Secret migration .... when the bleeding stops ....?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #news6 years ago

The number of victims of the sinking of the secret immigration vessel on the coasts of Qirqneh increased to 77

The number of recovered bodies rose to 81 this morning, according to the regional director of health, Sfax Ali Ayadi, in a statement to the correspondent Shams Af Am in the area.

Forty-nine bodies have been handed over to their families and 22 bodies of unidentified African nationalities have been buried in a municipal cemetery on the Sultaniya road. Eleven bodies have remained unidentified.


The diving, civil protection, naval guard, army and brigades continue to search for the remaining bodies.




   Secret immigration

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The spatial movement of the population refers to the geographical movement of the population from one place to another regardless of the distance traveled by the commuters and the nature of the driving forces. This move to change the place of residence was initiated by migration, which includes all population movements except for the nomadic movement and the rural herders To the seasonal work areas in the harvest seasons and harvest crops because these movements do not aim to change the place of residence are movements of a seasonal nature or sometimes daily.
Migration means geographic relocation from one place to another with the intention of changing permanent residence. This affects not only the distribution of the population and the density of the population, but also their demographic and economic characteristics, where the change in the gender and age structure is an important outcome. The higher percentages of females are attributed to the higher percentages of females in these areas, which causes the increase in the percentage of males in these areas in the areas of population attraction and decline in the expelling areas. This explains the high percentage of females in rural areas
Thus, the important role of migration in changing the size and quantity of the population appears to lead to an increase in population through births and migration in the State administrative units that attract the population and, conversely, lead to a decline in population through migration and death in foreign migration.
Zlinski sees migration as one of the most important population variables in defining and measuring birth and mortality. It is statistically distinct from migration that deals physically and socially with the juvenile.
In view of the importance of migration and the positive and negative consequences of both the attractive and the haunting areas that have made it a global population problem that has always been raised at the international conferences held by the United Nations Population Division, migration is defined as the movement of the population from a land called "place of origin" The place of arrival or reception, and the accompanying change in the place of residence. Of course, this movement varies according to the distance traveled and the time taken, and not every transition that can be called immigration. The nomads who move constantly, as well as tourists and students of science, Rennes, and on this basis immigrants are characterized by certain behaviors, where the person intends to leave his country permanently or at least permanently, so immigration is a readiness of myself before being a motor, and therefore the citizen who leaves his ridge and heading towards the city to settle it is an immigrant, Cadres because of work and mobility on certain places in order to accomplish work does not enter

Within migrations, along with the latter there is a so-called displacement that helps to compare with migrations to clarify some of the characteristics and characteristics of the latter. Migration produces the need to improve the living conditions of some individuals who

They wish to do so and affect only a very small proportion of the population, in addition to being optional and not compulsory, and there are sporadic stages of time.
Displacement is different in the physical nature of its causes and ecology because it is under exceptional and necessary circumstances such as earthquakes, floods and destructive wars. A large group of people are forced to cross borders and live in another country permanently.

  • Determining the concept of immigrants: After defining the concept of migration and displacement, it is necessary to define the concept of the immigrant as the one who is the migration, according to one researcher, the immigrant has three concepts.
    A - A migrant is a person who enters an area by crossing its border from a point of soaking outside the borders of this area within the borders of the country.
    B. A migrant is an alien who enters a certain area from a point outside the borders of the country, such as an immigrant entering Algeria.
    A migrant is a person who leaves his country to another country by crossing an international border, such as an immigrant who leaves Algeria for another country, where he is considered to be the country to which he migrated. There is another type of migration: seasonal labor migration during one of the seasons, The harvest of agricultural yields, called migration (labor migration differs from its conception of the concept of migration to which we referred earlier.

Spatial data (migration)
Which records the data relating to the population who moved from their areas of residence to other areas with the change of permanent residence Internal migration records include the movement of the population from one territory to another or one province to another within the same country is changing the place of residence in the civil status departments that provide researchers With internal migration records,
Foreign emigration, which takes place between countries and abroad, can be collected and obtained from the directorates of residence in the passport and citizenship departments.
In spite of the importance of internal and external migration in relation to the social, economic and demographic problems in the areas that attract and harass the population, their data are incomplete, limited, less accurate and comprehensive than the previous data (population censuses and vital statistics), due to the different definition of migration and its duration from one country to another, Which is interrupted by migrants and is difficult to obtain data migration if they were internal among the different regions of the state. The accuracy of the migration data, especially the internal ones, depends on the development of the cultural level of the countries, the cultural level of their population, and the efficiency of the staff of the civil affairs departments. Therefore, these data in developing countries are inaccurate and do not reflect their true reality. During the comparison between two consecutive censuses and the resulting difference
The size of the population represents the natural and spatial increase after extracting the share of the


Reasons for illegal immigration
There are many reasons that lead people to resort to such migrations, such as: the existence of armed conflicts that make people flee from death and destruction, they go to other countries safe and this after they suffered loss of security and reassurance for them and their children hope for a better future Other countries changed their country, which they loved like the Syrians and the Iraqis. Exposure to ethnic and ethnic persecutions, which are so prevalent in Africa and Burma, that people have to flee all forms of violence that can amount to murder and servitude. Economic reasons such as unemployment and the inability to provide decent living. In this case they are not exposed to death or violence, but suffer from a lack of life and inability to provide their natural needs, but they must think carefully before the behavior of this dangerous road, which can affect their lives and their future In negative form. Everyone should be aware that illegal immigrants do not have to be dangerous people, as some believe, most are fleeing from death, or looking for a decent living, so they must be supported and dealt with humanely by providing legal and healthy ways so as not to endanger their lives


What are the consequences of migration?
There are some consequences of migration of groups from their home country to other countries, including:

First: the political consequences of migration
Is a set of outcomes that strongly influence countries that receive immigrants directly, helping to change the general political reality, and imposing the inclusion of any immigrant into society by granting them many privileges of any ordinary citizen, The political thought of States, and make them accept the entry of immigrants and integrate them as ordinary people.

Second: the economic consequences of migration
This is one of the most important and most influential results for the countries that host the migrants. The economy is affected by the increase in the number of immigrants. The results are reflected in the increase in the demand for the main materials in the country, which increases the need for the state to provide more economic support than before. , By relying on foreign aid from other countries, which helps to support the economy of the countries hosting the immigrants in order to bear some of the expenses that contribute to their reception, especially if those people with low income in these countries will have a significant negative impact on the economy Because Immigration

Ways to solve the problem of secret immigration
There is no doubt that the state from which migrated from its members lose a lot of its important human resources, so it must develop plans and methods that try to reduce this phenomenon and maintain these resources, especially those who carry innovations, and these proposed ways: For young people to prevent them from migrating in search of them. Providing a healthy social environment free from problems and inappropriate habits. Ensure justice in society and eliminate cronyism and moderation to equal opportunities for individuals. Finding healthy ways to spend their free time, such as sports clubs and associations. To raise the standard of living of individuals and improve them to encourage them to stay within the state.

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