Adventures in Consciousness: The Hero’s Path

in #motivation6 years ago (edited)

Heroine Portal Battle.jpg

“It's a dangerous business… going out of your door… You step into the Road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to.”
-Frodo Baggins quoting Bilbo Baggins (The Fellowship of the Ring, by J.R.R. Tolkien)

There is peril afoot…

A grave challenge lies before you – now, and in every moment.

Indeed, this very instant, an insidious and mortal enemy lies in wait. It lures you, though remains unseen. It shrouds itself in mundanity - it hides in plain sight.

The enemy is a deception, an illusion, a perversion...

...It is the Forgery of Truth.

In the face of such challenges, there are but two courses one may embark upon: the path of the hero, or the path of the dead.


So how does one walk the hero’s path?

First, it must be understood that this course is uncharted. It is a path of the mind – your mind – and though others have made their own journey, yours will not follow theirs precisely. There will be signposts, however; clues which may guide you – if you are willing to follow.

This is the first attribute of the hero – willingness. Alice had the white rabbit, and she set forth in its wake of her own volition. No one is going to drag you down this path - you must choose it. Should fear, arrogance, or apathy bind your feet, all hope of overcoming the challenge will be forsaken. You will condemn yourself to being devoured by the deceiver.

Then, of course, there is the matter of honesty. Your clues will draw you off in a certain direction, but they will not necessarily guide your every footfall. You must stay true to the trajectory thus defined. You must be honest in your discernment about which direction has been indicated. Should you lose your step amidst the indulgence of wishful thinking, you may never regain the path. There can be no preconceived or preferred destination. You must follow where you are led; not where you want to go.

The rigors and trials will also require aptitude. The hero is not just willing, but able. Your strength of mind will be exercised and bolstered along the way, but it’s a good idea to embark upon the journey with some skills under your belt. The Trivium is a foundational practice that will grow with you, serving well in the early stages and remaining relevant throughout. Stamina is also necessary, as the road is long and often difficult. And intellectual agility allows us to venture down tangents temporarily, taking on side quests without getting lost. The ability to bounce between ideas without losing our footing is critical, lest we succumb to one of the many pitfalls of diversion and become a hapless wanderer in the wilderness.

And finally, the hero – above all – must have courage. True power comes from the heart – it is the root quality from which the other attributes spring. Willingness involves overcoming fear and braving the unknown. Honesty requires that one face difficult realities without backing away into denial. Aptitude is developed by overcoming daring challenges and growing from those efforts. Courage is not only the alpha (beginning) but also the omega (end). It is necessary at the outset, and also upon reaching the goal of true wisdom…

The hero’s journey is a “there and back again” affair. Once piercing the veil of deception and acquiring understanding, one must have the strength of character to return with the treasure, speaking what they have learned – even in the face of chastisement – and to apply what they have garnered in a practical way.

Although there is a hero inside each of us, few express that potential and actually become a champion. The hero is an outlier, and oddity, a deviation from the norm. “In an insane world, a sane man must appear insane.” (C. William King), and thus courage will be required to endure the hardships of heroism.

But the experience of the adventure, the growth born of its challenges, and the bounty discovered in the end, will satisfy the spirit beyond anything offered by popular accolades. Those who understand well enough to appreciate your efforts will honor and cherish the strength of your heart and the nobility of your character. Having true friends is better than having more friends, and there is a bond between heroes that the layman will never know.

Go forth now, and face the challenge of the hero’s path! Come what may, you will be better for it. Truth ever has been - and ever will be - its own reward.

The Next Chapter:
Adventures in Consciousness: The Path of the Dead

Understanding the enemy:
Forgery of Truth – Going “All the Way”

Understanding yourself:
Unraveling the Mystery of Human Nautre

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