How do people get upvote on musing?

in #musing6 years ago (edited)

You can get upvote by asking question or answering question. You will see many questions on musing. Give answer to those questions that you know very well.

Your answer should be to the point. Give your answer using simple words that everyone can understand. You have to explain it.

Please don't write something that is not relevant. Before hit the submit button, check your answer again. Make sure there is no spelling mistake, typing mistake or grammatical mistake. Sometimes typing mistake can change the meaning of your answer. You want to say something, but it becomes something else.

One more thing, if you don't get upvote in your answer, don't stop. Keep answering questions. If your answer satisfies other people, they will give you upvote. And you will also get upvote from musing.

Hope this answers your question.



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