5 vs 1, very effective for every one hero pick in 1 team, first skill Viscous Nasal Goo Bristleback spitting mucus into one opponent, reducing armor and movement speed, Viscous Nasal Goo can be sprayed to target or same enemy up to several times to amplify its effect. If using Aghanim's Scepter, Viscous Nasal Goo no longer needs a target and will be ejected to all enemies in the area around Bristleback, the 2nd Quill Spray Bristleback skill spews thorns in all directions, resulting in damage to the opponent in the vicinity , The Hero that has been exposed to Quill Spray within 14 seconds will be exposed to additional damage from the next Quill Spray, Skill to the three Bristlebacks receive less damage if attacked from behind or beside, each Bristleback receives 210 damage from behind, it will automatically issue Quill Spray with level Quill Spray damage, Fourth Skill Ultimate Warpat h each using Quill Spray skills, Bristleback will get bonus movement speed and attack damage.

First Skill Viscous Nasal Goo Ability: target unit, Affects: enemy units, Pierces spell: No, Dispellable: yes, Duration: 5, armor loss: 1 / 1.4 / 1.8 / 2.2, Base movement slow: 20%, Move slow per stack : 3% / 6% / 9% / 12%, Stack limit: 4, Scepter radius: 750, Cooldown 1.5 seconds, Mana needed 25, Second Quill spray Ability: no target, Damge type: Physical, Pierces Spell: yes, Dispellable: Can not be dispelled, Radius: 700, Quill base damage: 20/40/60/80, Quill stack damage: 30/32/34/36, Stack duration: 14, Max damage: 500, Cooldown 3 seconds, 35, Skill third Bristleback Ability: Passive, Side damage reduction: 8% / 12% / 16% / 20%, Back damage reduction: 16% / 24% / 32% / 40%, Damage Threshold: 210, Skill to four Warpath Ability: Passive, Dispellable: Can not be dispelled, Damage per stack: 18/24/30, Movement per stack: 3% / 4% / 5%, Stack duration: 14, Max stack: 5/7/9.

Starting item type (carry) Bristleback ring of protection + 2 armor, Tango use: devour, Range: 165, ward range: 450, Healing salve Use: salve range: 250, Iron branch +1 All attributes range: 200, Iron branch + 1 All attributes range: 200, Iron branch +1 All attributes range: 200, Early game Ring Of Basilius +7 damage Passive: basilius aura, Stout Shield Passive: Damage Block, Boots of speed + 40 Move speed, Magic stick Acctive: energy charge, Cooldown 13 seconds, Iron branch +1 All attributes range: 200, Ring of health + HP regeneration, Core items Power treads + 45 Move Speed ​​+10 Selected attribute +25 Attack speed, Crimson guard +250 health + 6Hp regeneration + 2 All attributes +5 Armor, Active: guard cooldown 46 seconds, Radius: 900, Passive: damage block, Ring Of Basilius +7 damage Passive: basilius aura, Magic stick Acctive: energy charge, Cooldown 13 seconds, Cloak + 15% Magic resistance, Town portal scroll Use: Teleport, Mana required 75, cooldown 80 seconds, Situational items mekansm +5 all attributes +5 armor or defense, Black king bar + 10 strength +24 damage Active: Avatar Cooldown 80 seconds, Duration 10/9/8/7/6/5, Dispel type: Basic dispel, Pipe of insight + 6.5 Hp regeneration + 30% magic resistance, Active: barrier, whichever is needed 100, 60 seconds cooldown, Black king Bar +10 strength +24 damage, Assault Cuirass +30 Attack speed + 10 armor, Black king bar +10 Strength +24 Damage, Heart of tarrasque +40 Strength +500 Health Passive: Health regeneration, cooldown 7 seconds, Shiva's guard +30 Intelligence +15 Armor, Active: Arctic blast, where it takes 100, 30 seconds cooldown, radius: 900, Blade mail +22 +6 armor damage +10 intelligence, active: damage return, whichever is needed 25, cooldown 20 seconds, Vladmir's Offering + all Attributes Radius: 900.

Level up type (Carry) Bristleback build, Level 10 talent tree +2 where regen, level 15 talent tree +6 Max goo stacks, level 20 talent tree +25 Quill stack damage, level 25 talent tree +20 warpath damage per stack, players can choose talent skill other than I suggest, it all depends on the players respectively.

