Mashroom cultivation at home, know the method?03/03/2019

Mushroom is one of the most popular foods in the state. Mushroom is a type of fungus. Many people think that mushrooms are poisonous. But not all mushrooms are poisonous. There are about 45,000 types of fungal in the world. Of these, two thousand kinds of fungi are suitable for food. Among these, three types of mushrooms are cultivated in various climatic areas in India. They are pawns, ribbons and button mushrooms.


There are plenty of protein, minerals and vitamins in the Mushroom. Delicious and easy to eat food As well as lots of calcium in protein as well as bone and tooth formation is very useful. Folic acid is beneficial for anemia disease. There are plenty of mushrooms in the market. So it is cultivated commercially. Many unemployed youths can be financially self-reliant by cultivating mushroom.

Method of cultivation:

At first 50 kilograms of one year old aman paddy straw should be divided into 32 grains. The hay should be kept clean for 12 to 16 hours in clean water. After a certain time, excess water was flushed. If the use of cold water in mushroom cultivation is less likely to cause disease. If you come on pathetan or machra, you will need to spread the straw of the straw on one side with the head or forehead. Again, on the opposite side, you have to spread four more straw hides on four layers on the first floor. Extra parts of straw will be cut by cutting it along the edge of the patan. A layer of eight-straw straw was prepared in this way. Within a span of three to four centimeters on the same level, equal number of pulse seeds and mushroom seeds are given. The first level work ends this way.

Next, similarly the second layer eight-straw hay should be sprinkled in the same way as before, spreading mushroom seeds and pulses. The third level eight-straw straw is spread in the same parallel to the first level, as seed and pulse powders are sprinkled as before. In parallel to the second level, eight-straw straw is spread in the fourth level. Seed or pulse powders are not sprayed at this level. 150 to 200 grams of seeds and equivalent pulses of the three layers are applied. It is better to stick sticks with sticks or straws in one or more places for straw straws of each level to not break. When the layers are sorted, the whole level can be pushed through the pressure. The whole layers are covered with polythene sheets.

It is not necessary to open or water the first four days. After daily feeding of polythene sheets, after giving 10 to 15 minutes of air, the water should be sprayed with necessary polythene sheets. Fungal buds grow in stacks between eight and 10 days. After buds growing and no need to cover polythene. But in the morning it is necessary to sprinkle water every pile as needed in the afternoon. Mashroom is suitable for 15 days. Mashroom is produced for a further period of 15 days with a break of five to seven days. In one such pile, mushrooms grow three to four kilograms.


The issues that need to be emphasized in mushroom cultivation are protection from light or rain. Applying water at a moderate level at the right time. Do not let the water in the stove be deposited. Covering and removing polythene sheets at the right time. The maximum yield is found in 14 to 15 days in a stack. If there is a low yield after the break, but in no case should not be kept in any stupa for more than one month. The new stupa was made by throwing old pile straw in a compost pit. So both mushrooms and compost are produced together?

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