LITECOIN HIGHER HIGHS <> HIGHER LOWS ( DAILY Charts ) March 5 , 2019steemCreated with Sketch.

in #litecointradingresearch5 years ago (edited)

🐒 LITECOIN has been making Higher Highs and Higher Lows

🐒 LITECOIN first resistance area is between $52.44 and the most recent high of $53.49

🐒 LITECOIN Major resistance area will be at the $69.43 area


I created these charts at : and

On the chart below you will see that the 200 SMA was resistance and then became support



🐒 LITECOIN has been making Higher Highs and Higher Lows . This is what needs to happen in order to bring the BULLS back . LITECOIN is fast again approaching the first resistance area between $52.44 and the most recent high of $53.49. When it breaks through this area look for strong resistance around the $69.47 area ( JMHO)


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Very interesting post

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