Handling Your Finances

in #money6 years ago

HARD-EARNED money should be spent wisely. You didn't work hard just to waste your money on irrelevant things. You have to spend every cent wisely. While you're healthy and able to work, make sure to save, invest and pamper yourself. But there has to be a balance on the three things I've mentioned. Most people work because of their responsibilities for their family. While it is good to work to be able to provide for your loved ones, you should also remember that you owe yourself some good time to relieve your stress.

Before receiving your salary, it's good to take time to sit and write down your expenses. It would help if you follow a strict budget. Make sure that there's something left for you and not everything goes to bills. But if that's nor achievable for you at this poin, then save. Set a goal. A travel goal perhaps? Each time you receive a salary, save something for your travel goals. One day, you wouldn't even notice that you already have the exact amount you need to travel.

Invest. Maybe get a life plan or something that will really help you in the long run. Look for other good investments that will be very beneficial to you. I am not a professional financial advisor but I guess it's common knowledge that saving and investing is a MUST if you want to have a comfortable life.

Before buying something, you should also think twice. Do you really need it? Can't it wait? Do you really have to buy it NOW? If the answer is NO, then don't buy it. It can wait. Don't get deceived by promos, discounts and sales. They're just glitterfying commercials meant to tempt you to spend your money. But if you are truly determined to save for your long-term goals, then you should be stronger enough to endure the drive to spend.

How about you?

How do you spend your hard-earned money wisely?

What are your goals that inspires you to work and save?

I'm also running a contest, both English and Tagalog Poetry Contest. IF you intend to join this, click the following links :

Word Poetry Challenge | English Edition

Word Poetry Challenge | Tagalog Edition

Thank you, Looking forward for your participation :)

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Yes, we work hard because we love our family. We want to provide the best for them. That's why, we should make a habit to save or invest for the future.

It doesn't matter how much you earn, if you cannot save or invest, nothing will be left at the end of the day.

Thank you @jassennessaj for your thoughtful post.

nice post blog. great writing. thanks for @jassennessaj

For me, upon receiving my payout from my job, I set aside budget for savings as well. Whatever is left after paying the bills and saving is what i spend. As what the quote says "Don't save after spending, instead, spend what is left after saving".

Don't get deceived by promos, discounts and sales.

Haha that is one of the ways the banks and businesses try to trick you into thinking you need to spend your money.

Especially if it says buy one take one or buy one get the next one half off. Or the ever famous FREE shipping.

If you have a credit card, don't carry a statement balance. Pay your bills first if you can and whatever extra for food. Grow your own food.

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