Is The ‘Image Of The Beast’ Now Active?? Sickening Demon Machine Prepares For Antichrist…

in #new6 years ago (edited)

I fear we are on the threshold creating something that we cannot un create. There is no longer a ghost in the machine, there may now be a devil it. MIT recently released one of the most horrific AIs to date; not through what it is doing, but through what it is saying. It was pulled directly from the script of a Hollywood movie; the responses it gives, however, are the things of nightmares.

We must use a test case to illustrate how, when unregulated and uncontrolled, these modern-day AI ‘masters’ will create a societal bias; in fact, they already have. From Google to Twitter, from MIT to Kaist…the ethics of AI creation must be put into questions. The 3 laws of robotics have now become 7…but what is a law that cannot be enforced or held to judgment?

Enter with me into the world of what could be the creation of the AI Antichrist. Our focus should not be on the creation of these technologies but the war soon to happen between each of us and those AI creators who have not yet unveiled themselves. To think that MIT, Google and all the other cast of characters are the only ones working on the dark side of this tech would leave us all unprepared for what is coming.

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The world has been looking at the anti-Christ and don’t even recognize him . The Bible states he wares scarlet and purple . He lives on 7 hills . He has a small kingdom but becomes mighty and reaches into the world . He changes times , seasons and laws . He leads kings and kingdoms astray with religion . Waters surround his country . He is a merchant selling to the world his goods . He will introduce the world to the beast (666) . He will build a temple in Jerusalem for his master the beast . He will cause all small and great to worship the image of the beast . He will force all men and women to receive a mark in their hand or forehead or they won’t be able to buy or sell . His powers has killed the prophets and the mighty people . He is a murder like his father from the beginning . He is of Esau the hated one of GOD . Has anyone recognized him yet ? He is the pope who wares scarlet and purple from time to time . Rome sets on 7 hills . His small city is recognized as a nation in the UN . The only religion to have a set in the UN . Since its beginning the Vatican has changed time , seasons and laws . In Hebrew there is no J or W . Mary’s sons name was not Jesus or Yahweh it was YESHUA . Go into the world and ask for a coca cola and everyone knows what you are talking about . Go into the world and say Jesus and many will look at you crazy like because there are many names for Jesus . The vatican did this in hopes GOD would not honor HIS childrens paryers calling HIM another name . The vatican changed the name of GOD to YHWH . There is no W in Hebrew . ALMIGHTY GOD’s name is YHVH . He change the Holy Day of the Sabbath to Sunday the sun worship day for their sun god baal . The Bible plainly states the Sabbath is forever ( Exodus 31:15-17 ) . The Prince of King David , YESHUA spoke about in Matthew 24:30-31 saying He shall come with His angels to gather His elect from the 4 corners of the earth is not YESHUA . In all other Verses YESHUA uses the name I , Me or Mine when talking about HIMSELF . The Prince of Ezekiel 44 and 46 will as Daniel states be called up before THE ANCIENT OF DAYS to be crowned and given a kingdom that will last forever . In Ezekiel 37: 24 King David’s descendant is the King when YESHUA is not present . But when YESHUA ( GOD in the flesh as John chapter 1 states ) is present in verse 25 He becomes the Prince . YESHUA was not born of mans sperm seed of King David . HE was virgin born of Mary a Levite cousin to Elisabeth who also was a Levite married to the High Priest . She had to be a Levite to marry Him . Now back to the bastard of lucifer the pope . The Birth day of YESHUA is not December 25 ( summer soloist day – high day for sun god worshippers ) it is in Spring . Vatican city is in Rome and reside in Italy which is surrounded by waters on both sides and bottom . The pope sells lucky charms and amulets of saints to protect people from different harms . No neckless or ring or stone or plant or witch or wizard , GOD said in the day of calamity will say you , for they have no power ! The pope sells demons to people so that they can be inhabituated . This bastard has told Jerusalem that he has papers that prove Jerusalem is his ( Lier ) . And he intends to build a universal temple for lucifer his father . Now mind you the Islamic people have the Dome of the Rock there already there . The Jews are intending to build the temple for YHVH GOD . Then popey boy wants to build his temple for lucifer . On YouTube you can do a search and watch the pope tell people that Jesus was lucifer’s son . Then the singer sings praises to lucifer . Lucifer was the one GOD throwed out of Heaven ( Isaiah 14:12-14 ) . The vatican has a telescope in Arizona named lucifer , because they know in Revelation 12 lucifer is soon to be cast to earth to face judgement . This happens shortly after the great sign that took place Sept 23 2017 . But first the son of man must be lifted from earth to meet THE ANCIENT OF DAYS . Then the Bible says until He who lets be taken out of the way , then the wicked one shall be reveled . YESHUA ask when the son of man ( which HE was not , HE is the son of woman Genesis 3:15 speaks about ) returns will He find faith on earth ( Luke 18:8 ) From what I understand he will be gone about 3 1/2 years and the devil will be on the rampage knowing his time is short after being cast to earth awaiting judgement . The devil – lucifer goes forth with anger after the Holy people . Then the son of man ( like GOD called Ezekiel from Ezekiel chapter 2 onwards will return and collect the elect and take them to the wilderness of Mount Zion to be protected , feed and tough as the old testament tells us . Then He will go forth in the proper time to make war with the kingdoms of the earth . Enoch tells that when the war becomes so great that the LORD of all the earth will help him . At this time the devil – lucifer will be bound and throwed into the bottomless pit for a 1000 years . The rapture takes place now raising the dead ( Revelation20:5-6 ) The Prince ( son of man ) will go thru the eastern gate to offer sacrifices to YESHUA YHVH GOD on the Sabbath as Ezekiel 44 and 46 tells us . And please note that the Prince has children and Will continue to have children forever filling the universe as many other scriptures state . Does the Bible teach that Jesus had children ? We are not going to Heaven where there is no marring or giving in marriage , Heaven is being brought to earth for GOD YHVH to dwell with mankind ( Revelation 21 and 22 ) . The Prince will rule earth for a 1000 years with a rod of iron making all nations come to worship the LORD OF HOSTS , YESHUA OR GOD YHVH . The Bible tells us GOD IS THE KING ( Psalm 47:6-7 ) and John chapter 1 tells us that YESHUA was GOD who became flesh and dwelt among them in that day . The pope is the anti- christ who will revile to earth his father lucifer the beast (666) . It is said that within the vatican walls there is already a beast that resides inside . I don’t know ! I believe the beast is yet to be cast down to earth as Revelation 12:7-17 teaches . But everything has lined up making ready for times final curtain to end evil once and for all ! We are in the last days . Japan’s nuclear reactor melt down made sure of that . As Matthew 24:22 states And except those days be shortened , there should no flesh be saved : but for the elects sake those days shall be shortened . Science states we now have less than 63 years left before everything on earth will be dead because of the radiation the nuclear power plant continues to spu out since 7 years ago . All flesh will die ! The cock roach will be the last to die . It can with stand a lot of radiation . But once it’s food sources are gone and it eats it’s last bug friend it too will soon die . So GOD must step in to stop this action or there will be no flesh saved . We are in the last days !!! Time is going to be shortened to put everything of GOD’s actions into place as the scriptures states ! I believe the next event on the horizon will be the son of man ( sperm seed of King David ) being removed to meet GOD !

Liza Haven.
Prophecy - Don't Be Left Behind 6-13-2018 Lois Vogel-Sharp

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