Election of the Village Chairman

in #life5 years ago (edited)



Election of the Village Chairman

Hi, everyone, how are you today? Hopefully always healthy and creative at work.
In my area there will soon be a village chairman election. A routine activity carried out every six years to choose the village leader. Activities that want to prioritize democracy in seeking leaders in the next six years. A cycle of succession of community leadership in the village that will be the top leader for a six-year term.
After the registration was opened, it turned out that there were three candidates for the village chairman. Each candidate receives support from his citizens. Various methods were carried out by candidates and their support cadres to influence the villagers to choose the candidates they were carrying out.


The village chairman candidates were given the opportunity to socialize to the community. They carry the jargon, vision and mission that they will achieve if elected as the village chairman. The method of socialization also varies.

1. Official socialization
The Village Chairman Election Committee officially organizes the socialization of prospective village chairman. The implementation was held at the village chairman's hall. Here the candidates are given the opportunity to convey their vision and mission for the upcoming term of office if elected as the village chairman. Although not accompanied by debates between candidates, this activity also attracted the attention of residents. Here the community knows what the village chairman candidates will do.

2. Open house
Every village chairman candidate opens an open house for the community. They came to the house of the prospective village chairman to get to know the candidate leader better. Usually the event is more festive and crowded at night. This is certainly because all citizens are more free to chat, while exchanging ideas. During the day they are not free because time is used for work.

3. Friendship Visit
Every candidate has the same opportunity to visit his citizens. Generally they will use recitation, social gathering or meetings held by residents. The candidates have the opportunity to convey their vision and mission and ask for support from their citizens.

4. Installation of photos
To attract attention and introduce more to the community, photos of prospective village chairman were also installed in many places. Photos are printed like the candidates for parliament who are looking for voters. Usually these photos are installed on the roadside, right-strategic places that are easily seen.

This is my writing about the election of village chairman who will be implemented soon.

Thank you for reading my post. I hope you enjoy it.

Bahasa Indonesia

Pemilihan Kepala Desa

Hai steemian semua bagaimana kabarnya hari ini? Semoga selalu sehat dan kreatif berkarya.
Di daerah saya sebentar lagi ada pemilihan kepala desa. Sebuah kegiatan rutin yang dilakukan tiap enam tahu untuk memilih pemimpin desa. Kegiatan yang ingin mengedepankan demokrasi dalam mencari pemimpin dalam masa enam tahun ke depan.Sebuah siklus suksesi kepemimpinan masyarakat di desa yang akan menjadi pucuk pimpinan untuk masa jabatan enam tahun.
Setelah dibuka pendaftaran, ternyata ada tiga orang calon kepala desa. Masing-masing calon medapat dukungan dari warganya. Berbagai cara dilakukan oleh para calon dan kader pendukungnya untuk mempengaruhi warga desa agar memilih calon yang mereka usung.


Para calon kepala desa diberi kesempatan melakukan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat. Mereka mengusung jargon, visi dan misi yang akan mereka capai jika terpilih sebagai kepala desa. Cara sosialisasinya juga beragam.

1. Sosialisasi resmi
Panitia Pemilihan Kepala Desa menyelenggarakan sosialisasi calon kepala desa secara resmi. Pelaksanaan diadakan di kantor kepala desa. Di sini para kandidat diberi kesempatan menyampaikan visi dan misi untuk masa jabatan yang akan datang jika terpilih sebagai kepala desa. Meski tak disertai dengan debat antar calon, kegiatan ini juga menarik perhatian warga masyarakat. Di sini masyarakat jadi tahu apa yang akan dilakukan oleh para calon kepala desa.

2. Open house
Setiap calon kepala desa membuka acara open house bagi masyarakat. Mereka datang ke rumah calon kepala desa untuk mengenal lebih dekat sosok calon pemimpinnya. Biasanya acara makin meriah dan ramai saat malam hari. Ini tentu karena semua warga lebih leluasa untuk ngobrol, sambil bertukar pikiran. Siang hari mereka tidak leluasa karena waktu digunakan untuk bekerja.

3. Kunjungan Silaturahmi
Setiap calon punya kesempatan yang sama untuk berkunjung ke warganya. Umumnya mereka akan memanfaatkan acara pengajian, arisan, atau rapat-rapat yang diadakan oleh warga. Para calon punya kesempatan untuk menyampaikan visi dan misi serta minta dukungan kepada warganya.

4. Pemasangan foto
Untuk menarik perhatian dan lebih mengenalkan kepada masyarakat juga dipasang foto calon kepala desa di banyak tempat. Foto dcetak seperti halnya para calon anggota parlemen yang sedang mencari pemilihnya. Biasanya foto-foto ini dpasang di pinggir jalan, tepat-tempat strategis yang mudah dilihat.

Demikian tulisan saya tentang pemiliha kepala desa yang akan segera dilaksnakan.

Terima kasih telah membaca postingan saya. Saya berharap anda menikmatinya.


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Hi @rokhani its been too long hope you are foing well, upvoted offcourse 👍

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