MyCHEATSHEET - LINUX • DEBIAN • BASH • JAVA v19-03-07 UpdatesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #linux5 years ago

A short summary of my personal favorite Linux tools.
shortcuts vim bash steempeek

Screenshot from 2019-03-07Image source: Willi Glenz - Screenshot Desktop

$ vifm
$ calcurse
• :map <F5> :set list!<CR>
• :syntax on
• :set syntax=whitespace

updatelfs vim java debian swap bash eclipse visudo taskwarrior primitive data types taskwarrior ssh perl tiddlywiki shortcuts crontab tripwire sources permaculture screen r monitoring cups alias network check scp virtualbox python awk html
configurationsystem swap language
lfshome download doku summary
vimhome download docu tutorial summary
javahome download docu primitive data types summary
debianhome download docu tutorial summary
arch linuxhome download docu
gnome-tweak-toolTyping-Tab > Caps Lock key behaviour > Make Caps Lock an additional ESC
linuxhome download docu tutorial
gnomehome download docu tutorial
bashhome download docu tutorial
rangerhome download docu tutorial
taskwarriorhome docu tutorial summary
cherrytreehome download docu
terminalbash tilda guake tmux terminator gnome-terminal gedit gvim mcedit nano • history
screen alias one-liner fish
eclipsehome download docu tutorial summary
networkingH • hostname netstat ifconfig ip iwconfig
N • mtr ping traceroute nslookup
ssh scp
programmingperl r python awk html javac txt2regex netbeans intellij-idea spyder3 drjava bluefish
gnu core utilitiesbasic operations • cp dd install mv rm shred
output • cat tac nl od base32 bas64 head tail split csplit
formatting • fmt pr fold
summarizing • wc sum cksum b2sum md5sum sh1sum sha224sum sha225sum
sort • sort shuf uniq comm ptx tsort
fields • cut paste join
characters • tr expand unexpand
directories • ls dir vdir dircolors
special file types • link ln mkdir mkfifo mknod readlink rmdir unlink
attributes • chown chgrp chmod touch
disk usage • df du stat sync truncate
printing • echo printf yes
conditions • false true test expr
redirection • tee
file name manipulation • basename dirname pathchk mktemp realpath
working context • pwd stty printenv tty
user information • id logname whoami groups users who
system context • date arch nproc uname hostname hostid uptime
sellinux context • chcon runcon
modified command invocation • chroot nv nice nohub stdbuf timeout
process control • kill
delaying • sleep
numeric operations • factor numfmt seq
fhs coreutils $ info coreutils
crontab# crontab -e
# service cron status
tripwire# tripwire --init
# tripwire --check --verbose
rsync$ rsync -avzP --delete --stats --exclude ’Backup*‘ /home/user/ /media/xyz
$ rsync -avzP --delete --stats --exclude-from '/home/user/exclude.txt' /home/user/ /media/xyz
documentationsources man info pinfo apropos whatis help history
monitoringconky kismet bleachbit nagios zabbix cacti ganglia opennms chkrootkit
gui-appslibreoffice localc lowriter lobase lodraw loimpress lomath loweb gnome-todo
printingcups • lpstat lpq lp lpr cancel • lpadmin lpmove lpc tunelp accept reject enable disable
hardwareraspi raspi-config rpi-update • gnome-disks badblocks blkid fdisk • lsblk lshw lspci lsusb • hwinfo e4defrag
backupbackintime timeshift • grsync rsync
userU • adduser useradd • deluser userdel • addgroup groupadd • usermod chage chfn finger whatis which w whoami passwd id
G • delgroup groupdel groups newgrp
multimediavlc youtube-dl simplescreenrecorder
processeskill killall • htop atop top • jobs bg fg
serverdhcp pi-hole raspiblitz
Aapt-get alacarte apt apt-cache apt-config apt-key apt-cdrom archivemount asunder
Bbasket bc
Ccalcurse curl cal cherrytree chromium clear clipit cmatrix cut
Ddf dmesg dpkg
Eeog exit
Ffinger firefox for free fuser
Ggit glances gnome-clocks gnome-disks gparted groupmod grsync grub-mkconfig
Hhostname hostnamectl
Llxc lastlog locate lsb_release lvm
Mman mc menulibre more mount
Nnl nano ncal netatop netstat nmap
Oopen opera
Pperldoc pinfo popd pushd pwgen
RR ranger
Sscript scp sed service set sftp shellcheck steghide stat sudo su sync visudo
Ttasksel taskwarrior tiddlywiki timewarrior thunderbird tune2fs
Uufw umask uniq update-alternatives updatedb uptime users
Vvifm virtualbox visudo veracrypt vimtutor
Wwatch w3m
Xxdotool xsel


