What day in your life will you never forget and what happened ?

in #life6 years ago

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The day my first dog died. I was 5 at the time, and she was around 10 or so as my parents had adopted her before I was born.

Back then, my normal schedule was that my dad would drop me off and school and pick me up because my mom worked further away from home than he did. I remember that my mom came to pick me up and I freaked out at first because I thought something was wrong with my dad. We had a neighbor that worked from home and he came over around lunch time to let Duchess outside, and it took my mom time to calm me down and explain that said neighbor had called my father because he found Duchess unconscious in her cage and she needed to be taken to the animal hospital.

Dad came home late and I never sat Duchess again. As my father explained to me some years later when he felt I was old enough to understand the best guess of the vet was that she had a seizure of some kind due to either brain or liver/kidney issues, and she was in a coma and would not wake up. After discussing it with my mom they decided it was best to put her down, as even if she did wake chances were she'd have another seizure and her quality of life would drop drastically.

All 5 year old me knew was my mom picked me up, I thought my dad had died or was badly hurt and had a major freak out about it, mom told me our dog was sick and was taken to the animal hospital, and then dad came home and told me she had passed away. That was the first majorly traumatizing day I remember ever having, and one I honestly never will forget because it was also the day I lost my first best friend.

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