What do you see?

in #indonesia6 years ago (edited)

A few nights ago, I drink coffee with a close friend. We sat at the corner table at a cafe. We purposely chose the table so we could easily see the people who came and who was there.

To the left of our table, a man and a woman were joking. Sometimes, they seductive voices sounded. Ah, that's their personal affair, I do not focus on them.

While at my front desk, looked three young people are busy with their respective their smartphone. I can guess, if they are playing online games. Sometimes they shout when they miss a mission.

Then, suddenly came a boy who is still an estimated age of about 10 years. Using the club jersey of the Milan club. Wear a black cap and carry a black rucksack.


The boy is seeing three mans is playing online game | my photo document

He walked over to each table and placed the envelope. He hopes the visitors fill the envelope. He is different from other lovers who talk and talk. He is quiet, the important thing is to distribute the envelope run smoothly.

After a few minutes, the envelope he quoted back. He seemed to know, when he held up an envelope containing or not contained. If the envelope contains, he looks smiling. If the envelope is empty, take it with a flat face.

From the corner table I noticed his behavior. He seemed interested in the people who played the game in front of me earlier. He stood long behind them. Seeing it a long time there I photographed it with a smartphone. I want to call him to offer him a drink and food.

As soon as I met him, he hurried away from the coffee shop. I thought about why a child of his age did that in the night. He should be as old as he is busy making homework schoolwork. What's the problem with this child's family?
Approximately why?

Apa yang Anda Lihat?

Beberapa malam lalu, saya membuat janji minum kopi bersama seorang teman dekat. Kami duduk di kursi paling sudut di sebuah cafe. Sengaja kami pilih meja tersebut agar kami dengan mudah melihat orang-orang yang datang dan siapa saja yang ada di sana.

Di sebelah kiri meja kami, seorang laki dan perempuan sedang asyik bercanda. Sesekali terdengar suara genitnya merayu. Ah, itu urusan pribadi mereka, aku tak fokus kepada mereka.

Sedangkan di meja depan saya, tampak tiga anak muda sedang sibuk dengan smartphonenya masing-masing. Aku bisa menebak, jika mereka sedang bermain game online. Terkadang mereka berteriak ketika mereka gagal menjalankan misi.

Lalu, tiba-tiba datang seorang bocah yang masih taksiran usia sekitar 10 tahun. Menggunakan jersey club bola Ac Milan. Memakai peci hitam dan membawa sebuah ransel hitam.


The boy is seeing three mans is playing online game | my photo document

Dia menghampiri setiap meja dan meletakkan amplop. Ia berharap para pengunjung mengisi amplop tersebut. Ia berbeda dengan peminta-minta lainnya yang banyak bicara dan menegadahkan tangan. Ia pendiam, yang penting tugasnya mendistribusikan amplop tersebut berjalan lancar.

Setelah beberapa menit, amplop tersebut ia kutip kembali. Ia seperti tahu, ketika mengangkat amplop berisi atau tak berisi. Jika amplop berisi, ia terlihat tersenyum. Jika amplop kosong, ia ambil dengan raut wajah datar.

Dari meja sudut tersebut aku perhatikan tingkah lakunya. Ia seperti tertarik dengan orang - orang yang bermain game di depan saya tadi. Ia berdiri lama di belakang mereka. Melihatnya sudah lama di sana aku memotretnya pakai smartphone. Aku ingin memanggilnya menawarkan segelas minuman dan makanan yang ada di cafe tersebut.

Begitu ingin kujumpai dia, ia bergegas pergi meninggalkan warung kopi tersebut. Aku terpikirkan, mengapa anak seusia dia melakukan seperti itu di malam hari. Seharusnya seusia dia sedang sibuk membuat pekerjaan rumah tugas sekolah. Apa masalah dengan keluarga anak ini?
Kira-kira kenapa?

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