Starting item type (Offlane) Bristleback Tango use: devour, Range: 165, ward range: 450, Early game Boots of Speed ​​+ 40 move speed, Hood of Defiance +6.5 Hp regeneration + 25% Magic Resistance, Active: Barrier 75 cooldown 60 seconds Core items Power treads +45 Move Speed ​​+10 Selected attribute +25 Attack speed, Magic wand +2 All attributes +1.5 Hp regeneration Active: Cooldown energy 13 seconds Solar crest + 10 armor or defense, + 1 recovery where, + 20% evasion, Observer ward Use: plant Range: 500, Tome of knowledge Use: Enligthen, Situational items Infused Raindrops +0.5 Mana Regeneration Passive: magical damage block, Blade mail +22 + 6 armor damage +10 intelligence , active: damage return, whichever is needed 25, cooldown 20 seconds, Vladmir's Offering + all Attributes Radius: 900, Pipe of insight +6.5 Hp regeneration + 30% magic resistance, Active: barrier, whichever is needed 100, 60 seconds cooldown, Lotus Orb +10 armor +5.5 Hp regeneration +1.75 Mana regene ration +250 Mana.

Level up type (Offlane) Bristleback build, Level 10 talent tree +2 where regen, Level 15 talent tree +250 health, Level 20 talent tree + 20 health regen Level 25 talent tree 15% Spell lifesteal.

In late game, you should be fully farmed, and able to kill anyone on their team solo. You should be looking out for solo heroes on the map, and picking them off when you can. If you find a couple of supports together in a lane, go get that double kill! Make sure you keep your team safe of course, even though they should be able to defend themselves at this point. Get pushing the towers, and try to end it as quick as you can if your carrying! If you wait too long, Bristleback can be out carried, as he is not a true carry.

Regards gamers @agoesdeuge.

Original Image Screenshot From In Game Dota 2

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Apa kabar Steemian, kembali lagi dengan saya @agoesdeuge yang akan membahas tetang hero hero yang ada pada game dota 2, di postingan sebelumnya saya menuliskan tentang belajar memahami hero Brewmaster, yang bisa menjadi tanker dan offlane untuk 1 team, sekarang saya akan membahas hero selanjutnya yang kemampuannya sangat menyakitkan yaitu BRISTLEBACK, hero yang penuh duri di badan dan mempunyai racun pelambat pergerakan musuh apabila terkena skill 1 BRISTLEBACK.

Bristleback adalah hero strength yang terkenal dengan kemampuannya menerima banyak damage. Tidak cuma itu, saat musuh menyerang mendapat damage, ia juga menghasilkan damage balasan ke musuhnya, membuat upaya membunuh hero ini menjadi lebih rumit dari biasanya, Karena cukup tanker bahkan sejak awal permainan, hero ini sering digunakan sebagai offlaner, Namun jika komposisi timnya sesuai, ia juga bisa dimainkan sebagai carry atau mid.

Kelebihan dari hero Bristleback :

  • Sangat kuat menjadi tanker dan sulit untuk dibunuh
  • Punya damage output yang cukup besar
  • Bisa mengejar musuh dengan baik

Kekurangan dari hero Bristleback :

  • Punya mana yang terbatas di awal permainan
  • Strength dan agility growth yang kecil

Bristleback mempunyai 4 skill dan bisa bertahan 5 vs 1, sangat efektif untuk setiap pick hero dalam 1 team, skill pertama Viscous Nasal Goo Bristleback menyemburkan lendir ke satu lawan, mengurangi armor serta movement speed, Viscous Nasal Goo bisa disemburkan ke target atau musuh yang sama hingga beberapa kali untuk memperkuat efeknya, Jika menggunakan Aghanim’s Scepter, Viscous Nasal Goo tidak lagi memerlukan target dan akan disemburkan ke semua musuh yang ada di area sekitar Bristleback, Skill ke dua Quill Spray Bristleback menyemburkan duri ke segala arah, menghasilkan damage ke lawan di sekitarnya, Hero yang sudah terkena Quill Spray dalam durasi 14 detik akan terkena damage tambahan dari Quill Spray berikutnya, Skill ke tiga Bristleback menerima damage yang lebih sedikit jika diserang dari belakang atau disamping, setiap Bristleback menerima 210 damage dari belakang, ia akan otomatis mengeluarkan Quill Spray dengan damage sesuai level Quill Spray, Skill ke empat Ultimate Warpath setiap menggunakan skill Quill Spray, Bristleback akan mendapatkan bonus movement speed dan attack damage.