# chown userXYZ file.txt
$ cmatrix -s -u 9
$ curl
$ dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/tmp/isofile.iso
$ df -hT
$ eog ~/dummy.jpg
$ for x in *; do mv "$x" "${x,,}"; done
$ hostname; hostname -d; hostname -f; hostname -i
$ java -jar phoenix.jar
$ mpg123 -zvC /home/userxyz/music/*
$ ranger
$ set -o
$ sort -t: -k1 -n /etc/passwd
$ speedtest
$ ssh -X [email protected]
$ stat /home/user
# tasksel
# tasksel --list-tasks
$ timew start | stop | continue
$ tree ~/Downloads
$ type date; type echo
$ vimtutor
# vim /etc/apt/sources.list
$ ls -l | xsel --clipboard
$ ^z jobs fg bg

• alias b='buku'
• alias l='ls -lF'
• alias t='clear; task; timew week; timew summary'

# apt-get install printer-driver-cups
# apt-get autoclean; apt-get autoremove

• HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth:erasedups

$ archivemount archive.tar.gz ~/mnt/
# dd if=/dev/sdABC of=/dev/sdXYZ bs=64K conv=noerror,sync
$ tar -cvzf ~/backup/backup.tar.gz ~/java
$ tar -tvf backup.tar.gz
$ ssh [email protected] "tar -zcf - /home/user/scripte" > scripte.tar.gz

# crontab -e

# du -hs / 2> /dev/null
$ du -h --max-depth=1 | sort -rh
$ du -b --max-depth 1 | sort -nr | perl -pe 's{([0-9]+)}{sprintf "%.1f%s", $1>=2**30? ($1/2**30, "G"): $1>=2**20? ($1/2**20, "M"): $1>=2**10? ($1/2**10, "K"): ($1, "")}e'

$ gnome-characters &
$ gnome-commander &
$ gnome-do &
$ gnome-todo &
$ gnome-tweak-tool &

$ find -size +100M | less
# find /home -user userxyz -size +1G
$ find . -name "*.jpg" -exec convert {} -scale 50% +repage {} \;
$ find ~ -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec grep "^alias " '{}' \; -print
$ find ~ -maxdepth 1 -type f -mtime 3
$ find ~ -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec grep "^alias " '{}' \; -print
# find / -uid 1000 -exec chown -v 1002:1002 {} \;
# find / -user userxyz -type f -exec rm -f {} \;
$ find /etc -type f -print 2> /dev/null | less
$ find /etc/*tab -type f -print
# find /home -user userxyz -mtime -3

# apt-get install mailutils-doc; info mailutils
$ mail
$ from

$ man hier
$ man ascii

$ watch -d -n 5 ls -l

$ md5sum abc.txt
$ md5sum abc.txt > abc.md5
$ md5sum -c abc.md5

$ apt list --installed | less
$ apt list --installed | grep vim
$ apt list --installed | wc -l
$ dpkg -L vim-doc

# tasksel
# tasksel --list-tasks
# service --status-all | less
# service ssh status
# service cron status
# service apache2 start | restart | stop
# apt-get install printer-driver-cups
# ufw status

# visudo 
> Defaults:userxyz timestamp_timeout=30

$ task calendar 2019
# task 1 edit
$ task 4 modify prio:H
$ timew start | stop | continue

Ah, I had looked at cherrytree a few years back but had forgotten about it. It looks like it really has some cool features. I personally use vimwiki for note taking.

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