Want to Invest in Bitcoin? Consider the following advantages and weknesses!

in #invest5 years ago

The role of cryptocurrencies in the investment world raises various types of other digital currencies. Especially since WannaCry is a specific ransomware program that can lock data on a computer and leave only the instruction file and Wanna Decryptor program which is another name for WannaCry itself.


When the file is opened, the system will notify the computer user that their data has been encrypted. Then provide a deadline for making payments with Bitcoin. If payment is not made, the threat is that all existing data will be deleted.

After that, the Bitcoin value of traffic increased rapidly. Meanwhile, non-Bitcoin digital or Alt-coin digital currency has emerged as an investment alternative that offers mining and new transactions. The number of digital currencies is increasing along with the ICO (Initial Coin Offering) in various countries. However, not all types of digital currencies are as popular as Bitcoin. Because until now Bitcoin still continues to master the Cryptocurrency market. The following are the advantages and disadvantages of Bitcoin that you need to know before investing with these digital currencies.


As the ruler of the crypto market, Bitcoin has several advantages. The level of complexity of this digital currency cryptocurrency algorithm provides security to its users. So that the counterfeiting receipt is getting smaller and investors' trust can be maintained. Like gold, cryptocurrencies can also reduce the inflation rate. With a high level of popularity, Bitcoin is not easily deterred by the condition of society and helps the development of the global community.


If further examined Bitcoin is speculative related to the selling value determined by a number of people or a business unit receiving Bitcoin. If the user gets less then the selling value will go down. The public transaction process does not guarantee the error in the delivery process. In addition, the transaction cannot be canceled. Whereas special devices for storing private keys are vulnerable to virus attacks and are easily damaged if not properly maintained. The worst possibility that can occur due to this is the loss of coins from the hardware wallet.

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Bahasa Indonesia

Peran mata uang kripto di dunia investasi memunculkan berbagai macam jenis mata uang digital lain. Terlebih semenjak WannaCry yakni sebuah program ransomware spesifik yang dapat mengunci data-data pada komputer dan hanya menyisakan file instruksi serta program Wanna Detcryptor yang merupakan sebutan lain dari WannaCry itu sendiri.

Ketika file tersebut dibuka, maka sistem akan memberitahukan kepada pengguna komputer tersebut bahwa data-data mereka telah di enkripsi. Kemudian memberikan batas waktu untuk melakukan pembayaran dengan Bitcoin. Jika pembayaran tidak dilakukan, ancamannya semua data yang ada akan dihapus.


Pasca kejadian itu, traffic nilai Bitcoin meninggi dengan cepat. Sementara itu mata uang digital non-Bitcoin atau Alt-coin banyak bermunculan sebagai alternatif investasi yang menawarkan proses mining dan transaksi baru. Jumlah mata uang digital semakin bertambah seiring dengan adanya ICO (Initial Coin Offering) di berbagai negara. Namun, tidak semua jenis mata uang digital sepopuler Bitcoin. Pasalnya hingga saat ini Bitcoin masih terus menguasai pasar Cryptocurrency. Berikut ini merupakan keunggulan dan kelemahan Bitcoin yang perlu anda ketahui sebelum berinvestasi dengan mata uang digital tersebut.


Sebagai penguasa pasar kripto, Bitcoin memiliki beberapa keunggulan. Tingkat kompleksitas algoritma cryptocurrency mata uang digital yang satu ini memberikan rasa aman kepada para penggunanya. Sehingga resiku pemalsuan semakin kecil dan kepercayaan para investor dapat terus terjaga. Layaknya emas, mata uang kripto juga dapat menekan laju inflasi. Dengan tingkat kepopuleran yang tinggi Bitcoin tidak mudah tergoyahkan oleh kondisi masyarakat dan membantu perkembangan komunitas global.


Jika dicermati lebih lanjut Bitcoin bersifat spekulatif terkait nilai jualnya yang ditentukan oleh sejumlah orang atau suatu unit bisnis penerima Bitcoin. Jika pengguna semakin sedikit maka nilai jual akan turun. Begitu juga sebaliknya. Proses transaksi yang bersifat publik tidak memberikan jaminan akan kesalahan dalam proses pengiriman. Selain itu, transaksi tidak dapat dibatalkan. Sedangkan perangkat khusus penyimpan kunci privatnya rentan diserang virus dan mudah mengalami kerusakan jika tak dirawat dengan baik. Kemungkinan paling buruk yang bisa terjadi akibat hal tersebut adalah hilangnya koin dari dompet hardware.

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lol ransomeware wanna cry , what a bad day for a lot of people lol this was a problem for a lot of companies

The name of Virus make me laugh.. but when to be attack, we have to cry 😭 😭

lol because all data encrypted and gone so you should cry hehe 🤣


In my shoe, I actually found a balancing between speculative investment and passive investment. To me, crypto is not a currency, it's just a digital commodities. We will just have to view it on its PURPOSE, instead of dollar value. Naik harga atau turun harga, not a big issue, as long the blockchain behind the coins are still functioning.

Posted using Partiko Android

Naik harga atau turun harga, not a big issue, as long the blockchain behind the coins are still functioning.

Saya sangat setuju dengan point ini Abang @davidke.
tapi memang saya belum paham betul dengan semua sistem ini

Put it this way my friend. What do you do with your IDR when kopi already cost 50k? Automatically you will be switching your portfolio to another stable currency, USD? Is USD safe enough? May be, may be not. This is nature of currency, central banks will continuously manage the face value of their bank note to keep things affordable. What they can't do is, control the greed and fear of people. People take VALUE out of paper money. People pay MONEY for kopi.

What is in crypto? It's prove. Prove of brain, proof of time, proof of work. You need to author a genuine post(proof of brain), promote your post so people will upvote you(proof of work), and you need to wait for 7 days to make sure no other curator come and take away your VALUE(proof of time), and finally the $ value from post payout become your Steem/SBD/SP in crypto format.

Compare these two, the IDR you got from last week, you already spent. You can't micro manage them anymore even if you want to. There's so many uncertainty and nothing's guaranteed you the same 50k can buy the same kopi anymore(this is when we call inflation). But, in crypto, 1 steem is 1 steem. When you are require to pay 5 steem to enter a burger shop in my Steem burger shop, you'll have to pay 5 steem. U can't say after you paid that 5 steem, after 2 hours suddenly Steem price up 8$, and you go back to burger shop and ask them give you back 5 steem and you pay them in cash.

To cut the long crap short, I split them and manage separately. I only look at how many steem and never care to read the account estimated value(which is in USD) at all.

Posted using Partiko Android

Ini sangat detail, dan saya sudah paham yang abang katakan mengenai value. Steem is steem like u said.

There's so many uncertainty and nothing's guaranteed you the same 50k can buy the same kopi anymore(this is when we call inflation). But, in crypto, 1 steem is 1 steem. When you are require to pay 5 steem to enter a burger shop in my Steem burger shop, you'll have to pay 5 steem. U can't say after you paid that 5 steem, after 2 hours suddenly Steem price up 8$, and you go back to burger shop and ask them give you back 5 steem and you pay them in cash.

Detail x penjelasan hari ini aduen, kayaknya semakin mempuni ne dalam uang crypto.
Saya masih banyak ketinggalan, tapi terus akan mempelajari. Karena crypto akan menjadi uang masa depan menurut saya.
Terimakasih aduen

Masih belajar dan meraba-raba juga ni bang, makin saya telusuri makin tambah merasa awam disni

Very good writing and important points were discussed...
Thanks for share.

Thank you very for stoping by

You are welcome my friend.

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