Skill pertama Viscous Nasal Goo Ability : unit target, Affects : enemy units, Pierces spell : No, Dispellable : yes, Duration : 5, armor loss : 1/1.4/1.8/2.2, Base movement slow : 20%, Move slow per stack : 3%/6%/9%/12%, Stack limit : 4, Scepter radius : 750, Cooldown 1.5 detik, mana dibutuhkan 25, Skill kedua Quill spray Ability : no target, Damge type : Physical, Pierces Spell : yes, Dispellable : Cannot be dispelled, Radius :700, Quill base damage :20/40/60/80, Quill stack damage :30/32/34/36, Stack duration :14, Max damage: 500, Cooldown 3 detik, Mana dibutuhkan 35, Skill ketiga Bristleback Ability : Passive, Side damage reduction : 8%/12%/16%/20%, Back damage reduction :16%/24%/32%/40%, Damage Threshold : 210, Skill ke empat Warpath Ability : Passive, Dispellable : Cannot be dispelled, Damage per stack : 18/24/30, Movement per stack: 3%/4%/5%, Stack duration :14, Max stack : 5/7/9.

Starting item type(carry) Bristleback  ring of protection + 2 armor, Tango use : devour, Range : 165, ward range : 450, Healing salve Use: salve range: 250, Iron branch +1 All attributes range: 200, Iron branch +1 All attributes range: 200, Iron branch +1 All attributes range: 200, Early game Ring Of Basilius +7 damage, Passive : basilius aura, Stout Shield Passive : Damage Block, Boots of speed +40 Move speed, Magic stick Acctive : energy charge, Cooldown 13 detik, Iron branch +1 All attributes range: 200, Ring of health +HP regeneration, Core items Power treads +45 Move Speed +10 Selected attribute +25 Attack speed, Crimson guard +250 health +6Hp regeneration +2 All attributes +5 Armor, Active : guard cooldown 46 detik, Radius : 900, Passive : damage block, Ring Of Basilius +7 damage, Passive : basilius aura, Magic stick Acctive : energy charge, Cooldown 13 detik, Cloak +15% Magic resistance, Town portal scroll Use : Teleport, Mana diperlukan 75, cooldown 80 detik, Situational items mekansm +5 all attributes +5 armor or defense, Black king bar + 10 strength +24 damage Active : Avatar Cooldown 80 detik, Duration 10/9/8/7/6/5, Dispel type : Basic dispel, Pipe of insight +6.5 Hp regeneration + 30% magic resistance, Active: barrier, whichever is needed 100, 60 seconds cooldown, Black king Bar +10 strength +24 damage, Assault Cuirass +30 Attack speed +10 armor, Black king bar +10 Strength +24 Damage, Heart of tarrasque +40 Strength +500 Health Passive : Health regeneration, cooldown 7 detik, Shiva's guard +30 Intelligence +15 Armor, Active : Arctic blast, mana dibutuhkan 100, cooldown 30 detik, radius : 900, Blade mail +22 +6 armor damage +10 intelligence, active: damage return, whichever is needed 25, cooldown 20 seconds, Vladmir's Offering +all Attributes Radius : 900.

Level up type (Carry) Bristleback build, Level 10 talent tree +2 mana regen, level 15 talent tree +6 Max goo stacks, level 20 talent tree +25 Quill stack damage, level 25 talent tree +20 warpath damage per stack, para pemain bisa saja memilih talent skill yang selain saya sarankan, itu semua tergantung kepada pemainnya masing-masing,

Starting item type(Offlane) Bristleback Tango use : devour, Range : 165, ward range : 450, Early game Boots of Speed +40 move speed, Hood of Defiance +6.5 Hp regeneration +25% Magic Resistance, Active : Barrier, mana dibutuhkan 75, cooldown 60 detik, Core items Power treads +45 Move Speed +10 Selected attribute +25 Attack speed, Magic wand +2 All attributes +1.5 Hp regeneration Active : energy charge Cooldown 13 detik, Solar crest +10 armor or defense, +1 recovery mana, + 20% evasion, Observer ward Use: plant Range: 500, Tome of knowledge Use: Enligthen, Situational items Infused Raindrops +0.5 Mana Regeneration Passive : magical damage block, Blade mail +22 +6 armor damage +10 intelligence, active: damage return, whichever is needed 25, cooldown 20 seconds, Vladmir's Offering +all Attributes Radius : 900, Pipe of insight +6.5 Hp regeneration + 30% magic resistance, Active: barrier, whichever is needed 100, 60 seconds cooldown, Lotus Orb +10 armor +5.5 Hp regeneration +1.75 Mana regeneration +250 mana.

Level up type (Offlane) Bristleback build, Level 10 talent tree +2 mana regen, Level 15 talent tree +250 health, Level 20 talent tree +20 health regen, Level 25 talent tree 15% Spell lifesteal.

Regards gamers @agoesdeuge.

Original Image Screenshot From In Game Dota 2

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